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Old 04-10-2005, 12:50 PM   #1 (permalink)
So I need a laptop...

I'm going to be getting a laptop soon for college. I'm sick of my desktop because it is giving me all sorts of trouble and I want to be able to take my new comp to class with me and whatnot.

I want:
at least an 80gb harddrive...preferably 120gb
dvd/cd rom/burner
17in widescreen display
a good graphics card...I don't know much about laptops
it has to be fast...I dont know how ram works with laptops..1 gb if possible?
fast processor

Price Range...less than $3000

Please help me out here. I'm hoping you guys can lead me in the right direction and teach me a few things. I'm currently looking at the DELL XPS2. It's probably a bit over-priced though considering it is a DELL but I'm willing to pay it. I guess I'm basically looking for a desktop replacement, I'm going to be doing some graphic design stuff on here using photoshop and whatnot and I may end up putting on a few games also.


Last edited by SiN; 04-10-2005 at 01:01 PM..
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Old 04-10-2005, 01:14 PM   #2 (permalink)
wouldn't mind being a ninja.
MooseMan3000's Avatar
Location: Maine, the Other White State.
You say "DELL" as if they're bad. They're not bad computers. They're not outstanding computers, either, but they're usually a pretty good deal, and the costumer service is top notch. That's exactly the computer I would recommend as a combination of price, performance, and value... for a laptop.

Only problem is:

Originally Posted by impulse03
I guess I'm basically looking for a desktop replacement, I'm going to be doing some graphic design stuff on here using photoshop and whatnot and I may end up putting on a few games also.
Well, thing is, you can't replace a desktop with a laptop. Laptops SUCK for graphics of any sort unless you have an external monitor and a good mouse - which adds another 300 onto the price. If you want to game, you'll probably want an external keyboard, too... not too much, but still an added price. Even then, your graphics card will SEVERELY limit the possibilities.

And another angle: if you take this machine with you everywhere, it will break down even sooner than normal. Laptops are NOT MEANT to be desktop replacements. The components simply aren't as rugged. Every single person I know who has gotten a laptop for college has had at least part of it break down in the first 18 months - usually the keyboard, built in mouse (track pad and nipple both broke down), or optical drive. And these people have had Dells, IBMs, and Alienwares. Two of the IBMs also had HDD failures within 2 years.

So for what it's worth, my advice is this: if it's your main computer, and you're going to actually USE it (not just surf the internet), make it a desktop. It's NICE to have a computer to bring to class, but it's also NICE to have a computer that works.

Edit: As far as I know, my friend who bought an Apple laptop for school (Powerbook, I believe) has had no component failures. But he also doesn't use it too heavily.
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Old 04-10-2005, 02:14 PM   #3 (permalink)
well i have a Logtitech MX1000 that I am going to be holding on to...very nice mouse.

When I said games, I don't really mean anything all that graphics intensive...I should have mentioned that. I don't know if you have heard of the Torque game engine, but it's nothing all that crazy. I'm waiting for a new game being publicly build on that engine. Renegades (www.renwerx.com). The game used to be a Mod for Tribes 1 and 2, and instead of sticking with Tribes: Vengeance, the team is going to build their own game on the Torque Engine now. Tribes 1 and 2 are the only PC video game I have ever played, so I want the new Renegades game naturally. I didn't like Tribes: Vengeance.

So basically, you are recommending the Dell, which I have no problem with.

Does anybody else have any suggestions? Anybody know anything about Sager Notebooks?
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Old 04-10-2005, 02:51 PM   #4 (permalink)
jhkayakr's Avatar
Location: under the skirt
I'm using a Dell and am very happy with it. Inspiron 5150 laptop. The XPS2 isn't over-priced because it's a Dell, it's because it's a mega-gaming computer. Thats their top gaming laptop. I got a great deal on mine. Check this site for computer deals and coupons: http://www.techbargains.com/
........gotta need for speed....
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Old 04-10-2005, 04:13 PM   #5 (permalink)
17 inch widescreen ? good luck lugging that beast to class....no one i know actually carries a laptop to class everyday...most of them stopped after the first 2 weeks. It'll be much smarter to build ur self a nice desktop and then maybe getting a cheap, light laptop just for taking notes or something if u really want to take a laptop to class.
"I do not propose to discuss my love life. I will say that I still can't get over how women are shaped, and that I will go to my grave wanting to pet their butts and boobs." -Kurt Vonnegut
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Old 04-10-2005, 04:30 PM   #6 (permalink)
That's what she said
dirtyrascal7's Avatar
i agree with tupacalypse... right now getting a laptop might seem like the thing to do, but it rarely works out how you plan it. i got a laptop before i went to college, thinking i'd take it to classes and all that or take it to go study somewhere... but once i set it up on my desk, it stayed there... making me wish i'd gotten a nice desktop computer instead. so then i got one for christmas only 6 months later and i've had that same computer for 4.5 years now... just been upgrading it piece by piece when i have some extra cash.

honestly, i'd get a nice desktop pc because you can upgrade and fix them a WHOLE lot easier than a laptop. the only people you see on campus bringing laptops to class are grad students. even in my senior year i saw maybe 2-3 people out of all my classes that brought laptops regularly.
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Old 04-10-2005, 05:00 PM   #7 (permalink)
yeah, i have a desktop that gets a new piece about once every four months. Since I had a desktop, I went and got the smallest lightest laptop I could find. It gets a little warm, but it is light enough to take around, and I have been taking it around with me since christmas. On flights, car trips, to my office, and usually in my family room so I can be online and watch tv.

Ive never met anyone with a giant laptop that didnt wish they had a small light one like mine.
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Old 04-10-2005, 05:04 PM   #8 (permalink)
WoW or Class...
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A laptop is very handy in a dorm room however.

- Ease of transport, so if you go home for the weekend you can have YOUR computer with all of YOUR files on it. Might not be a big deal for some people, but it is a deal breaker for others.
- Monitor size. In my dorm many people had to take apart the top bookshelf of their desks because their monitors wouldn't fit underneath.
- The beautiful clam shell design that allows the owner to put the laptop in a safe secure place on weekends so said owner doesn't have to clean up any nasty liquids that may result from a weekend night at college.

Oh, forget about taking it to class, not even worth it for 99% of classes. If you're just going to play games or something in the back, no point in even going.

If you have about $3,000 to spend, the sky is the limit. You can get a Powerbook, IBM T-Series, IBM X-Series if you're really looking at taking a laptop to class.

If you're looking for gaming on a laptop however, you're looking in the wrong area. Unless you purchase a laptop specifically designed for gaming you're probably not going to be very satisfied with your gaming experience. Meanwhile, if you do purchase a laptop specifically designed for gaming, realize that it will weigh more than any other laptop out there made in the past 3 years most likely. It will be virtually impossible to upgrade. It will NOT be portable because a big beast like that is not exactly easy to carry. And it will have next to zero battery life.

I've built my own computers, I've played many computer games, I had a gaming desktop before coming to college and got a nice little IBM T40 before coming to college. I haven't played any computer games at college and I don't miss it one bit, largely because since I'm here at college there is always something better to do. Meanwhile, I have an extremely portable laptop that gets amazing battery life, can last be used to watch movies on long car rides, can be taken to class if I ever had to, and could very well last me through college.

What I'm trying to say is, if gaming is of the utmost importance to you, go with a desktop or spend almost $3,000 on a beast of a laptop. If it's something that's secondary, spend $2,000 on a laptop of high quality, and a few hundred on an PS2 or Xbox and a few games.
One day an Englishman, a Scotsman, and an Irishman walked into a pub together. They each bought a pint of Guinness. Just as they were about to enjoy their creamy beverage, three flies landed in each of their pints. The Englishman pushed his beer away in disgust. The Scotsman fished the fly out of his beer and continued drinking it, as if nothing had happened. The Irishman, too, picked the fly out of his drink but then held it out over the beer and yelled "SPIT IT OUT, SPIT IT OUT, YOU BASTARD!"
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Old 04-10-2005, 05:49 PM   #9 (permalink)
jhkayakr's Avatar
Location: under the skirt
The XPS2 you want is huge and heavy. Good luck finding a cheap case too. You will eventually want to carry a wall wort (power supply), and that is the size of a heavy brick. If you want to carry one with you get a light weight one and a good thumb drive to transfer files between a laptop and desktop.
........gotta need for speed....
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Old 04-10-2005, 06:28 PM   #10 (permalink)
Well I am going to be sticking with a laptop no matter what.

Gaming really is the least of my priorites, I guess that didn't come across well...my fault. I've only played 2 real comp games in my life as I mentioned up above. Neither of which will be getting installed on this comp.

Mainly I want to be able to store all my music (about 30gigs) and a few movies on this laptop and be able to burn both and watch/listen to both (I have external speakers from my desktop that I am taking to my dorm). I'm gonna have photoshop and autocad on it, and then it will just be used for all the basic uses...internet, word, powerpoint,etc.

Renegades would be the only game I would put on it, if I even do. Who knows when that is going to be released though considering everything is just getting underway.

So it seems that Dell is whom you all are recommending the most. I really am starting to get away from the XPS series because it is so large. My cousin actually got his in the mail today and I checked it out...heavy as hell. I definitely do not want to be carrying that around (if I even do). Any recommendations on which Dells to look at?

Do you all know anything about Sager Notebooks. I've been told to check them out but I don't know anything about their custommer service or quality etc. Any help is once again appreciated.
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Old 04-11-2005, 09:15 AM   #11 (permalink)
Location: Meechigan
Originally Posted by impulse03
Do you all know anything about Sager Notebooks. I've been told to check them out but I don't know anything about their custommer service or quality etc. Any help is once again appreciated.
I don't know about their customer service or anything, but they look like they would be good machines. I am probably going to end up ordering this guy sometime soon now. I will report my experience.
Freedom would be not to choose between black and white but to abjure such prescribed choices. - Theodor Adorno
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Old 04-11-2005, 09:50 AM   #12 (permalink)
I just recently bought a Dell Inspiron 600m to replace my old and dying desktop and I'm loving it! Though it doesn't have the 17in screen that you want (not many laptops I know do), it does offer a very powerful 1.6-2.0GHz Pentium M processor . You can upgrade to an 80GB hard drive, 2GB of memory, DVD/CD-ROM/Burner, and other nice bells and whistles for well under $2000.

Like you, I was looking for a desktop "replacement" and I found this particular model to have the right combination of performance and compact design that I wanted. It weights a mere 4.98lbs...which would not break your back if you bring it to class everyday. Sure there are other bigger and more powerful laptops out there, but this was the right one for me. I think it's at least worth a look. Good luck with your search!
BalloonKnots is offline  
Old 04-11-2005, 11:32 AM   #13 (permalink)

I personally love the ECS series of desktop replacement laptops (called Desknotes or i-buddie) they have. I was recently travelling and had to work quite a lot on my machine. It took a serious pounding, between the flight, moving from room to office back to room, on for hours and hours at a time, plus the occasional fall to the floor from the night table, and no worries.

As I mentioned in another post, only issue is the battery - it doesn't have one so you have to plug it in. Or get the external pack. But given that you'll have power in your dorm, your classes, the library, etc. I doubt it wouldbe a problem. That way you have the advantages of a desktop, but the portability of a laptop. Cheaper too because they don't have the cost of the battery and there is more room inside the caseo for cooling, etc. ALso uses desktop RAM and Processor which reduces the cost as well.

I have had two of them, currently the A928 model.


That's my suggestion
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Old 04-11-2005, 02:12 PM   #14 (permalink)
gal's Avatar
For college, I would say get a desktop computer. Using the campus computers is usually more than adequate, and in my experience you will be more productive at school without a laptop. Myabe you're going to type one or two reports in a semester, but you're likely to be spending more time surfing the net than actually working if you have constant access to a computer. And forget about taking a laptop to lectures.

I have a Dell X300 by the way, 1gb mem 40gb hd, 1.4MHz. Works great for everything I do, except photo editing. IMO desktop replacement laptop is a waste of money. You don't wanna haul that shit around anyway, and you can get so much more out of a stationary for the same price. If you want portable, go for the lightest laptop you can get.
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Old 04-11-2005, 11:32 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Apple Powerbook 17", hands down. In a class of its own.

AVOID Dell at all costs. Repeat, AVOID Dell at all costs. I regret buying my Dell. I even bought the three-year service plan. I have never had a pleasant customer service experience with them. Terrible, terrible company and NO customer service. Good luck getting someone on the phone who speaks English.

The next computer I buy will definitely be an Apple. A bit more expensive but worth the cost. Especially if you want to be doing graphics stuff.

Check it out: www.apple.com
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Old 04-12-2005, 01:23 AM   #16 (permalink)
MiSo's Avatar
I take my laptop to class EVERYDAY. i beats the hell out of writing notes by hand. i have a toshiba satellite a-15. toshiba makes GREAT laptops btw. (one of the best brands i've been told)

my laptop is the only thing i have. i dont have a desktop unfortunately, so here's a tip.
Beware the words:
Integrated Graphics Card or Shared Video Memory.
You wont be able to play high end games without serious lag, or some might not even load.

i dont think you'll need such a big hard drive because if for some reason your comp fucks up and you need to re-format, you'll be screwed. i have a 200 gig external hard drive that i keep all my files on. i keep all my videos, music, documents, etc on here. its a good investment incase something goes wrong with the laptop.

for processor i have a 2.2 ghz pentium4 and i love it.
but go as fast as you can afford
dont worry about battery life because all college classrooms have outlets near the desk.


forgot to add, dont worry about if the laptop has alot of ram, its expensive to have it as a factory option.
I got two 512 sticks of ram off ebay for $140.
if you buy one 512 stick from the factory, its atleast $120.

so buy it from ebay, and then sell the ones that came in the laptop.

Last edited by MiSo; 04-12-2005 at 01:29 AM..
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Old 04-12-2005, 11:06 AM   #17 (permalink)
Originally Posted by jorgelito
Apple Powerbook 17", hands down. In a class of its own.

AVOID Dell at all costs. Repeat, AVOID Dell at all costs. I regret buying my Dell. I even bought the three-year service plan. I have never had a pleasant customer service experience with them. Terrible, terrible company and NO customer service. Good luck getting someone on the phone who speaks English.

The next computer I buy will definitely be an Apple. A bit more expensive but worth the cost. Especially if you want to be doing graphics stuff.

Check it out: www.apple.com

This is off topic but may I ask what was the problem with your Dell laptop? I've had mine for almost a year now and have not had a single problem. I just have the basic one yr service plan and never had to call to deal with customer service.

Btw, if anyone is looking to buy a Dell laptop, I know of a coupon (starting Wed. 4/13, limited time) for $750 off $1499 Inspiron Notebooks! You can't beat a deal like that. I used a similar coupon to buy mine last year and basically ended up getting it for about 1/2 the original price. PM me if interested.
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Old 04-12-2005, 12:27 PM   #18 (permalink)
Location: Cow Country, CT
you have a dream if you are thinking you are going to carry that thing with you everywhere... if you are planning on doing that, i would start watching slickdeals.net for dell deals. as much as i saw you dont want one they are DIRT cheap and thier service is great. I dont care what you say, your laptop will break. Dell can have it back to you in 2 days if yours does, and are very good about it. Lastly i can not stress if you are carrying your notebook for notes in class, you need a TINY one... it will make it way more convient to carry around. I have a 15in laptop and wouldnt dream of taking it to class. and of course dont forget if you carry your laptop about you increase the chances of it getting stolen.
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Old 04-12-2005, 01:57 PM   #19 (permalink)
MiSo's Avatar
i take my 15 inch laptop to school EVERYDAY.
be sure to get a laptop lock, which is like a leash for your laptop.
it has a combination lock so you can attach it to whatever is near you (chair, desk, pole, etc)
i always use it when im in the study lab/library/anywhere.

i know i can leave the laptop someplace and go to the restroom, get a snack, and not worry about it not being there when i get back.

the lock is made by Targus. i forgot how much it cost.
i also have a Targus Backpack which is made for carrying the laptop.
has extra padding in it. a 17 inch wont fit though, i doubt they make one that big but you can check. it beats carrying around a notebook case on one arm.
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Old 04-12-2005, 02:51 PM   #20 (permalink)
Death Leprechaun
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Location: College Station, TX
Originally Posted by BalloonKnots
Btw, if anyone is looking to buy a Dell laptop, I know of a coupon (starting Wed. 4/13, limited time) for $750 off $1499 Inspiron Notebooks! You can't beat a deal like that. I used a similar coupon to buy mine last year and basically ended up getting it for about 1/2 the original price. PM me if interested.
I'm looking into a laptop in the next few weeks, I know I'm interested
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Old 04-12-2005, 07:16 PM   #21 (permalink)
the dell $750 coupon has a 10,000 use limit. If you want it you had better do it tommorow morning. Id get the 600m or 700m with upgrades to get it over $1500 so the -$750 applies. What ever you do, do NOT get a large laptop, go as light as possible.

You can easily build a gaming desktop on the cheap and then just slowly upgrade over the years. Check arstechnica guides to see what components they recommend for a budget box. Their opinion probably isnt so biased on the budget box, and you will know everything is compatible.
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Old 04-12-2005, 07:31 PM   #22 (permalink)
Fob_Magi's Avatar
Location: Texas
everybody I know who has gotten a desktop replacement laptop has regretted it.. theyre simply too big to carry around all the time... they all say they want a smaller laptop instead.

I have a Toshiba Satelite A15.... it is not too big and not too small... I payed $500 for it 18 months ago at a day-after thanksgiving sale. I carry it around EVERY DAY, and sometimes I get tired of the wieght although it is pretty light. I am an electrical engineering grad student and it handles everything I want from basic video editing (very basic) to high end CAD and math programs (MATLAB, MathCAD, Maple). I do admit it lags on the videogames... but it handles the strategy games I like to play decently.

I def recomend one of the small to mid-sized dells, if you get one of those 12lb monsters you will regret it... it will have very little power improvement over the smaller ones, less battery life, more expensive and a pain in the ass to carry around.

whatever laptop you buy, get the warranty.. laptops tend to die quicker than desktops (although mine has survived 18 months of being carried in my backpack with books).
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Old 04-12-2005, 09:52 PM   #23 (permalink)
Death Leprechaun
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Location: College Station, TX
well crap, it doesnt look like I'll be able to hop onto that $750 rebate, how often does Dell do stuff like that?
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Old 04-13-2005, 05:59 AM   #24 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Confederate
well crap, it doesnt look like I'll be able to hop onto that $750 rebate, how often does Dell do stuff like that?
You've been PM'ed with the code in case you change your mind. Btw, it's not a rebate, the $750 is taken off during checkout.

I've only seen this particular coupon once since last year, so not too often. Though they usually have other coupons for 10%, $200-$300 off.
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Old 04-13-2005, 11:28 AM   #25 (permalink)
The coupon ran out this morning. Greedy people have probably already purchased laptops with the sole intention of reselling them as new on ebay in order to make a $200 profit.
BAMF is offline  
Old 04-13-2005, 11:31 AM   #26 (permalink)
people are actually trying to sell the coupn on ebay, even though it probably only lasted a few hours this morning
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Old 04-13-2005, 12:43 PM   #27 (permalink)
Professional Loafer
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Location: texas
I have a Dell Latitude D800 for my work/everyday usage. It's a great laptop in my opinion. Harddrive failed on it this past Sunday, had a new one here at 10:30am Tuesday. Thats pretty good if you ask me.

Tech support asked me a couple of questions and then decided along with me that the drive had failed. Its a Hitachi 60g 7200rpm drive. No reason to blame Dell at all, everything went smoothly.

I would recommend Dell for sure.
"You hear the one about the fella who died, went to the pearly gates? St. Peter let him in. Sees a guy in a suit making a closing argument. Says, "Who's that?" St. Peter says, "Oh, that's God. Thinks he's Denny Crane."
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Old 04-13-2005, 03:19 PM   #28 (permalink)
beauty in the breakdown
Location: Chapel Hill, NC
IBM. Ive used them for 7+ years, and have been continually impressed with how well built they are. Ive dropped them, stepped on them, spilled stuff on them, and they all continued to click. Add to that a very well thought out layout (in fact, I like the keyboard action on my laptop better than on my desktops), and you have a kickass laptop.

Compare that to the Dells and Toshibas Ive had, which have all felt much more flimsy, and had crappy keyboards/layouts.

Basically, the IBMs feel like they are (and Id have to agree) made for professionals, whereas every other laptop Ive ever used felt like a toy.

Look at the T series. My T-40 is a tank, and yet weighs less than 5 pounds and gets 4 hours of battery life. The new T-43s are badass, too.
"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws."
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Old 04-13-2005, 09:46 PM   #29 (permalink)
All important elusive independent swing voter...
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Location: People's Republic of KKKalifornia
Originally Posted by BalloonKnots
This is off topic but may I ask what was the problem with your Dell laptop? I've had mine for almost a year now and have not had a single problem. I just have the basic one yr service plan and never had to call to deal with customer service.

Btw, if anyone is looking to buy a Dell laptop, I know of a coupon (starting Wed. 4/13, limited time) for $750 off $1499 Inspiron Notebooks! You can't beat a deal like that. I used a similar coupon to buy mine last year and basically ended up getting it for about 1/2 the original price. PM me if interested.
I'm not quite sure: I've reinstalled XP probably 12-13 times since January 2002. One thing I did consider was that is say for example, there is a 'dud' in every batch of 10,000 or whatever, then maybe I got that dud. Maybe Spyware and stuff like that too got on it. There wasn;t AdAware or SpyBot back then nor were average users aware of spyware etc.

What made me upset was, I bought the Dell because everyone was raving about their service and product. In retrospect, at the time I bought it, Dell was relatively new and just got their reputation. I speculate that what happened was that they were overwhelmed with orders and couldn't really keep up because they build every computer to order to keep inventory low(at least they used to).

So, maybe now they got their act together and stuff, I don't know. I just didn't have a good experience with them so I would rather not deal with them again. Anecdotaly, many others also didn't have pleasant experiences (around that time). Plus the whole PC thing, I don't know, it just seems like a shoddy product to me. Nothing ever works right. XP is crap and SP2 was the last straw. I had to reinstall 3 more times and the last time I just left SP2 off. I hate to bitch but Microsoft really does put out crappy products. Thank God they're not in charge of any safety systems or anyhing. I think if an airplane navigation systems was made by Microsoft I would have a heart attack. Even MS Word "Had to unexpectedly quit for an unkown reason". MS Word! C'mon, it's not that sophisticated of a program. I also didn't appreciate MSMesseneger installing itself on my computer every few days even after I had uninstalled it.

Anyways, it'a good, different strokes for different folks.
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Old 04-14-2005, 03:27 AM   #30 (permalink)
Location: Portland, OR
Sagers are known for being desktop replacements. Full size keyboards (with numpad), large screens, desktop CPU's etc. I know a few people who have Sagers and love them. Another thing Sagers are known for is that you can easily get one without an OS installed.
Most mainstream brand laptops are pretty good nowadays. If you find a Toshiba that fits your needs then see a Dell 3 days later that also fits your needs and is 200$ less, you can safely go with the Dell.
As for hard drive size, you may have trouble finding a 120GB hard drive.. I'm not sure those even exist? There are 100GB disks though. I'd recommend getting a smaller disk and also getting an external firewire/USB disk, you probably can get a 60GB and a huge external without paying much more than you would for a 100GB laptop drive.
You shouldn't need 1GB of RAM either, 512MB should be plenty for Photoshop and some light gaming. RAM from the manufacturer is very expensive as somebody mentioned. Check what it would cost to get the minimum amount from the manufacturer and buy 512MB from crucial or some other RAM maker. You may even be able to get 1GB for the same price the manufacturer would have you pay for 512MB.
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Old 04-14-2005, 06:58 PM   #31 (permalink)
Thanks for your advice everybody. I'm still looking around, but I will definitely update with whatever laptop I purchase in the near future.

What do you all know about Sony Vaio notebooks? I've heard both good and bad...The FS series seems very promising currently...
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Old 04-15-2005, 08:44 PM   #32 (permalink)
Death Leprechaun
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Location: College Station, TX
Anyone heard much on the Dell Inspiron 6000? that's what's peaked my interest thus far.
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Old 04-16-2005, 08:18 AM   #33 (permalink)
Location: Maryland
HP zd8000

If you want a Desktop replacement, check out the HP zd8000. I actually have the previous model the zd7000, and if you are looking for a lot of power in a semi portable package, this is the way to go. I am not sure about lugging it to class, but if you want to go to the library or down to the lounge, to get some work done, you can. It also has a numeric keypad, which if you have alot of numbers to punch it, is great.

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Old 04-16-2005, 02:59 PM   #34 (permalink)
The dell inspiron 6000 is a great computer. I've used the older version of it (inspiron 8600). It can have a 2.0 pentium M, 128mb pci express vid card, up to 2 gigs of ram. IT has lots of potential if you build it right. The best part is that dell is running a 35% off on it right now, which is insanely cheap. I would really go for the dell i6000 if i were you.
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Old 04-16-2005, 07:06 PM   #35 (permalink)
well I think I have finally decided on a notebook...the Dell Latitude D810.
this is it...what do you all think? anybody have any experiences with this notebook?

Date: Saturday, April 16, 2005 10:06:36 PM CST
Catalog Number: 25 RC956904
Latitude D810: Intel® Pentium® M Processor 760 (2.00GHz) w/ATI RADEON X600 128MB
D820X6 - [ 221-7577 ]
Operating Systems: Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional, SP2, with media
XPPRO2 - [ 420-4790 ]
LCDs: 15.4 inch UltraSharp™ Wide Screen WUXGA LCD Panel
15U - [ 320-4230 ]
Memory: 512MB 533MHz, DDRII SDRAM, 1 DIMM
512M1D5 - [ 311-3789 ]
Hard Drives: 60GB Hard Drive, 9.5MM, 7200RPM
60D72 - [ 341-1013 ]
Floppy Drive Options: No Floppy Drive
NFD - [ 340-8854 ]
Modem: Internal 56K Modem
I56 - [ 313-2613 ]
AC Adapter: 90W A/C Adapter
90AC - [ 310-4224 ]
Modular Bay Devices: 8X max DVD+/-RW Combination Drive
8XDVDRW - [ 313-2972 ]
Wireless Local Area Networking Options: Intel® PRO/Wireless 2915 802.11 a/b/g WLAN miniPCI Card
IPW29 - [ 430-1061 ]
Systems Management: Dell OpenManage Client Instrumentation
OMCI - [ 420-3905 ]
9C - [ 310-5347 ]
Carrying Cases: Nylon Deluxe Carrying Case
NC - [ 310-5875 ]
Hardware Support Services: Promo 3 Yr Limited Warranty plus 3 Yr NBD On-site Service and CompleteCare
U3CC99 - [ 900-6232 ] [ 900-6600 ] [ 970-1748 ]
Gold Technical Support: Gold Technical Support, Latitude, 3 Years
GTS3WL - [ 461-3749 ] [ 902-4862 ]
File System: NTFS File System
NTFS - [ 420-3699 ]
Additional Batteries: 9-Cell/80-WHr Primary Spare Battery
9C2 - [ 310-5348 ]
Wireless Personal Area Networking Options: Dell Wireless® 350 Bluetooth Module
BT350 - [ 430-1128 ]
Removable Storage: Dell 256MB USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Memory Key
256MKY2 - [ 310-5572 ]
impulse03 is offline  
Old 04-16-2005, 10:19 PM   #36 (permalink)
cut down the RAM to the lowest and buy it somewhere else later and put it in yourself. This will save you a few bucks on the total costs. I got my RAM from Crucial.com and it works fine. Installing it isn't an issue if you are worried about putting it in yourself. Its plain and simple.

the removable storage key is also available at crucial.com too. Their version is usb 2.0 too, so its practically the same thing but cheaper.
userasdf1234 is offline  


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