View Poll Results: What do you grab when something goes bump in the night?
Currently, just a flashlight, or nothing
777, blade02, dksuddeth, dr_clocker, fish_oinc, funydjane, Gabbyness, hunnychile, ironpham, Jinn, Kpax, Not Right Now, Shaindra, snowy, Willravel, Zooksport2
16 |
22.86% |
Currently, A melee weapon (baseball bat/sword/hockey stick)
777, Barstool, DaveOrion, Dyze, Grasshopper Green, Hain, highthief, HowardRoark, jewels, lbennett, politicophile, Stick, Tophat665, YaWhateva
14 |
20.00% |
Currently, a pistol
123dsa, Aerobit, Anexkahn, Coastey, cyberhh, dksuddeth, Elitegibson, Fire, fire8033, G5_Todd, Hellcattx, ItWasMe, jpw16, KirStang, longbough, moot1337, newtx, Plan9, Scorpion23, syquestrd270, telekinetic, tlsmith821
22 |
31.43% |
Currently, a shot gun
8 |
11.43% |
Currently, other, details in thread
777, Baraka_Guru, Fotzlid, genuinegirly, jewels, Kaimi, Nimetic, noodle, ottopilot, Slims, SSJTWIZTA, Tully Mars, urbandev
13 |
18.57% |
I'd eventually like to get a pistol for this
5 |
7.14% |
I'd eventually like to get a shotgun for this
9 |
12.86% |
I'd eventually like to get other, details in thread
0 |
0% |
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