09-02-2010, 10:11 PM
#1 (permalink)
What your carry gun says about you
What your carry gun says about you
from Gun Nuts Media by Caleb
There are lots of choices out there for carry guns, and because each gun is a personal choice your carry gun is a statement, whether or not you feel it is. It says something about you.
What you think it says: “I am suave, sophisticated pistolero that will only carry the finest in defensive handguns.”
What it actually says: “I really enjoy buying spare parts and endlessly testing magazines to make sure they work with my archaic firearm.”
What you think it says: “I am a serious shooter, dedicated to my sport and self defense and so I carry the most popular firearm in law enforcement.”
What it actually says: “I didn’t want to do any actual research before buying a gun, so I just bought this hunk of plastic.”
Smith & Wesson M&P
What you think it says: “I am a smart shooter! While I value the durability and lightweight of the polymer pistols, you should be able to customize your firearm for your hand size, which is why I carry an M&P.”
What it actually says: “The store was out of Glocks and the guy said this was like a Glock only better.”
What you think it says: “I am an elite shooter. This is the weapon of choice of Navy SEALs, and that means it’s awesome, so I’M AWESOME.”
What it actually says: “Long trigger pulls are okay with me! First shot accuracy isn’t important anyway, it’s all about volume of fire!”
What you think it says: “Carrying this pistol means I’m serious about pistol-craft! I am a civilian WARRIOR.”
What it actually says: “I suck, and my gun hates me.”
What you think it says: “This is a more elegant weapon from a more civilized age; I am a connoisseur of firearms akin to the Jedi Knights and their lightsabers.”
What it actually says: “I have trouble counting past six, and having a lot of ammo in a gunfight isn’t that important to me.”
A Taurus
What you think it says: “While budget conscious, I am able to spot a deal on a quality firearm and take advantage of it.”
What it actually says: “Herp-derp.”
What does your carry gun say about you?