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Old 03-03-2004, 04:11 PM   #15 (permalink)
Gentlemen Farmer
j8ear's Avatar
Location: Middle of nowhere, Jersey
Originally posted by Lebell

I am completely the opposite: It is our society's view of "be a victim", "DON'T fight back", "Be passive" that is responsible for at least some of this today.

We teach our kids and each other that it is the police, the teachers, somebody, anybody, else who is responsible for keeping us safe when IT IS OURSELVES!

Yes, going through channels is great, but if the school administration isn't going to do anything to stop a bully then yes, I will teach my child to fight back.
Nod sir. Well put.

I will also teach my child to fight back, to be strong and effective, and to protect those who are weaker and worthy of protection. Personal responsibility is the corner stone of the upbringing I intend to apply to my growing but unborn daughter. Life is a quest for knowledge and successes, with necesary failures along the way. Ultimately the capability to pass this accumulated wisdom on, to better our place. Be bullied, be a bully, then learn the awesome responsibility that strength, mental and physical, coupled with experience brings to any situation, and use it wisely. Directing and steering. Creating win-win situations, and minimizing loosers. Bear in mind that there will always be a looser. The world is full of winners and loosers. Maybe the loosers need to be informed....have looser status reinforced and assisted with improving.

I was also struck in this thread by a minimization of the those pyschopath's parents in Columbine. Those people are at least 80 percent culpible in this massacre for NOT KNOWING that their boys had hundreds of pounds of weaponry, ammunitions, explosives, and other hasty incindiary devices, IN THE FUCKING HOUSE.

The public school education system is a complete failure, sacrificing quality knowledge driven curriculum's for political and social experimentation. Mired in bureaucratic fiscal unaccountability, and changing the tests to meet the standards, instead of teaching the material to have standards met. I have no idea where to start, but suspect it involves vouchers. Your tax dollars spent on something other then worthless government corruption and solving problems exclusively with money. They have become catch-all assylums for the children of this country, herded like lambs to the slaughter, taught whining and complaining, victimization, and scandal.

**Does anyone else find it odd that only one of the three R's ACTUALLY begins with a fucking R!**

Finally, I can't believe for a second that your daughter was sexually assaulted, and the police weren't summoned to take someone away in handcuffs. Am I missing something?

Wow, much longer then I thought. Not sure if it all ties in, but I'll post and reread...clean up later.



**Not original. Heard or read this somewhere, but can't actually place it**
It's alot easier to ask for forgiveness then it is to ask for permission.
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