I cannot for the life of me see why any person should be responsibe for any other person after they are divorced. Child support is one thing, that is a shared responsibility and should be treated as such financially. But alimony is just another word for "here, bend over and let me get you really good" IMHO
This is the kind of shit that makes those of us who have some dignity and self respect wear the bad rap. What is it that makes anybody think someone "owes" them for time spent together? You don't get paid to be in a relationship, why should you get paid when the relationship ends???? And gifts 5K??? WTF??? Why would he be responsible to buy gifts for others from her???
This just infuriates the hell out of me! I work damned hard for what I have, I earn my way, and I am proud of that. The only person who is responsible for my well being and lifestyle is ME. (wow! what a concept!) I didn't stand in front of a judge and in a prissy whiney voice say "but sir, I just HAVE to have my spa treatment once a month" PULEEESE! Get off your lazy uptown ass and get a job!
Rant complete....
In the depth of winter, I finally learned that there was within me an invincible summer.
~Albert Camus