Arnold in Wonderland
Well, I have to admit it -- Ahnuld is holding his own as governor of California. Between Democrats and the ultra-right wing of his own party (which controls the Republican party apparatus in California), I thought he'd be a goner in trying to deal with such big problems as the California budget deficit and so on.
But the bond financing proposition he proposed to cover part of the state deficit actually passed -- went from 30 percent approval to over 50 percent in the last month or so, solely because of Arnold's nonstop campaigning and his ability to connect. And it passed, along with a balanced budget amendment.
He could still crash. Lot of other serious issues coming up, including workers's comp reform. But I've got to hand it to him. None of the traditional pols out here came anywhere close to doing what he's done to fix the budget deficit; they were all too beholden the special interests.
I don't agree with everything he's doing, but I think that his ideas are at least valid and have some fairness. I just hope he doesn't also get tied up in special interests; he's taking more and more of their money.
But for now, good job.