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Old 02-21-2005, 03:36 AM   #41 (permalink)
Location: BFE
Originally Posted by Kostya
There's a scene in a very famous film called Aguirre: Wrath of God, a tiny group of Spanish conquistadores are making their way down the Amazon in search of the lost golden city of El Dorado. On their way, an Indian canoe comes out to meet them, and through their interpreter the expeditions monk informs the Indian that the Bible, which he hands to him contains the words of God.
The Indian takes the book, puts it to his ear, then throws it into the water.
'I cannot hear it talk.' he says.
The Spaniards stab him through the heart for his blasphemy.

Herzog's brilliance in creating this scene is that he humanely and intelligently documents a fundamental division of understanding. Words, as far as the Indian can understand, are verbal speech, he has no concept of ideological representation, let alone phonetic alphabets. The monk handed the Indian a Bible, an object which is so central, so unassailably important and foundational to everything the Spanish thought and did, but the Indian did not take a Bible from him, the Indian took a strange, nonspeaking box. The object was so insignificant to him he tossed it away, something unthinkable to a Spaniard. Ammunition is not sir, the sum of its material parts. It is not simply a combination of elements, nor of tangible components, its creation, use, function, contrivance and continuance are dependent upon a number of other factors. Knowledge, demand, expediency, desire, Cartesian notions of progress, a basic understanding of the relationships between components and their function. All these things, completely non-tangible need to also be present. A caveman holding a bullet and a gun, will not use that gun to shoot anything. There is no way the caveman can understand the physical relationships between the bullet the gun, the gun and the target, mechanised contrivance, and non of these things can be discerned from deductive observations. To make ammo, a society doesn't simply need the components to make it, it needs all these other factors also, it needs to have the labour resources, material and economic demand for it, it needs to have a function which is justifiable and possible given any set of factors at any given time. These factors, as I have already pointed out to you are infinite, so categorically, I can state that you are incorrect in that assertion.

You supply the following premise
If all the ammo in the world was expended
and the following conclusion
then some people would make ammo.

If no other factors changed, then it would seem you are correct.
However one can devise conceivable scenarios in which your premise does not follow from your conclusion:
All the ammo in the world is expended, due to the creation of a device which forcibly detonates all explosives. The device leaves no gunpowder on the face of the earth, and is left running, such that any new explosive material synthesised, spontaneously detonates instantly. Therefore, given that explosives can no longer be created, projecting objects through constricted space with the use of rapid expansion through chemical reactions ceases to persist. Objects contrived for this purpose are dismantled, recycled or ignored, their functional use is entirely eliminated, and humanity is forced to return to projecting objects with the use of kinetic motion, compressed gas etc. Given this, after a hundred years, nobody would know or care about making ammo.

While your objections are ostensibly true if they are qualified with ceteris paribus this is emphatically not the nature of the discussion.

I have supplied you with no information about what the zombies are like, if indeed they are zombies that I am thinking of. Nevertheless, many of your objections are founded upon aspects of what you understand a zombie to be.

Zombies can't swim. Zombies get eaten by fish. Zombies are stupid and slow. All of these are definitely consistent with Dawn of the Dead. I am not going to use Dawn of the Dead as my basis I had already rejected it on a number of other levels, leaving aside all the legitimate objections you have suggested. You are quite correct in making many of the points you do, if and only if I am bound by the surrounding, attendent presuppositions they are founded upon.

You say to me: Why would mobility be reduced.
I say: Some reason which I made up.
Then all your objections, which were founded upon what you believe to be the fallability of my assertion that mobility is restricted, are void.

So my premise of: If people couldn't move about the surface of the earth freely, then they couldn't access any of the ammo which is scattered about on or near the earth's surface. Nor could they get to the sulphur contained in chemical supply depots. Will be true if I can come up with some reason why that might happen. Given that I can make up just about anything, including magical events, Divine intervention etc, I can do this.

You must understand, the kind of changes that would occur if a cataclysmic event occurred would be unimaginable. If you flipped only the tiniest details in history, the world would be unrecognisable, each event manifests over time exponential outcomes.
If a Serbian student names Gavrilo Princip had misfired, had his ammo been faulty (I don't know what causes that), and Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand had driven by unscathed? Some guy out there made that ammo, and some tiny insignificant things caused him to make it incorrectly, what caused these and these and so on. Think about how different the outcomes will be from any predictions based on the gigantic manifestations of tiny incalculable factors working in unison without measurement or testability, I contest that in fact no human being can imagine the future.

I am not reexamining my underlying premise, there is no premise underlying anything. I am developing a premise, all your objections help me eliminate premises which wouldn't work. The 'Dawn of the Dead' scenario, is obviously not going to result in the destruction of ammo, my scenario will be radically different.

I have no position to attack, you are creating one for me that you cannot attack.

Currently I am leaning towards alternate present in which some kind of Dawn of the Dead like event occurs some time in the previous century.
Why did you pose the question if you don't like or want the answers you get?

Your last post is nothing but obfuscation. If you magically annihilate the entire planet, nobody on the planet will use guns, or need ammunition. But that's not the scenario you originally presented.

I don't think you're a "freakin idiot". I just think you need to re-examine your underlying premise if you expect people to take your story seriously, even the people who believe in zombies.
I retract the above statement in it's entirety. You're wasting our time.
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Old 02-21-2005, 04:22 AM   #42 (permalink)
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I don't have any feelings regarding the answers people give, I am only trying, as I have told you repeatedly to determine what exactly underpins guns and ammo in the US. I have presented you with a great many scenarios, each with modifications which present different challenges with regard to ammunition creation, as I said I am testing hypotheses. If you come up with genuinely legitimate objections which render a hypothesis I put forward to be logically incoherent, then I reject it and try to think of another. My original scenario was knocked over in about two seconds, which is to say, the Dawn of the Dead scenario in its strictest definition was knocked over, I already knew it was not coherent, but it was a widely known example everyone could relate to, from which I hoped to move into more sophisticated and coherent theories. Sorry if you got frustrated by my methodologies, but there's no need for insults. If you find this vexing or think it is a waste of time, do not reply. The input I have gathered from here has helped immensely, so thanks to all.
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Old 02-21-2005, 07:56 AM   #43 (permalink)
Location: Republic of Panama
let me get this straight:

1) you asked how long would all the worlds ammo last if zombies brought about the end of civilization
2) we told you "well, a long time, and then after that we could probably make some"
3) you didnt seem to like that answer, so you invent a perpetual machine that forcibly detonates all explosives on the planet, and start talking about amazon tribes and 19th century zombies.

so, quick question - how do you type in that straight-jacket? do you have a pencil stuck to your fore head?

"People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make them."

George Bernard Shaw
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Old 02-21-2005, 06:27 PM   #44 (permalink)
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It's pretty difficult but I've been fine since I comandeered Stephen Hawking's wheelshair...
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Old 02-22-2005, 12:33 AM   #45 (permalink)
Location: BFE
Originally Posted by Kostya
If you find this vexing or think it is a waste of time, do not reply. The input I have gathered from here has helped immensely, so thanks to all.
You do realize that your latest "chemical reactions no longer work" machine would kill all life on earth, since all life on earth relies on those same type of chemical reactions, right?

I'm reminded of Scotty's old Star Trek line: "I canna change the laws of physics, Keptin!"
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Old 02-22-2005, 03:49 AM   #46 (permalink)
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Yeah but,

The device (which for jokes is lets say created by jokester intergallactic aliens) simply creates space age nanomechanisms which have subatomic AI computers that proliferate and then target only the small number of chemical formulae which are used in gunpowder, totally leaving other chemical reactions alone, so it only actually effects gunpowder reactions by constantly igniting it at an atomic level.

Haven't you guys watched Dr. Who in your time?
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Old 02-22-2005, 05:01 AM   #47 (permalink)
Location: Republic of Panama
this is closed. or probably should be.

"People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make them."

George Bernard Shaw
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Old 02-22-2005, 05:16 AM   #48 (permalink)
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No argument here my friend, we all stopped communicating about a page back.

Or do you just hate Dr. Who?
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Old 02-22-2005, 05:54 AM   #49 (permalink)
Location: BFE
Originally Posted by Kostya
Yeah but,

The device (which for jokes is lets say created by jokester intergallactic aliens) simply creates space age nanomechanisms which have subatomic AI computers that proliferate and then target only the small number of chemical formulae which are used in gunpowder, totally leaving other chemical reactions alone, so it only actually effects gunpowder reactions by constantly igniting it at an atomic level.

Haven't you guys watched Dr. Who in your time?
Gunpowder burns. In order to render all firearms inert, it would have to ban all forms of combustion, lest people simply substitute other forms of combustion for gunpowder. For example, flour could be used if it was ground finely enough. That's why every so often, you'll hear of grain silos exploding...the grain is ground into very fine flour just by friction, and then ignites with any heat source. It's a function of surface space compared to particle size.

BTW, you do know that you can make "ersatz gunpowder" by grinding up OLD movie or camera film (AKA Nitrocellulose), right? Or propane works well, just like aerosol hairspray, WD-40, or Baker's Joy cooking spray, right? All you'd have to do is seal the primer pocket and case neck with something like fingernail polish. Other potential alternates include finely ground magnesium or aluminum powder. In other words, all it takes is something that's highly flammable.

Where there's a will, there's a way.
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Old 02-22-2005, 06:06 AM   #50 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by daswig
Where there's a will, there's a way.
Yeah but,

Those sneaky aliens also live by the same axiom, and their nanotech mutates to retard options like this by slowing down combustion processes which are accelerated with massive surface area too.
Also, they're magic.
They also utilise a mite of time travel to make sure their nanotech actually cohabits all space at all time without actually being there and it only appears when their massive intelligent networks which are outsourced to another dimension, (India just wasn't cutting it) detect any possible arrangement of physical matter which could combust.

Why are you wasting time talking to me if you hold me in such contempt?
If you just don't reply now, you win the popular vote by making me look petty and puerile...

EDIT: I can state that its highly likely that daswig is in fact McGuyver. Seriously dude, aside from all the 'You'd probably willingly use one of your beltfeds on my face' and all, you are one goddamn well informed survivalist, while I'll be curling up into the feotal position come's doomsday, I'm pretty sure only God, and maybe Dick Cheney could defeat you. And even then you'd work out a way to escape from death using a toothpick and orange peel.

Last edited by Kostya; 02-22-2005 at 06:14 AM..
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Old 02-22-2005, 08:38 PM   #51 (permalink)
Location: Near & There
Originally Posted by daswig
BTW, you do know that you can make "ersatz gunpowder" by grinding up OLD movie or camera film (AKA Nitrocellulose), right?

No, I didn't and "Ah Ha!" -head slap- that makes complete sense. Silver nitrate & celluloid. Never thought about it before!

I might even try that in my steel-frame 1858. Be fun to work up the load and chrono that one. 4 frames 35mm, 13 frames 16mm, add 20% frames if color.... No primers, no problem, develop match-lock from black iron pipe!

Thanks daswig, it was worth putting on the waders for that nugget!

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Old 02-22-2005, 08:42 PM   #52 (permalink)
Location: Near & There
Originally Posted by Kostya
Yeah but,

Those sneaky aliens also live by the same axiom, and their nanotech mutates to retard options like this by slowing down combustion processes which are accelerated with massive surface area too.
Also, they're magic.
They also utilise a mite of time travel to make sure their nanotech actually cohabits all space at all time without actually being there and it only appears when their massive intelligent networks which are outsourced to another dimension, (India just wasn't cutting it) detect any possible arrangement of physical matter which could combust.

Why are you wasting time talking to me if you hold me in such contempt?
If you just don't reply now, you win the popular vote by making me look petty and puerile...

EDIT: I can state that its highly likely that daswig is in fact McGuyver. Seriously dude, aside from all the 'You'd probably willingly use one of your beltfeds on my face' and all, you are one goddamn well informed survivalist, while I'll be curling up into the feotal position come's doomsday, I'm pretty sure only God, and maybe Dick Cheney could defeat you. And even then you'd work out a way to escape from death using a toothpick and orange peel.

You're oscillating between deus ex machina and analysis paralysis with a measure of bile thrown in. Why not just take a step back & assimilate for awhile, AKA, chill?

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Old 02-23-2005, 01:40 AM   #53 (permalink)
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What you think I'm serious?
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Old 02-23-2005, 04:51 AM   #54 (permalink)
Location: BFE
Originally Posted by Kostya

Why are you wasting time talking to me if you hold me in such contempt?
If you just don't reply now, you win the popular vote by making me look petty and puerile...

EDIT: I can state that its highly likely that daswig is in fact McGuyver. Seriously dude, aside from all the 'You'd probably willingly use one of your beltfeds on my face' and all, you are one goddamn well informed survivalist, while I'll be curling up into the feotal position come's doomsday, I'm pretty sure only God, and maybe Dick Cheney could defeat you. And even then you'd work out a way to escape from death using a toothpick and orange peel.
I'm not making you look anything. YOU are, through your actions.

As for my being "McGuyver": nah, I'm just a good old-fashioned "powder monkey". To be honest, I'm lucky I have all my fingers and toes still attached. BTW, oils found in orange peels (the actual peel, not the pith) can be quite flammable.

Where there's a will, there's a way.
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Old 02-23-2005, 05:23 AM   #55 (permalink)
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Yeah, we used to do the old squeeze the orange peel into the candle trick, it's kind of cool actually.
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