So many thoughts in my mind right now. First off just as a little front, I think that Girls in society now are getting even worse than guys. I mean did you see/remember that High School "hazing" incident with those girls. I think its more that guys will fight and it will be over where as girls have this whole other psychological war (maybe?? I'm not one so I can't speak for them).
Any case I think that parents are partially to blame but honestly if you were the parent of a smarter but quiet kid you would probably respect there space. I know for a fact that I could have amassed a small arms supply without my parents knowing while I was in highschool. I didn't, but honestly it wouldn't have been hard to do so. The "MOB FACTOR" is everything though. If a fight breaks out you just watch. You cheer them on. There is no thought into what is really going on. I mean take a look at any riots...more importanly after a sporting event. One or two or even 15 of them wouldn't do much. 500 people will get out of control and crazy.
I will agree though that it comes down to parents to start early and teach morals. If any school shooters had been taught a bit more about what is right and wrong, a school shooting wouldn't happen.