Originally posted by Lebell
I've thought about the California budget crisis and my own suggestion to Arnold is this:
Eliminate CalOSHA and CalEPA.
They are massive duplications of Federal programs which I don't think are providing Californians with any additional benefit.
Thanks for the interest, but I'd rather keep paying for both. Besides, is CalEPA really a duplication anymore
If we are to eliminate anything, it should be massive corporate tax loopholes. Angelides had a proposal to bring taxes back to their previous levels--under Wilson and Reagan.
That sage advice was ignored by both Arnold, the media, and consequently the people. So no, Arnold isn't going to be the next Reagan--beyond the fact that his comments don't amount to shit in terms of what Congress has to do in order for him to even run.
He hasn't done anything magnificent right now, whereas Reagan actually guided this state in some very beneficial endeavors. Case in point: Reagan developed the higher education system we currently have, Arnold is undermining it. He's using his celebrity status to ramrod bad policy into law.
There is a reason we had a constitutional amemdment against this type of borrowing for close to 200 years--that's a big chunk of history to wipe under the table to do the exact policy implementations he accused Davis of doing, and which he laid the blame of our economic woes on. Of course, it shouldn't have been any surprise to see Davis appearing next to Arnold endorsing this action--it's the same damn plan Davis was going to do before angry voters kicked his ass out for manipulating the budget numbers without any real fix.
Well, we still don't have a real fix. We don't even have a fake fix--this bond doesn't address the budget imbalance. It rolls all the past debt into one big package and refinances it for the next few decades--thanks!
I'm sure my grandchildren are really going to appreciate paying back a however many billions of dollars that we have been spending to lock up drug offenders and people stealing video tapes, etc. Especially since by the time this loan is finally paid, the criminal justice programs we are currently using will look pretty stupid to that future generation--they're already looking too costly to us now.