Ok, i'm building my computer, getting parts, etc. this is what i've come up with.
1. Abit IC7 mobo, $113
2. PIV 2.8C ghz processor: $180 with heatsink/fan
3. 120Gb western digital 8MB cache, $70 after rebate
4. POWMAX Mid Tower ATX Case with 400W $25
5. Combo DVD/CDRW drive: $60 or less, depends if i find it cheaper online
6. 512 mb 3200 ram...this is where i'm having difficulties. I don't want to go massively expensive and i don't want to have any real hangup problems with it and i don't look to overclock much, if any. at least not right now. I am thinking
http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProduc...log=147&depa=1 for right now, 2 chips or
$50 per chip is about the limits of price for the 256 chips. Any suggestions?
7. Video: i'm looking hardcore at the sapphire 9800pro for $210 shipped from newegg, but i'm also thinking 9600 and 9200, depends on price and availability. any suggestions for that? This isn't a gaming Intensive machine, but a few games would be nice.
8. Monitor, mouse, keyboard, speakers, graphics tablet, software, i already have.
anythign else i missed and can you help with the trouble areas