10-10-2005, 10:05 PM
#1 (permalink)
I stole my boyfriends TFP, hehe !!
Opening Text Documents with IE
I've just ran into a problem with my Internet Explorer. I use to be able to open text documents with Internet Explorer when I had Windows ME installed and they'd open just fine. Now I've installed Windows XP and when I go to click on a text document to open with Internet Explorer nothing happens. It seems like any program I try won't open the text documents I want to view. I tried opening them with Notepad and it'll open the document but will give me all the font & color detail and everything infront of the actual text because they are documents I've saved off AOL instant messages. When I use to open the documents on ME with Internet Explorer it'd open the file just as it was in the Instant Message window. Do I have to reset something in my XP Explorer to read these files ?? If anyone knows how to open them with IE or any other way that I don't know about please share, much thanks 