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Old 06-05-2005, 07:29 PM   #1 (permalink)
Location: North of the 50th Parallel
Turned off Cookies to Avoid Certain Spyware

I have finally decided that I have had enough of Spyware etc, and have decided that it's time to block all cookies as advised by a few different media outlets.

I have noticed a reduction in the number of problems, but not all problems since some spyware loads via differing means.

I would love to hear from those in the "know" if this has solved problems for them or if the media are full of sh*t.


Please note I have done a number of searches of this site regarding Cookies and could not find any threads like this one... However, if you know of a thread that answers this issue I am quite happy to be directed to it.
Living on the edge of sanity
RCAlyra2004 is offline  
Old 06-06-2005, 11:20 AM   #2 (permalink)
Mjollnir Incarnate
Location: Lost in thought
Do you tend to get a lot of spyware? If so, do any of the following apply?

1) Use P2P applications often
2) Don't have/ don't use antivirus
3) Visit porn sites often (including some seedier ones)
4) Visit seedy warez sites
5) Don't have a firewall
6) Use IE

If you don't have a firewall, get one.

If you use IE, stop. I used to get so much crap through IE...

If you use P2P a lot, or download from sites that don't look very reputable, be aware that probably 80% of the files are infected somehow. Scan them first. Also, if a site makes you download a program to browse their files, for the love of god, don't!

And then download a couple of spyware removers like spybot and ad-aware. There's a whole thread about spyware in the Computers board.
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Old 06-06-2005, 05:00 PM   #3 (permalink)
Location: North of the 50th Parallel
Thanks for the Reply,

I don;t use P2P,
I have antivirus, but am tired of it "informing me" but it seems to work on most
I don't (Ahem...) visit porn sites or Warez for that matter
I have a firewall

and thanks to you I now have spybot and ADAware. (THANKS THANKS THANKS....I OWE YOU BIGTIME) They work so fricken good!

BUT... I use IE...

and blocking cookies worked quite well since I started this thread. Right until I tried to check my hotmail account (they "make" you turn cookies on again)

Should I be using Firefox?

What do you suggest?
Living on the edge of sanity

Last edited by RCAlyra2004; 06-06-2005 at 05:03 PM..
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Old 06-06-2005, 05:01 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Location: Grants Pass OR
Firefox is your friend
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Old 06-06-2005, 08:01 PM   #5 (permalink)
Mine is an evil laugh
spindles's Avatar
Location: Sydney, Australia
Also, cookied per se are not particularly bad things. How do you think sites like this one remember your user name and password?

Rather than turning them off altogether, you can set IE to prompt when a cookie is created (under Privacy in Tools | Options) - you will probably find this very annoying as just about every site on the Net sets cookies...
who hid my keyboard's PANIC button?
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Old 06-07-2005, 04:25 AM   #6 (permalink)
Mjollnir Incarnate
Location: Lost in thought
Originally Posted by spindles
Also, cookied per se are not particularly bad things. How do you think sites like this one remember your user name and password?
Exactly. What I do is allow cookies (which allows a few bad ones every now and then). Then I just run spybot/ad-aware and clean up all those bad cookies.

Originally Posted by RCAlyra2004
BUT... I use IE...
Should I be using Firefox?
Yes. Not only will Firefox stop the spyware that seems to float right through IE, it has this wonderful thing called Adblock. I thought it was just a popup blocker before I got it. Oh, no... this extension is pure ecstasy. You see, it allows you to remove ads directly from the page. You know those annoying flash ads that play sounds and talk to you? Blocked, never to be seen again. The flash ads that float in front of the screen? Blocked. Check this out --
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Old 06-07-2005, 07:54 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Location: New England
Originally Posted by RCAlyra2004
BUT... I use IE...
Should I be using Firefox?
What do you suggest?
I agree with Slavakion, come try Firefox. We have a lot of experienced Firefox users on this board, so if you have any questions as you try it out, feel free to ask here.
I can't read your signature. Sorry.
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Old 06-07-2005, 08:29 AM   #8 (permalink)
Registered User
this should go in Tilted Computers
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Old 06-07-2005, 05:33 PM   #9 (permalink)
Location: North of the 50th Parallel
Thanks for the information,

I have decided to try firfox... will let people know how I like it...

Thanks again!

Living on the edge of sanity
RCAlyra2004 is offline  
Old 06-07-2005, 06:34 PM   #10 (permalink)
Location: Southwest of nowhere
Download "SpyWare Blaster" to your machine, keep it up to date and it will block 95% of all spyware from even loading to your machine. It's free and work's very well.


Being freeware, it doesn't have auto-update but only takes a minute to manually do the updates so it can block spyware. Make sure to always click on the "protect all entries" to get the proper protection after updating.
After i installed this program, i noticed a major decrease in the number of tracking cookies i got. I still use Adaware and Spybot, but they hardly ever pick up more than 1 or 2 minor ad tracking cookies.
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Old 06-08-2005, 05:36 AM   #11 (permalink)
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Location: Grants Pass OR
Originally Posted by RCAlyra2004
Thanks for the information,

I have decided to try firfox... will let people know how I like it...

Thanks again!

Do yourself a favor, use firefox exclusively for 1 month. This will give you time to get used to it and learn it's features. If you commit to firefox for 1 month, you will likely find that you like it better than ie.
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Old 06-08-2005, 09:10 AM   #12 (permalink)
Cuatela's Avatar
Location: NC, USA
A few (possibly) helpful tips:

1. don't connect directly unless using dialup: get a router between you and your connection.
2. Get some antivirus if you don't already have some. I'd recomment either McCaffee or Norton. Only get one though, as the programs have been known to attack each other.
3. Get antispyware if you don't already have it. I'd recommend Microsoft Antispyware or Spysweeper. Only get one though, as the programs have been known to attack each other.
4. Blocking cookies isn't always necessary as some are good, but it can help prevent problems.
5. When asked to install programs, make sure it's legitimate. If you have antivirus and antispyware, they should pick up on it before it causes damage, but there's no guarantee of that.
6. Don't install something just because it's "cute". Things like Bonzai Buddy are spyware.
7. Scan your computer with both antispyware and antivirus (but not at the same time) at least once a week.
Any sarcasm was intentional.
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Old 06-08-2005, 09:41 AM   #13 (permalink)
Redlemon's Avatar
Location: New England
Originally Posted by Raptor226
6. Don't install something just because it's "cute". Things like Bonzai Buddy are spyware.
That's a good tip. To add to it, before I install any new software, I check on Google to see if it is spyware (e.g., "bonzai buddy spyware"). A review of the first 10 links or so should confirm if it is spyware or not.
I can't read your signature. Sorry.
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Old 06-08-2005, 09:47 AM   #14 (permalink)
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Location: NC, USA
good idea...not something I usually do, but I probably should. It would save some trouble of having to fix files.
Any sarcasm was intentional.
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Old 06-08-2005, 12:32 PM   #15 (permalink)
Mjollnir Incarnate
Location: Lost in thought
Originally Posted by Raptor226
3. Get antispyware if you don't already have it. I'd recommend Microsoft Antispyware or Spysweeper. Only get one though, as the programs have been known to attack each other.
I've run three at a time before, and they never had a problem with each other. AV on the other hand... half the time the program stops you from installing it.
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Old 06-08-2005, 01:13 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Location: NC, USA
I heard spysweeper and Spybot would try to kill each other...might have just been a rumor though.
Any sarcasm was intentional.
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Old 06-08-2005, 01:14 PM   #17 (permalink)
Registered User
They won't try to kill each other.. but why use spybot or adaware? they suck. Stick with Spysweeper and or M$ anti-spyware

/thread jack

for AV I'd recommend Trend Micro
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Old 06-08-2005, 01:59 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Location: Go A's!!!!
I wanna jump in on this, while I do not think Internet Explorer is the best browser out there, some people may be reluctant to make the move to another browser in this case FireFox herein referred to as FF. I see all too many times on here that everyone wants to just say aww move to FF it pwns IE use it it has tabbed browsing and pop up blocker built in. I managed many many years to surf the web hitting any and every site I could find just for something to do while using IE and did not ever have the problems that plague so many users. I am not knocking FF as I use it AND IE together to browse many pages some of which are not written by a saavy coder and look like crap in FF.

Get your hands on a good solid AV solution, McAfee and Norton just to name a few, and if you want to go the free route GriSoft AVG is top notch.

Make sure you update your definition files for whatever program you have or it is just about worthless to even have it.

A firewall program such as ZoneAlarm (they have a free and a pay version) or Norton firewall or any other such program should do you just fine, again check for updates as sometimes code writes create exploits for the various engines and ways the firewall handles packets causing your machine to come under malicious control.

You already have AdAware and Spybot as noted above, this is a great first step, again just as with the AV program KEEP THEM UP TO DATE or they are worthless, also again both of these are free programs to use and keep updated.

Cookies can be good and bad as someone above stated some use cookies to save a pw and username for a favorite site such as this to keep you from having to type it all in again. Some simple maintenance on your part can clean cookies up at anytime while browsing simply open the Tools menu then Internet options from within IE and you can see all the cookies on your system, removing a cookie will not harm your system in anyway whatsoever so feel free to delete anything you see there that you do not like or think may be suspect, also of note there is the button to remove them all do not be afraid to use it, you may however have to type in a username and pw for a site the next time you visit.

One of the most important things someone also mentioned it above is the sites you visit, you wanna play poker online or something then hitting up joebobsbackyardpokerbonanaza.com is probably not the best site you wanna go to, if it is something that you have not heard of or is not something well known throughout the online and offline community to be something reputable then chances are it is not reputable. Stick with your Yahoo!/MSN games etc and you should be fine. Not saying that some of the other sites out there are bad but more than not the ones you run into just by typing free online whatever into Goggle will probably want you to install something or download something to get on their site, this is not needed.

I am losing focus and rambling but I just wanted to help out a bit, and say that making the move to FF is not always the cure all to your browsing woes although it does have its advantages, but nothing that can not be achieved with IE and maybe some smart browsing practices and a little extra program or two.
Spank you very much
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Old 06-08-2005, 02:57 PM   #19 (permalink)
Location: North of the 50th Parallel
WOW, Thanks for the great Advice... I am blown away...

Thanks again,...
Living on the edge of sanity
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Old 06-08-2005, 04:46 PM   #20 (permalink)
Mjollnir Incarnate
Location: Lost in thought
Originally Posted by MontanaXVI
I wanna jump in on this, while I do not think Internet Explorer is the best browser out there, some people may be reluctant to make the move to another browser in this case FireFox herein referred to as FF. I see all too many times on here that everyone wants to just say aww move to FF it pwns IE use it it has tabbed browsing and pop up blocker built in. I managed many many years to surf the web hitting any and every site I could find just for something to do while using IE and did not ever have the problems that plague so many users. I am not knocking FF as I use it AND IE together to browse many pages some of which are not written by a saavy coder and look like crap in FF.
I don't use FF because of tabs (I actually dislike tabs). I use it because of the popup blocker, Adblock, and spyware blockage. You said that you never had any problems with IE... back when I used it I got tracking cookies, dialers, and viruses. Without consenting to download anything. Unfortunately, I still have to switch to IE for Windows Update. As for other sites, if they don't work in FF then I usually disregard them since they're not written to standards. If I need information from them, I put up with it, but if I'm just killing time, they meet my back button.
Get your hands on a good solid AV solution, McAfee and Norton just to name a few, and if you want to go the free route GriSoft AVG is top notch.
Yes. I use AVG and have had great times with it.
A firewall program such as ZoneAlarm (they have a free and a pay version) or Norton firewall or any other such program should do you just fine, again check for updates as sometimes code writes create exploits for the various engines and ways the firewall handles packets causing your machine to come under malicious control.
I used to use ZoneAlarm until it pitched a hissy fit over Azureus. Now I use Sygate. Both are excellent firewalls.
Cookies can be good and bad as someone above stated some use cookies to save a pw and username for a favorite site such as this to keep you from having to type it all in again.
A lot of cookies are benign. TFP sets a cookie for you. Just run Spybot and Ad-aware to remove the bad ones. And if you're still unsure, both IE and FF let you clear all cookies.
I am losing focus and rambling but I just wanted to help out a bit, and say that making the move to FF is not always the cure all to your browsing woes although it does have its advantages, but nothing that can not be achieved with IE and maybe some smart browsing practices and a little extra program or two.
I've never seen dialers and trojans sneak through FF to taunt me. And I don't think IE has a comparable Adblock extension/program. Beyond that, yes, everything can be accomplished by third-party programs and not clicking on shady sites.
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Old 06-08-2005, 06:18 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Location: Go A's!!!!
again, please do not get me wrong I am not bashing FF and I use FF and IE in conjunction as I said above, but a lot of problems people have can be avoided by actually using the security features in IE, turn off some scripting, dont let active x controls run without your permission and such. I think we all give great helpful advice, but all too often someones knee jerk reaction is "change to FF it is best"
Spank you very much
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Old 06-08-2005, 06:20 PM   #22 (permalink)
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Location: Go A's!!!!
Originally Posted by Slavakion
I used to use ZoneAlarm until it pitched a hissy fit over Azureus. Now I use Sygate. Both are excellent firewalls.

What issues were you having with Azureus and ZA I am curious to know I run them both with no problems. Maybe you blocked something to do with Java without knowing it since Azureus uses java? I know when I ran them both for the first time it was asking me something about the java console running when I fired up Azureus....
Spank you very much
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Old 06-15-2005, 04:27 PM   #23 (permalink)
zero2's Avatar
I haven't had spyware, for over three months.

Im guilty of using:

1) Use P2P applications often
3) Visit porn sites often
4) Visit seedy warez sites

As for security software, I have Kasperksy AV, Kaspersky Anti-Hacker(Firewall), Spybot Search & Destroy, Spysweeper (not using real-time detection), Mozilla Firefox (0.8), & lastly PeerGuardian.

Under settings for Mozilla, I only accept cookies from originating site, and current session, because usually third party cookies are spyware. I also look at what cookies are stored on my computer, and if the words "banner", "ad", "advertising", or anything to that nature, I use mozilla firefox, to remove and blocks cookies from that site from reoccuring.

Eventhough PeerGuardian is not supposed to be used in the way I use it, I surf the net with it on, it blocks certain types of spyware.
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Old 06-15-2005, 05:00 PM   #24 (permalink)
Mjollnir Incarnate
Location: Lost in thought
Originally Posted by MontanaXVI
What issues were you having with Azureus and ZA I am curious to know I run them both with no problems. Maybe you blocked something to do with Java without knowing it since Azureus uses java? I know when I ran them both for the first time it was asking me something about the java console running when I fired up Azureus....
Yeah, some people have had no problems with it. I upgraded ZA to the latest version (this was about a year ago), and all of a sudden Azureus was acting wonky. It would download at normal speeds, but java would take up all available CPU cycles and randomly freeze. After some Googling, I heard that the latest version of ZA didn't play nice with Az. So I switched to Sygate and everything was back to normal. *shrug*
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Old 06-17-2005, 10:35 AM   #25 (permalink)
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Location: Go A's!!!!
Originally Posted by Slavakion
Yeah, some people have had no problems with it. I upgraded ZA to the latest version (this was about a year ago), and all of a sudden Azureus was acting wonky. It would download at normal speeds, but java would take up all available CPU cycles and randomly freeze. After some Googling, I heard that the latest version of ZA didn't play nice with Az. So I switched to Sygate and everything was back to normal. *shrug*
Hmm that is odd, I just recently picked up ZA after having some issues here, and AZ auto updates whenever a new version is out. That is very odd. I was using the Symantec Client Firewall for a while and never had any problem with it either, guess I should just consdier myself lucky.
Spank you very much
MontanaXVI is offline  

avoid, cookies, spyware, turned

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