Originally posted by Psivage
There will always be bullies, no matter what people do, it is human nature to pick on the weak. There nothing to stop it, sure we all in a up rage after a school shooting vowing that it will never happen again, and yet it does.
Bullying is one thing and I agree with you, there will always be bullies. But this is more along the lines of gang type violence and apparently it comes with it's own audience.
I was the target of this type of thing once in 9th grade. It sucked, but other kids saw what happened and put a stop to it. The bigger problem is that other kids are afraid to stand up to these bullies. Unfortunately, that's all they have to do. Show that they are not going to be easy targets and the bullying will stop.
Part of the problem with these bullies lays squarely on the shoulders of the parents of the bullies and part of the responsibility lays on the shoulders of the school.
The parents shouldn't be raising kids that are assholes, plain and simple.
The school system should be able to provide a safe environment for all kids while they are on school property. If this means forgoing some liberties and privacy then fine. If that's what it takes to ensure the safety of my child, then great. Would it suck that it comes to that? Absolutely. I'll tell you what though, I would do just about anything to ensure the safety of my child. And anyone that tells you they wouldn't do the same is a liar.
Done ranting.