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Old 11-14-2004, 06:03 PM   #1 (permalink)
Cell phone newbie--looking for the best one out.

I just got a new plan with Cingular, and I just picked up a nice Motorola V551, and its cool...however, I didn't really look into it much before buying this one.

I just checked out the website for cingular, and I noticed a few other ones, and I think a PDA cell would be cool, however, I think the Treo is pretty damn ugly. I noticed another thread on this, and people mentioned the Razr V3, but I'm not so sure why its so much, since it appears to be just a camera phone...

Any suggestions?
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Old 11-14-2004, 09:25 PM   #2 (permalink)
Location: U.S.A

Here are some resources for Cell Phone information if you haven't already found them

Cingular has some pretty cool phones out right now,
I'd check some of the reviews on phonescoop and the howardforums.
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Old 11-15-2004, 08:25 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Location: Chitown!!
The Razr is so expensive because it is the flat out COOLEST phone on the market. It is a solid aluminum case, super sleek design, touch sensitive keypad, and the largest and clearest display of any other phone out there. If Cingular didn't suck so much in Chicago, I'd snag one up in a minute.
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Old 11-23-2004, 03:26 AM   #4 (permalink)
Originally Posted by brandon11983
The Razr is so expensive because it is the flat out COOLEST phone on the market. It is a solid aluminum case, super sleek design, touch sensitive keypad, and the largest and clearest display of any other phone out there. If Cingular didn't suck so much in Chicago, I'd snag one up in a minute.
Doesn't cingular suck pretty much everywhere?
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Old 12-09-2004, 08:47 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by brandon11983
The Razr is so expensive because it is the flat out COOLEST phone on the market. It is a solid aluminum case, super sleek design, touch sensitive keypad, and the largest and clearest display of any other phone out there. If Cingular didn't suck so much in Chicago, I'd snag one up in a minute.
Yeah I saw it in person too and it's really sick.
Embracing the goddess energy within yourselves will bring all of you to a new understanding and valuing of life. A vision that inspires you to live and love on planet Earth. Like a priceless jewel buried in dark layers of soil and stone, Earth radiates her brilliant beauty into the caverns of space and time. Perhaps you are aware of those who watch over your home And experience of this place to visit and play with reality. You are becoming aware of yourself as a gamemaster...
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Old 12-14-2004, 02:43 AM   #6 (permalink)
Location: Well I go to skool in Manoa (in Hawaii) but I haven't seen my house in weeks.
For PDAs I like my hp6315. Right now it's only available through t-mobile and HP but I've heard of cats buying from HP and getting the unlock code to use it on other networks. Just don't count of hearing the ringtone from more than a couple of feet away. It most certainly will not wake me up at night. It has wi-fi and bluetooth which is nice. My college is pretty wired (unwired?) with hotspots all over and in most classrooms. The problem here is when I start to get bored in class I find myself web-surfing instead of taking notes. There are bluetooth keyboards voming out for it soon at around 100 bucks.
It is big however so be ready to get ribbed about its size. But it is only big compared to phones it is the size of an average pda.
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Old 12-14-2004, 06:14 PM   #7 (permalink)
I just ordered the Audiovox 5600, i've seen a few of them around and they are nice phones.
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Old 12-15-2004, 12:28 PM   #8 (permalink)
Location: Illinois
I just invested in a nextel phone i830 and I am really pleased with it. I am liking the fact that it is the smallest that nextel makes right now and the price just dropped from $299 to $130. By the way anyone hear about the nextel/sprint deal?
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Old 12-15-2004, 08:07 PM   #9 (permalink)
Location: Chicago
I have a Siemens S55 and love it. Smallest, while still being practical, phone i've seen. It's flat/rounded shape fits perfectly in my pocket and hand. I love the design and colors too - flat shades of blue with white lit buttons.

Unfortunatly, it's not a "nation wide" phone, so I get charged some fee for using it outside my area. I'll have to get a new one because i'll be traveling a lot soon.
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Old 12-15-2004, 10:53 PM   #10 (permalink)
Originally Posted by FngKestrel
Doesn't cingular suck pretty much everywhere?
I'm in the Bay Area, it actually works very well. I had TMobile before, but my service is better w/ Cingular. I can even use it in my dorm elevators now
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Old 12-16-2004, 08:08 AM   #11 (permalink)
If you don't like what cingular offers look elsewhere for a gsm phone. YOu might find something that you like that is not sold in this country but will work with the network.
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Old 12-16-2004, 08:14 AM   #12 (permalink)
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Location: texas
any that NTTDoCoMo offers.........

many of them now have a thumbscan for you to "authenticate" youself, w00t
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Old 12-25-2004, 03:40 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by hwtf
I'm in the Bay Area, it actually works very well. I had TMobile before, but my service is better w/ Cingular. I can even use it in my dorm elevators now
I used AT&T until they merged with Cingular. So I got myself a Motorola RAZR and haven't had any problems. Cingular used to have an awful reputation - I can only assume that isn't the case since their merger.

So get a RAZR if "coolness" is important to you. Join the club and buy it while you're still single...
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Old 12-29-2004, 11:11 PM   #14 (permalink)
Pasture Bedtime
The RAZR is only for Cingular?

Suck. Will it always be like this, or will it become available for other plans?
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Old 12-30-2004, 07:40 PM   #15 (permalink)
Location: Atlanta, GA
I used to be a nokia fan. but now I have switched to Motorola and am loving it. V600 has all the features and a sleek silver case.

T-Mobile still sucks though
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Old 01-12-2005, 04:53 PM   #16 (permalink)
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If price is no object here's something to consider:

Vertu - handcrafted luxury phones

Among other things it features 24 hour concierge service at the touch of a button. "We can find an English-speaking doctor in Beijing, if there is one there"
BTW. The retail price on their polished white gold model is $26,000, but if you shop around you can find it for around $18,000. (like that's going to make a difference...)

Last edited by longbough; 01-12-2005 at 05:10 PM..
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Old 01-13-2005, 11:24 AM   #17 (permalink)
Location: In beautiful (YOUR AREA)
Love my Sony Ericsson T616, Its been beatin to death. Im also eyeing the SE Z500a next. Hopefully the Att/Cingular deal goes smooth in the coming months.
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Old 01-13-2005, 02:10 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Location: CA-USA
Originally Posted by ToiletDuck
Love my Sony Ericsson T616, Its been beatin to death. Im also eyeing the SE Z500a next. Hopefully the Att/Cingular deal goes smooth in the coming months.
I have a T616 as well. I saw that they finally started carrying a clam shell Sony Ericsson phone. The only thing that's holding me back from getting this phone is the fact that it does not have Bluetooth. That's disappointing. Hopefully they'll offer the z600 soon. Once they do, I'm upgrading!
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Old 01-13-2005, 05:58 PM   #19 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by stonegrody
I have a T616 as well. I saw that they finally started carrying a clam shell Sony Ericsson phone. The only thing that's holding me back from getting this phone is the fact that it does not have Bluetooth. That's disappointing. Hopefully they'll offer the z600 soon. Once they do, I'm upgrading!
And I was disappointed to see them making a flip phone. I think I may be the only person on the face of the planet that hates flip phones. I love my T637, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
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Old 01-13-2005, 10:59 PM   #20 (permalink)
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Location: Seattle
i do not like flip phones much either
and i dont really see the big deal with bluetooth and everyone needing lights and cameras on their phones. maybe im just a simpleton
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Old 01-14-2005, 12:22 AM   #21 (permalink)
Originally Posted by sixate
And I was disappointed to see them making a flip phone. I think I may be the only person on the face of the planet that hates flip phones. I love my T637, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
I just bought that phone and moved to cingular. i realized what short battery life it has though compared to my old sprint phones and how easy the screen gets scratched up (even compared to my other none flip phones). I like it a lot more though than any other phone i have owned.
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Old 01-17-2005, 01:14 PM   #22 (permalink)
Location: Cow Country, CT
i have a motorola v265... dont get it, it has no idea whether it is opened or closed, and my friends with the same phone have the same problem
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Old 01-17-2005, 02:48 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by skinnymofo
i do not like flip phones much either
and i dont really see the big deal with bluetooth and everyone needing lights and cameras on their phones. maybe im just a simpleton
The main reason I like bluetooth is because I love having a wireless headset. I can't imagine what I used to do before I had it. Plus, I use it to upload games and ringtones to my phone. That way I never have to pay for that crap. You just need to know where to get it.

Originally Posted by animal909
I just bought that phone and moved to cingular. i realized what short battery life it has though compared to my old sprint phones and how easy the screen gets scratched up (even compared to my other none flip phones). I like it a lot more though than any other phone i have owned.
I haven't had a problem with the screen scratching, but I will agree that the battery life could be better. That phone is near perfect for me. It would be perfect if it had the battery life of my old Nokia phone, and had speakerphone.
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Old 01-17-2005, 05:22 PM   #24 (permalink)
In the past 11 years, my main source of income has been Cellular phones. The first phone I sold looked like something that Don Johnson might have carried on Miami Vice.... Since then I have sold Alltel, T-Mobile, Sprint, Verizon, Southern Linc, Nextel, Virgin Mobile, Cingular, and AT&T.... I currently work selling Alltel, T-Mobile, Sprint and Southern Linc. I feel like I can offer you some insight to all of them.

First. Coverage maps LIE..... They'll show you coverage, and vary greatly when you actually get it. The LAW states that you have 14 days to return any contracted item....in this case a cell phone. The first thing you do when you're looking is tell the representative....flat out...."I'm fully aware of my 14 day restitution option, and if this phone does not live up to your promise of coverage, I'll be returning it. Please Explain your refund policy to me". The reason you ask for the refund policy is simple...just because the COMPANY may let you out of a contract...does not mean you'll get a refund from the DEALER....Refund policies are DEALER policies.....not providers.... and don't let them tell you otherwise.... If they try....then you don't want their sales, and they dont want your business.

Buy what you NEED, not what they want you to spend 300 dollars on. I, myself, am more of the type of person that will sooner GIVE you a free phone that does NOTHING BUT TALK than sell you 300 dollars worth of stuff you don't need.... There may be a great phone out there that does all sorts of fancy stuff...but what do you care...you want to talk......buy one that talks..... When in doubt.....NOKIA....in the three carriers I sell that have nokia phones (the fourth only has motorola).....the Nokia phones that are low priced or FREE with contracts will pick up better than phones we sell for 300 dollars....in order...for reception......Nokia...Motorola....and probably Samsung is third.....Brands like "LG" and "Sharp"....buy if you live in town and need the features...

By provider, without any doubt, the greatest coverage is Alltel's service...and that should go for just about anywhere.....but here's some advantages and disadvantages of the main providers

Alltel. Great coverage.....when all else fails...alltel usually works there....the downfall is their phones....they don't have the greatest selection of "cool" By far the coolest phone is the Motorola V710....but their best reception is a Nokia. They'll show you three plans on the brochures.....a "Local" plan...skip it....if you leave your particular state, you're screwed....and the "total freedom"...again, unless you live in the extreme western part of the country or the mountains....you dont need it. The best service is the one they give you on "national freedom". And stay at or above a 49.99 plan....because at that point...you have negotiation rights....on a 49.99 plan, the dealer (in most cases) gets paid enough money to sufficiently discount phones, and they can waive the activation fees for you at this level too.... Watch them though...credit challenged people will hit a minimum of a 300 dollar deposit... Don't let them tell you there's only a two-year contract. You CAN sign one year....there's just a higher price on phones...

T-Mobile. GREAT phones....Cool service...lots of perks....and hellaciously large amounts of minutes for low prices. Right now....1000 Anytime minutes, Unlimited Nights and Weekends....and for the no credit/bad credit people..they're by far the most lenient......what alltel sees as a 300 dollar deposit may be zero or 75 dollars with tmobile...AND they only require a one year contract (They dont have two years). There are disadvantages however in their coverage. They'll tell you no roaming no long disatance..which to a point is true.....but not really useful in rural areas...major interstates, major highways, major cities....no problem...grandma lives in the back woods, you're gonna have trouble.......

Sprint - I carry sprint. I like sprint. They treat me very well....their coverage is great....but it's along the same lines as T-Mobile's....major interstates, major highways, major cities. They DO have features out the wazoo....their vision service (web and internet) is top notch...their "ready link" (two way walkie talkie) is flawless....and their voicemail and messaging is top of the line....and without any doubt, their phones are the coolest. One thing with Sprint...stay with Sanyo. They're the most durable phones alive with sprint.... Their top deposit is 250.00, which isn't BAD considering it's lower than alltel's lowest deposit. Always find a sprint dealer who can give you instant rebates. I'll warn you....if you can get it knocked off the top....at the counter...take it...because sprint is notorious for screwing people out of mail in rebates....dont know why...i think it's their clearing house or something...but it's just bad.... Their plans are so-so and tend to be higher. If you're not surfing, not walkie-talkie-ing....not downloading...and not into fancy wallpapers etc, a basic plan can get you a bill of about 50 a month...which is fair. One DISTINCT advantage to sprint....7PM NIGHTS AND WEEKENDS.....careful though...specific changes to your account will restart your contract....

AT&T/Cingular. Don't waste your time. This company changes hands more times than the pigskin at a Buffalo Bills game..... They don't hold their promises, they lock people into contracts without cause and without permisson...and they lie. Their phones are cool, but their coverage sucks....I sold it for a lot of years...I can vouch for it. It was US Cellular and then AT&T and that merger was HELL....to make it worse....they're now part of Cingular...and while they may CLAIM to have great coverage...don't hold your breath. A great majority of your coverage is analog and sucks.....

Verizon. I have nothing bad to say about Verizon. If you have a reason to have them, go for it. DO NOT however purchase their phones based on their claim of the "largest coverage of anybody" and their fancy "Can you hear me now" commercials. They'll claim 100% coverage, no roaming, no long distance....but come see ME....or for that matter, go anywhere between Atlanta GA and Lake City FL, and say "can you hear me now" and your answer will be static. Its like that for a LOT of places in the country...and while their phone works in all those areas, it's not on their tower, so take a Cigarette Lighter Adapter with you for your phone....cause if you roam, your battery dies three times as fast...

That's what I can tell you based on experience....

When picking a dealer...it sounds bad, but go with what they give you free! Let's do some math. A Nokia phone....costs a dealer 80 dollars....they're giving it away free, that means they lost 80 dollars.....but they get paid a 250.00 commission, that's 170.00 positive for the dealer, and he STILL wants to charge you 20 bucks for a car charger...no.... Car chargers, at most cost a dealer 2.00.....a leather case...about the same....an earpiece...roughly five..... ALL OF THAT should be free when you sign up on a new plan (maybe not on the secondary lines...but definitely on the first line). At least get a discount out of it....accept nothin less. You come buy a phone from me, you're walking out with a car charger, at no charge, guaran-damn-teed.....you're likely to walk out with a basic leather or a holster too....the earpieces I can't claim I "give" away because I only carry higher end bluetooth stuff and high end body glove stuff....but they'll go out at LEAST at cost....and if you've got a phone with an interchangable faceplate, that's yours too, and bet your bottom dollar I'm STILL makin money. I wouldnt do it if I didnt.
EVERY ONE of my customers who buys a phone leaves with free accessories (at LEAST one....) And a promise of at least a 25% discount on all accessories for LIFE...

Lastly...DO YOUR HOMEWORK. The major providers will put out on their web pages the price that SHOULD be charged for each phone. I know that Alltel , T-Mobile , Sprint and Verizon all put the cost of phones on the web sites (linked as you can see). Do your homework...Take web price sheets with you. Check features of the phones online, at [Phone Scoop , probably. Find out what phone you want, with what carrier, and print it out. Your first indication that someone's out to take all your money is probably a price tag showing 400.00...and the internet shows 199.99....its not someone you want to deal with. Caveat Emptor...never meant more than when buying a cell phone. Any questions...email me or PM me...I'm available...
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Old 01-17-2005, 05:27 PM   #25 (permalink)
Originally Posted by the420star
i have a motorola v265... dont get it, it has no idea whether it is opened or closed, and my friends with the same phone have the same problem
Take it back to the dealer.....if I recall there's an issue with the hinges on that that causes them no to recognize open or closed and the backlighs stay on.....phones that are NOT abused have a full one year warranty, and dont let them tell you otherwise. Also, before you take it in...pull the battery...check to see if there's a "wet spot" on it...a little dot similar to ph paper or a pregnancy test type thing....make SURE you document that it's NOT smeared or color-changed. One trick I've seen dealers do is say "let me put it on the bench....take an eye dropper, get that spot wet with one drop of water, bring it back to you and say "your phone got wet, your warranty doesnt cover water damage".....
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Old 01-17-2005, 05:30 PM   #26 (permalink)
Originally Posted by sixate
The main reason I like bluetooth is because I love having a wireless headset. I can't imagine what I used to do before I had it. Plus, I use it to upload games and ringtones to my phone. That way I never have to pay for that crap. You just need to know where to get it. .
The greater portion of bluetooth phones can be accessed with a Mobile Phone Tools software. Motorola makes one but i'm not sure if it works outside of motorola's phones.....and it works WELL...very well. It's a simple USB thing, not unlike a jump drive, and it just broadcasts to your phone...an dit's great. I've used the V710 for alltel...it rocks...
"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."
- Galileo Galilei CAT FOOD DUDE!

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Old 01-19-2005, 03:24 PM   #27 (permalink)
keyshawn's Avatar
One of the newer issues of the consumer reports magazine [either from jan. or feb. 2005 edition] had a feature article on cell phones, along with their carriers as well.

If you want to read about it without buying the issue, just go to your local library's magazine section
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