Not sure if this is the right forum, but nothing else seemed to fit. No need to get into details yet - but my girlfriend of nearly 3 years and I had a fight this weekend. Well, not really a fight - she found some old e-mails from another women whom I'd had a 'fling' with not too long ago. We'd already been through that once and I thought we'd (she'd) gotten past that...I guess not. Maybe the 'details' in the e-mail are what got to her, I'm not sure.
Anyway, she decided that she was leaving (oh yea, we've lived together for almost 2 1/2 years). Of course I asked her not to go, that we could work through this, etc. Then she asked me with tears in her eyes "Please, just let me go."
Soooooo....I'm sitting here typing this now, she's spent most of the day packing her stuff. We've kind of talked and played around with eachother, almost ignoring what was going on. She just walked out the door.
I expected to be all broken up about it, but I'm really not. You think this is because she "asked" me to let her go or because I just know its probably the right thing? I'm sure most of you will probably want more information, that's fine - I'll give it when asked. I'm just interested right now in everyone's first impression.
Good thing the TFP is here, or I'd have no one to talk to right now!