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Old 03-06-2004, 08:39 AM   #8 (permalink)
Location: Handrail, Montana
If I might add one more thing- I neglected before to comment on(it seems I never run out of things to say)-
What I have come to discover in the Christian viewpoint is that G*d created Sex. The Bible is absolutely LOADED with it. The book called the Song of Solomon actually made this ex-heathen BLUSH! G*d is a very sexy gentleman and that is the best word I can think of to describe Him- a Gentleman- He is not pushy or rude or bossy- He is polite and careful and He is kind and gentle and He is so very, very caring. He IS love and the intimacy that He projects and expects is wonderful. This is not to say that Everything with G*d is Sex, because it is not. But everything with G*D is intimate. That is the basis of our relationships with Him. Intimacy and Trust and Love and Care.
What I am getting at here in an exceptionally verbose way, is that He values us, and wants nothing to diminish our value. Nothing at all, and intimacy is not casual. By definition it cannot be. Therefore, He moves us, as we are able to BE moved, at our own pace, away from those things that we have indulged in, in our past that have caused us to treat ourselves with leass than intimate love and care, and He brings us into intimate knowledge of Him and His Love.
Don't worry, and I suggest that you remember that the central tenet of the Christian Faith is that Jesus has already forgiven us our sins, so it is a finished work, and all we need to do is present ourselves to Him and He will make things right FOR us.
Remember that G8D Loves you. Let Him cover the details.
Like they told me i recovery-
A. Bring your body, your brain will follow.
B. Just look for the next right thing to do.

I hope this helps.

I hope this helps.
"That's it! They've got the cuffs on him, he's IN the car!"
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