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Old 03-04-2004, 08:47 PM   #2 (permalink)
Location: St. Louis, MO
I struggled and continue to struggle with pretty much the same thing you do regarding Christian faith. I'm a healthy young man and I'm horny as all hell.

The issue of sexuality pretty much drove me away from religion in my sophomore and junior years of high school. I had a girl or two completely in the bag and wanted to reap the same reward that most of my contemporaries were getting: sex. Aside from that, if I wasn't technically addicted to pornography, then I simply enjoyed it quite a bit. I knew that I'd have a difficult time accepting the Christian position regarding it.

I had comparitively little trouble accepting other Christian teachings, and if I couldn't always live up to them, I could at least acknowledge that I should try to. It is extremely easy to brand Christian sexual morals as repressive and outdated and, by extension, the entire concept of Christianity. As much as Christianity has done for me since I've again accepted it, it hasn't been convenient. No one claimed it would be.

But this is the body and mind that God created us with. Our raging hormones are a divine design. Worse yet, we've been in an unrepentant state of sexual sin for year after year. He knows that it is relatively easy to tempt us in this aspect of our lives, and forgives us every time that we fall. All we need to do is get up and try again.

Lust is merely an animal sin, not a diabolical one. It is no intelligent malice that continues to drive me into pornographic websites, but merely a distorted instinct. It's the MUCH lesser of the two evils to continue to fail in my sexual virtue than to reject Jesus because I don't believe he'll forgive me when I round second base. If anything positive, my constant sexual failing keeps my humble by reminding me that I am dependant on the mercy of God.

God drew me back after I fell away. He was waiting with arms wide open the entire time that I was bumbling around trying to pretend that all was relative and nothing mattered. He waits in the same manner for you.

I believe you're doing the right thing regarding denominations. Consider the raw teaching of Jesus Christ before you worry about such things, because compared to Christianity vs. non-Christianity, they are effectively irrelevant.

I wish you the best of luck in finding your faith. You're in my prayers.
The facehugger is short-lived outside the egg which normally protects it. Armed with a long grasping tail, a spray of highly-concentrated acid and the single-minded desire to impregnate a single selected prey using its extending probe, it will fearlessly pursue and attack a single selected target until it has succeeded in attachment or it or its target is dead
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