Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003
So I was at the video store last night and saw they were selling a DVD of the first three episodes of TMNT2K3 (as I guess it's called). I was a huge fan of the old series (as I was at the perfect age then) and thought I'd pick this up and check it out.
The Turtles have grown up. On seeing them.. they had some similar features to the old Turtles cartoon, but there was definitely more of a... I don't want to say mature.. but less kiddish type of feel to it. Lots more darkness/shadow use and stuff.
Overall I enjoyed it.. and I watched all three episodes on the DVD back to back.. as it did suck me in (continuing storyline.. woah! What better way to get someone to keep buying DVDs hehe). They didn't try and copy the exact formula the old Turltes had (Baxter Stockman, April are different.. Shredder seems different).. and it seems to work for them. The new ones are more edgy and enjoyable (for me now, I guess hehe)
Anyways, point of this thread is: Have you watched the new Turtles? What did you think? How'd it compare to the old ones (in your opinion?) Which do you like more?