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Old 03-04-2004, 04:45 PM   #28 (permalink)
I'm not a blonde! I'm knot! I'm knot! I'm knot!
raeanna74's Avatar
Location: Upper Michigan
I was on of the OUT few in school myself. I can recall a number of punches and scratches I recieved. I remember by 2nd grade fighting back and actually causing injury. I ended up in the principal's office more times than I can count and eventually in the school counselor's office. It wasn't because I sought out fights but when I got picked on I stood up for myself. I was the one being detained after school and sent to the school counselor to find out why I was such a "troubled" child. I still feel bitter about it.

Today - I see my neighbor boy come home from school this year after ONLY the second day of school with a big black eye. The neighbor girl who I watch after school 3 days a week has come to me several times with mud on her clothes or even a shoe print on her jacket from the kids on the bus. An older friend of hers has vouched for her truthfullness of the story. She had a goober in her hair one day too. Does the school know? Yeah. Have they talked to the kids - who knows. It doesn't seem to end. This girl is only in 2nd grade where will this go in 6 years? My daughter is not going to our school district. She will be homeschooled. I will be sure to involve her in many extracurricular activities to get proper socialization but those will be activities where I can be present and deal with the bullying myself. Not to sound like I will be overly protective. I will teach my daughter to fight back. Today we do need to turn to authority for justice but we also need to know how and when to protect ourselves too. I won't jump into every situation to protect her from bullying. There is a boy in our neighborhood who tends to be a brat. I've taught my daughter how to deal with it with or without my help. She has gone to his mom and also learned to ignore it when possible. Most bully's find encouragement in our reactions. When you can remain stoic their efforts loose strength. Take the power back from bullies and use it to our advantage.

When I taught school there was one boy who harrassed the girl. Grabbed one girls skirt and lifted it up and reached for another girls breasts. He was severely reprimanded and his parents called. I spoke to his Dad and his Dad argued that his son would never do that, he was just too sweet and mild. There was nothing more I could do. From then on I never let him out of my sight or alone with girls unless he was with another teacher that I teamed up with to watch him. She was aware of the situation and watched him closely. I was forced to leave other students at times to make sure I knew what he was doing and where he was. I didn't even let him in the bathroom with the boys because he yanked out his winkie in the bathroom and waved it at the other boys. The sad part is this was a parochial school and the school administration just kept record of the incident and did nothing more. It was left to me to call the parents they did nothing.

I find this disgusting that those kids could have thought that it was even remotely ok to do what they did. I also find it terrible that the students aren't more closely supervised. I'm glad that girl came out.

I'm sorry for the trial that your daughter went through also Bill. There is no excuse for that.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.
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