Originally posted by Lebell
I am completely the opposite: It is our society's view of "be a victim", "DON'T fight back", "Be passive" that is responsible for at least some of this today.
We teach our kids and each other that it is the police, the teachers, somebody, anybody, else who is responsible for keeping us safe when IT IS OURSELVES!
That's great that you can say that, it is. Unfortunately, I don't have that option, as I can hardly use the left side of my body. If somebody wants to pick on me, unless they're a complete runt, I'm basically defenseless.
You should also tell that to the child in the wheelchair, I'm sure he'll appreciate being told he should fight back, stick up for himself, without using a gun or anything.
For some of us, going through a medium, getting help is the ONLY option we have. My brother fought with people who made fun of me growing up. And while i wish he didn't HAVE to fight them, i was grateful for the help. You cannot say we are ALL responsible to fight back, stick up for ourselves, because some of us CAN'T.