I'm awestruck at how I got sucked into the damned show, actually...
But yeah, freakin' Fabio??? God, was I annoyed by that. Who cares about Fabio, really. Of all the things to leave someone for... really.
Does anyone remember, years back, He was riding a roller coaster, for some promotional thing, probably in the front car with one or two nice looking ladies with him... and during the ride, he got hit in the nose by a <i>goose</i>? Anyone remember that? So funny... digressing a touch, but seriously, that's funny.
<b>edit:</b> Yep, he was opening a new roller coaster at Busch Gardens in Virginia. Sorry for getting so off topic.
<img src="http://www.fabioifc.com/fabio/FAB_GIFS3/fabio1.jpg" width="238" height="172">
The goose did not survive, sadly.
Last edited by crackpot; 03-03-2004 at 01:20 PM..