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Error Haiku
There was a post of computer haiku the other day, and it inspired me to write these for my server.
400 Bad Request the request was bad. your syntax is a big suck. rephrase the question. 401 Unauthorized you are not valid. your username is not real. please don't be a fake. 402 Payment Required to get this you pay. i think that you have not paid. therefore you get zilch. 403 Forbidden you are so denied! you do not have permission. please check your password. 404 Not Found four oh four not found? the file you want is not here. please try it again. 405 Method Not Allowed method not allowed don't know what you're doing, huh? boy, sucks to be you. 406 Not Acceptable don't know what you did. but it was so not cool, jerk. not acceptable. 407 Proxy Authentication Required Proxy Servers suck. yours is not working right now. that is why they suck. 408 Request Time-Out time out has occurred. server is waiting for you. just try again now. 409 Conflict Conflict is not cool what has happened with this thing? death of your request. 410 Gone gone is the file agony of defeat hurts pain of no file. 411 Length Required the length is needed. for what? I do not know this. must be something wrong. 412 Precondition Failed Precondition Failed. what does this mean? Do not know. never seen before. 413 Request Entity Too Large obscure error thing. something about this is bad can't fulfill request. 414 Request-URL Too Large wow long URL the page can't be where you think because that's too much. 415 Unsupported Media Type no support for that don't even know what it is you are boned, then. 500 Server Error the script has a bug. it has crashed the server. try again later. 501 Not Implemented the service must suck. we do not support that one. please do something else. 502 Bad Gateway the gateway is bad. bad gateway, you are naughty. no dessert for you. 503 Out of Resources Out of resources! this is a wad of bullshit. upgrade the server. 504 Gateway Time-Out gateway has time out. in the corner it should be. but you try again. 505 HTTP Version not supported old and busted code. version is not supported. try the new hotness. And finally: too much time on hands. paid to do this at my job. gonna get fired.
My sig can beat up your honor student. |
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error, haiku |