Originally posted by j8ear
I will also teach my child to fight back, to be strong and effective, and to protect those who are weaker and worthy of protection. Personal responsibility is the corner stone of the upbringing I intend to apply to my growing but unborn daughter. Life is a quest for knowledge and successes, with necesary failures along the way. Ultimately the capability to pass this accumulated wisdom on, to better our place.
Very good. And with 0 sarcasm intended, I wish you all the luck in the world with that.
Originally posted by j8ear
I was also struck in this thread by a minimization of the those pyschopath's parents in Columbine. Those people are at least 80 percent culpible in this massacre for NOT KNOWING that their boys had hundreds of pounds of weaponry, ammunitions, explosives, and other hasty incindiary devices, IN THE FUCKING HOUSE.
I will agree with you...to a point. As a parent, of a teenager, I can tell you from experience that, while I do maintain a very active involvement in her life, I do not know
everything. Add to that the mixed signals that parents get today. "Give the child his/her space.", "Don't go snooping through their things.", Respect his/her privacy." VS "How could the parents not know?" "Where were the parents." etc. Yeah, I know that there's a fine line, but when you're a parent, that line gets damn fuzzy. Doubt me? Wait.
Originally posted by j8ear
The public school education system is a complete failure, sacrificing quality knowledge driven curriculum's for political and social experimentation. Mired in bureaucratic fiscal unaccountability, and changing the tests to meet the standards, instead of teaching the material to have standards met. .
I agree with you 100%, on this one. No argument offered...none given. Well said.
Originally posted by j8ear
Finally, I can't believe for a second that your daughter was sexually assaulted, and the police weren't summoned to take someone away in handcuffs. Am I missing something?
Believe it!
My daughter was verbally abused and harrased, for the better part of the semester in one particular class. One day, one of the more prominent of her "abusers", cornered her and started feeling up her breasts. She broke a desk getting away from him, and reported the incident to her school counselor. The entire incident was just trivialized as; "Well, boys will be boys. After all Mr. O'Rights, we were boys once too, now weren't we." Substitute the last name for my real one, and that's a direct quote. I still remember it. My daughter was suspended for 3 days, for breaking the desk, and was forced to change to a different class, which she subsequently failed, because they were working on different material. I had to pay for the desk.
I am of the belief that the school was afraid to do anything to my daughters "attacker" (I hate to use those terms, but that's what he was.) because he is a known member of the Crips gang. They are afraid of retribution. Now, how do you fight that. How do I teach my daughter to report
any abuse, much less sexual abuse, when the school system just taught her that
she will be the one made to pay?
Here's another example, from another poster. I do not question him one damn bit. I've seen, with my own eyes,
exactly what he's talking about.
Originally posted by tfin
When I was in HS I was assulted bad. I did not even see it comming. He came up behind me, started choking me. When I finally hit the ground he started to just bang my headin to the floor for the fun of it. Then the principal told me I was going to get expelled due to the 0 tollerance policy, but the guy who whooped up on me would not.
Don't tell me this stuff doesn't happen, because it