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Villar perosa 12-31-2006 08:04 PM

Um...what do you do with an ak-47?
I got this AK-47 from some bushes (couldnt tell you how in the hell it got there) and,being stupid, I hid the thing in my coat and flew back home. Now I am wondering how the fuck do I get rid of it. I considered throwing it away but a garbage man might see it, and I am far too afraid to take outside, even in my coat, to put it in some other dumpster. So I am stuck with this fucking thing hoping no body else sees this damn thing. What the fuck do I do?

MexicanOnABike 12-31-2006 08:25 PM

wow. where do you live where you can find a gun in the bush?! intense. i would take it to the cops. Call 1st and inform them you found it and wish to get rid of it. they'll give you the proper ways to do this. or dissasemble it and get rid of 1 piece a day. ? seeing as it could be a murder weapon, you wouldnt want to keep it where it could be found with your prints all over.

Etarip 12-31-2006 08:42 PM

What country is this in? You're location says Dubai so the UAE mabey?

Dilbert1234567 12-31-2006 08:43 PM

Call the cops, say you’re an idiot and need to get rid of a gun you found. You may get in some trouble, but not nearly as much as if you try to hid it and get caught.

Jimellow 12-31-2006 08:56 PM

Definitely seems like a poor decision. Now you are connected to the gun, in a sense.

I'd notify the authorities, providing they can be trusted in such matters.

If you don't want to notify the authorities, I suppose you could wipe it clean and put it back where you found it, or throw it in a desolate body of water somewhere.

MexicanOnABike 12-31-2006 09:49 PM

or sell it on Ebay. :)

Villar perosa 01-01-2007 03:13 AM

Maybe it would be a good idea to put back in the bushes...but if a gang gets ahold of it that would much worse so i guess i will kall the authorities.http://www.tttmissionfirst.com/image...ras-ak47-1.jpg
This is a pic of the thing. Thats not the pic of the ak i have this uis a pic i got from internet largley because my cameras are busted and how do you expect me to have a full sized ak in my fucking coat?

Manorfire 01-01-2007 04:52 AM

If you are located in Dubai, then I can't really give you any specific advice. I don't know enough about that country's legal or social standpoints. Points you should consider though -

* How long you've had the gun.
* Whether you have any criminal history.
* Further implications if it's evidence in a crime (are there any possible related news events lately?).
* How professional and fair the police force is, especially forensics.
* Your civil responsibilities, especially to safety and justice.
* Whether getting legal advice would help.

It could be that you've committed a crime already by removing the gun. I expect that disposing of the gun would certainly be a crime and if they found the gun, your story of how you came by it would seem unbelievable. Putting the gun back in the bushes risks being seen and looking guilty. Besides, traces of you are bound to remain (even after cleaning). It's also very irresponsible.

If a friend (in England) found a gun, I'd tell them not to touch it again and immediately ring their local police station for somebody to come over. My friend would probably get arrested, but as all the evidence at that point should fit with their story, they should get it sorted out eventually. The police here would probably be more interested in retrieving the gun, and potentially solving a much more serious crime, though I guess they might face a charge of tampering with evidence.

You need to act swiftly, but keep a cool head or things could get a lot worse. Don't sell it or give it to somebody else, that would be very stupid. You should take responsibility for your actions here on in, but as I don't live in Dubai, I don't now what the consequences will be.

ziadel 01-01-2007 09:49 AM

hide it in case you need it, wrap it and bury it and never speak of it ever again to anybody.

that thing might be mighty handy some day.

and I'd delete this thread.


ok, I've thought about this a bit more, I don't know much about Dubai, but from what little I'm gathering, it's not the worst place to live in the middle east by any means, are you a citizen? I'm not sure what kind of rights Dubai recognizes, but if your afraid of having this gun, the easiest way to get rid of it would be an oxy-acetylene cutting torch, if you could rent one somewhere, shouldnt cost much. Or a Sawz-All with a metal blade (it would take quite a few blades actually) but that would do it, it would just take more time....

but seriously, if I were you, I would follow my first line of advice.

longbough 01-01-2007 10:31 AM

Why would you ask us Americans about what to do?
None of us have sufficient knowledge about the cultural, legal or practical ramifications of finding such an item much less what to do with it.

Willravel 01-01-2007 10:49 AM

Prop it up and fill the barrel with flowers. No one will be the wiser.

Slims 01-01-2007 11:29 AM

You might want to start by unloading it...

If you decide to get rid of it you can take it apart. If you are really worried you can take a hacksaw to the receiver after you have dissassembled the rifle. Should fit nicely into a backpack then.

Edited to say that this sounds like something out of grand theft auto.

The_Dunedan 01-01-2007 12:00 PM

Cache it, destroy it, or turn it in.

If you cache it, never tell anyone. EVER. Even aside from Gov't-related considerations, loose lips sink ships and attract thieves.

If you destroy it, destroy it completely and never tell anyone. EVER. If possible, melt the barrel, bolt assembly, bolt-carrier, and fire-control parts, plus anything else that has a serial number. Failing this, disassemble it down to the pins and springs, smash the wood, and drop the metal parts into -seperate- bodies of the deepest water you can find. In Dubai, getting in a boat and going for a spin might be adviseable, since you don't have lakes or rivers to distribute the pieces in.

If you decide to turn it in, call the police and honestly explain your situation. Do this, however, anonymously and from a payphone or call-centre. Ask what you should do to legally surrender the gun you found, but do not tell them your name. Even better would be to get a lawyer, ask his advice, and proceed from there. That way, if you -do- end up in trouble, you're already "lawyered up" and have some advantage.*

*I am not terribly knowledgeable about your specific situation in Dubai, so take anything I say with a grain of salt. For purposes of law, this should not be construed as legal advice.

Jinn 01-01-2007 12:26 PM

The_Dunedan offers excellent advice, ... that is, if I believed this weren't just a bogus thread.

longbough 01-01-2007 03:41 PM

I'm surprised nobody considered what's going to happen when the SOB who stashed it in the bushes comes looking for his toy?

Is it a blackmarket item from a crook? Or does it belong to some negligent officer who lost it when it flopped out of his flatbed when he hit a bump?

What happens when someone tells him, "Yeah I saw some kid the other day with something under his coat. He lives over there."?

The police and certainly criminals in some countries are probably not as open minded to take your good will into consideration if you were to turn it in. I can't guarantee that turning in the weapon to authorities would be the smart thing to do. The dumb part was when you took it home. I'd bury it if I were you. Don't destroy it in case its rightful owner finds you.

ziadel 01-01-2007 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by longbough
I'm surprised nobody considered what's going to happen when the SOB who stashed it in the bushes comes looking for his toy?

yes I did, he now has the means to aerate said SOB....

John Falcon 01-02-2007 07:42 AM

Should have taken it to a "Guns for Toys" exchange.

debaser 01-02-2007 06:59 PM

It's an AK in the middle east. Wipe your prints off of it and leave it another bush for some other poor schlep to "find".

I'm with JinnKai.

Willy 01-07-2007 09:35 AM

Longbough is right. You're not likely to get good advice here because nobody here knows enough about society in Dubai to comment.

If the UAE is like most middle-eastern countries (but in many ways it is definitely NOT) an AK47 is probably not that uncommon, but I don't think you're going to get much relevant advice here.

Zooksport2 02-02-2007 11:26 PM

Smash it, then put it back in a bush. Any Bush.....

Esoteric 02-04-2007 08:39 AM

AK-47: When you absolutely, positively have to kill every motherfucker in the room. Accept no substitutes.

I agree with the other posters that said get rid of it. I don't think it's really worth the trouble, imo.

ASU2003 02-04-2007 11:15 AM

I would buy a good case (that locks) and hide it. Either underground or under your bed. But, you have to be sure that nobody else finds it.

Or you could sell it part by part to an anonymous person on-line. I wouldn't mind having an ak-47. :) Although it is a 10 year jail sentence in the US for having an unregistered gun I think.

desal75 02-05-2007 04:25 PM

Do they have eBay there?


cadre 02-05-2007 08:15 PM

Hey, whoa..back up. You need to either a) not touch it or b) (only if you know how) disarm it, the last thing you want is one of those going off near you. You definately need to take it to the police because let's think about why this thing was in a bush (ie - it's a dirty gun meaning it was used in a crime). If you turn it in you'll probably get in a little trouble but it would be much worse if police ended up finding you with this gun and accusing you of whatever crime it was used in.

I don't know what the law is where you are but in many countries it is illegal to have an ak in your possesion so I'd try to remember that.

edit: I know nothing about Dubai, just my disclaimer.

ItWasMe 04-21-2007 09:14 PM

You could also wipe all prints off, put it back, then call in an anonymous tip to the police.

Willravel 04-21-2007 09:19 PM

The kid's been gone since the end of March.

Plaid13 04-23-2007 06:58 AM

Even if he is gone now its a interesting topic. What do you do if you find a gun. Any gun really not just a AK 47. Here in the US it would be kinda odd to find a gun laying anywhere. But what would everyone do if you did find one? Depending on where it was and how far away kids are i would most likely just call the cops from my cell and wait for them to show up to come get the thing. If it was way out in the middle of nowhere i would most likely just call the cops tell them where it was and walk away before the owner of it saw me there.

Willravel 04-23-2007 07:20 AM

What do yo do? Don't touch it and report it to the police. No matter where you are, that's that.

longbough 04-23-2007 05:28 PM

[sarcasm]Don't touch it. Walk away slowly and look for an adult. Then let them know you found a gun.[/sarcasm]

If this were in the US I probably wouldn't touch it if only for the possibility of getting my fingerprints on it. A weapon tossed in the bushes might have just been used in a crime.

tricks 05-05-2007 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by willravel
The kid's been gone since the end of March.

You all missed the most shocking part of the story, i think.

"I hid the thing in my coat and flew back home."

On an airplane. His airplane? Probably not.


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