The scriptures tell us that that Yeshua grew in knowledge and wisdom during His life. He was living in Nazareth, working with His step Father and brothers as a Carpenter, studdying the scriptures and praying and learning and observing the Law. He was preparing to begin His Ministry.
The Gospels, especially that of Luke have been poured over for two thousand years and have withstood the test of time. Simon Greenleaf, the noted Legal scholar remarked that as eyewitness testimony, they would stand up in any court of law!
You must remeber to whjo the Gospels were bewing addressed, when you consider their content and style- Matthew was addressing the Jews- Hence the long list of familial lineage to verify Meschiach' mother's genetic tie to the House of Judah and Yesjua's descence from David. Mark was written to demonstrate the desendensce from both Miriam, Yeshua's mother and Yoshua', His step father. John was written to demonstrate Yeshua's divinity and how He was, without question, the Meshiach that came into the world to restore all things. Luke was written as an historical accoutn and as such, contains man, various textual and seemingly unimportant date and personal details that have been discovered, proven and verified that it has placed Luke, a physician and friend of Pual's in a category of historian execellente'.
Yeshua stated that He was the Word and the Way. He stated that He was the Bread of Life and that no man could come to the Father except through Him. Yeshua stated that if you had seen Him, you had seen the Father, because He and the Father were the same.When brought befoire to Sanhedrin and accused of crimes, Yeshua stated that Abraham had rejoiced to see this day, and when Caiphas, the High Priest of Israel asked Yeshua how He could know Abraham, Yeshua replied : "I tell you the truth- before Abraham was, I AM."
Yeshua healed and restored to life using faith. It was not magic or eastern mysicism or kinetics. He stated that "if anyone has the faith of a mustard seed and should command a mountain to be cast into the sea, it would be done." Yeshua came as an example of how to live and serve G*D.
Jesus was THE son of G*D because it was promised that way. In Genesis, at the fall, G*D promised the enemy that through the seed of the woman He would set things right and "He will crush your head and you will bruise His heel" On top of Mount Sinai, when Moses is about to receive the tablets from G*D, the Lord tells Moses that the Israelites are partying at the base of the mountain and that He is going to destroy them all and start all over again, making a great nation out of Moses-(He is giving Moses the opportunity to intercede for the Israelites) When Moses convinces G*D not to, but to spare the Israelites, G*D replies to him, that's fine, but "Woe to them at the time of MY visitation" This means that G*D Himself meant to come to the Israelites in the flesh as One of them. On Palm Sunday, when Yeshua presented Himself before the Piests at the Triumphal Entry, and they denied Him, His response to them was "Woe to you, for you have missed the time of your Visitation."
Yeashua was THE son because only ONE single man could fulfill all the Laws of God and make right all the requirements of G*D. That man would HAVE to be G*D in the flesh. Only a Perfect man would be able to and be willing and be right for a perfect sacrifice for all the sins of all persons for all time and atone for all things and m,ake all things new again. That was who Yeshua, Meshiach was. The Lamb of GOD who took away the sins of the world.
I hope this helps.
"That's it! They've got the cuffs on him, he's IN the car!"