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Old 10-22-2004, 11:07 AM   #41 (permalink)
XM radio seen launching 'wearable' device-analyst

LOS ANGELES, Oct 21 (Reuters) - XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc next week is expected to unveil a "wearable" device, marking the satellite radio industry leader's latest effort to woo audiences to the nascent format, analysts said.

A spokesman for Washington, D.C.-based XM declined to comment beyond saying a major product announcement was planned for Oct. 26 in New York with automotive parts and consumer electronics products maker, Delphi Corp.

"XMSR is also likely to announce its wearable device next week. There is a good shot this 'Walkman' type device, in the near term, will differentiate XM's hardware from Sirius," a rival satellite radio system, said Kit Spring, analyst with Stifel, Nicolaus in a note for investors.

He said such a device would "also get investors thinking about future combinations of IPOD/TIVO-like satellite radios, which would increase the value of the monthly subscription."

A radio industry executive said the device was believed to be a satellite-radio receiver with headphones that also had a hard drive enabling users to download XM content.

Spring could not be immediately reached for comment.

Delphi has already partnered with XM for such products as the XM SKYFi satellite radio. Since introducing it in 2002, the company has shipped over 750,000 of the portable units.

XM rival Sirius Satellite Radio Inc has said it expects to roll out wearable products in late summer 2005.

The new "wearable device" by XM could bolster increasing investor sentiment about the business prospects for satellite radio, although some analysts cautioned that both rivals are investing heavily in a bid to attract a mass audience.

Earlier this month, Sirius reached a five-year, $500 million deal with shock jock Howard Stern to bring his popular program to the company's line-up in a bid to narrow the gap with XM.

XM responded this week by signing a $650 million deal to broadcast Major League Baseball games for 11 years.

XM Satellite has about 2.5 million subscribers. Sirius' subscriber base has exceeded 700,000 and the company said it remains on track for 1 million subscribers by the end of the year.
Article can be found HERE.

This is just what I've been looking for, and I think it will be a product that will greatly increase XM's popularity and success.

I'm just wondering how much this portable radio will be, and what it will look like. Does anyone have any additional information about this new "wearable" device?
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Old 10-23-2004, 04:13 AM   #42 (permalink)
pottsynz's Avatar
Originally Posted by tropple
Streaming is nice, I suppose, but the thing about having the XMPCR is that the SW (XtremePCR) tells me when one of my favorites is playing. Can't get that from a stream. Also, my company blocks streams. Satellite is the best way to go for me.
In theory you could, as long the tag info is broadcasted too.
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Old 10-23-2004, 01:24 PM   #43 (permalink)
Yep. Sure could if it went through the firewall.

Everyone does know about audioXtract, right? It does for internet streams what TimeTrax and the myriad of other apps doo for XM.


It'll process up to eight simultaneous streams into MP3.
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Old 10-23-2004, 01:46 PM   #44 (permalink)
pottsynz's Avatar
That seems pretty cool. Now if someone can come up with an open-source (read: free) alternative I'll be happy.
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Old 10-23-2004, 09:35 PM   #45 (permalink)
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I read on CNN.com a few days ago that XM will be announcing a new handlheld walkman type device this week. Can't find that article but found this:

U2 In Big XM, Apple Marketing Event? - 10/23 - DCRTV hears rumblings that U2 and frontman Bono may be involved in a big XM-related promo push for new models of Apple's iPods. Perhaps iPods that have an XM satellite radio capability? There's been talk that DC's XM is planning an announcement next week about a "Walkman"-type "wearable" satellite radio receiver. And, a somewhat cryptic ad featuring U2's new song "Vertigo" (available on Apple's iTunes) has been running on some TV networks. With speculation about a black iPod pre-loaded with the band's new album and/or its entire music catalog
found at http://dcrtv.com/

Coincidently I purchased a new Pontiac Grand Prix GTP with XM just last week. I love it, however I would probably say the same about Sirius. The quality of XM, even if it is lesser than Sirius sounds better than any radio station I've ever listened to. Cars aren't necessarily the best environment to judge sound quality. I doubt if I will ever own a car without satellite radio. Its just too good.
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Old 10-23-2004, 10:56 PM   #46 (permalink)
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It has hit slashdot, so it must be big news.
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Old 10-24-2004, 03:23 AM   #47 (permalink)
Originally Posted by pottsynz
That seems pretty cool. Now if someone can come up with an open-source (read: free) alternative I'll be happy.
There are two or three free packages for XM. PCRCommander is the one that springs to mind. There's also a PERL API and I think a Python API (or maybe it's an app?) that you can get, besides PCRCommander.
tropple is offline  
Old 10-24-2004, 03:25 AM   #48 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Craven Morehead
I read on CNN.com a few days ago that XM will be announcing a new handlheld walkman type device this week. Can't find that article but found this:

found at http://dcrtv.com/

Coincidently I purchased a new Pontiac Grand Prix GTP with XM just last week. I love it, however I would probably say the same about Sirius. The quality of XM, even if it is lesser than Sirius sounds better than any radio station I've ever listened to. Cars aren't necessarily the best environment to judge sound quality. I doubt if I will ever own a car without satellite radio. Its just too good.

Here's the story: http://cnn.netscape.cnn.com/ns/news/...&w=RTR&coview=

Well, I guess I'm gonna cancel my Roady2!
tropple is offline  
Old 10-31-2004, 07:01 PM   #49 (permalink)
I've been doing lots of research about this, because I really want to get satellite radio for Chirstmas... These are the big points that I've garnered from my research (just to let you know, I'm strongly leaning toward XM)

1. Content - Look at the channels... how many channels play music that you like? XM has Music Lab with progressive rock and metal, which is really a huge deal for me.

2. Quality - This depends. In my opinion, it would be hard to distinguish quality in stock car stereo speakers and traveling 70mph on a noisy freeway. Satellite radio won't replace my CD collection at home (though since XM has ACC coverage, I might take advantage of that at home too). Both Sirus and XM have bandwidth issues. They both have a fixed bandwidth and as each keep adding channels, there will be a crunch. They might be able to improve this with the transmission technology (codec and naurals - which I believe is the processors that send the signals up to the satellite). It will be intersting to see how both companies adapt to increased bandwith crunch as they try to appeal to more customers.

3. Hardware - This is completely personal. Sirus has more options. But for me this is the last consideration, because the above two considerations are much more imporant.

On a side note, I'm curious how XM's MyFi will do (and how the recption is). It seems to me there are definitely logistic issues with that, and will be hard to complete in an area where Apple and the iPod is so dominant.

I'm hoping to go with a new SkyFi 2 this christmas... as long as there are no supply issues =)
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Old 11-01-2004, 10:04 AM   #50 (permalink)

I have had xm for about 4 years (i think) and I like it. The only thing I don't like is that you hear a lot of the same songs over and over again. Another issue I have with it, is when I got it, the hardware didn't show the name of the artist. It would only show the first 7 letters. Now, they made it to scroll the WHOLE name, but I have to dish out $100 buckaroos to get it. That issue doesn't really matter now, but I had to vent. My advice is to go to a store, and check out the stations for a while. Pick the one you want.
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Old 11-02-2004, 05:04 AM   #51 (permalink)
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Another thing XM has soon is if you have a GPS, the satellite can send traffic info to your screen directly. That is huge IMO.
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Old 11-18-2004, 09:46 PM   #52 (permalink)
grendel's Avatar
up for anybody else thinking about satellite radio right now...

just saw stern on letterman, and damn if he didn't just about sell me on sirius from his comments... i don't know, though. my music tastes aren't all that mainstream, so i wonder how much music either XM or Sirius would have to offer me.
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Old 11-19-2004, 10:19 AM   #53 (permalink)
Originally Posted by griphiam

3. Hardware - This is completely personal. Sirus has more options. But for me this is the last consideration, because the above two considerations are much more imporant.

On a side note, I'm curious how XM's MyFi will do (and how the recption is). It seems to me there are definitely logistic issues with that, and will be hard to complete in an area where Apple and the iPod is so dominant.
I don't think there is any Siruis compatible hardware that lets you tune the radio from the computer (XMPCR/PCRDIRECT). That's what sold me with XM. I can't give up the disk space or cpu resources to play MP3s on disk and I can't use streams at work. XM has really changed my music listening habits. Though, if Sirius had done the same thing, it would have been a toos up for me. It's the delivery and controlling software that won me over.

I don't think the MyFi is competing with iPod unless IPod now receives sat radio. The recording function on the MyFi only records from the receiver and doesn't (yet?) play pre-recorded music.

As for Stern moving? meh. His voice can't compete with Pat Benatar or Nancy Wilson ;-)
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Old 11-19-2004, 10:26 AM   #54 (permalink)
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Location: Manhattan, NY
after hearing that Mel Karmazin is now the CEO of Sirius.... I'd put my bets on that one... no wonder Howard signed on with Sirius... Mel and him are good friends from way back...
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Old 11-22-2004, 11:53 AM   #55 (permalink)
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Location: Boston, MA
No question about that. XM has more advertising and that is why it has the name reconition but it just cannot stand up. Sirius has more options and music
I suffer from amnesia and deja vu at the same time... I think I have forgotten this before
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Old 11-22-2004, 12:52 PM   #56 (permalink)
braisler's Avatar
Location: Midway, KY
Originally Posted by tropple
I don't think there is any Siruis compatible hardware that lets you tune the radio from the computer (XMPCR/PCRDIRECT). That's what sold me with XM. I can't give up the disk space or cpu resources to play MP3s on disk and I can't use streams at work. XM has really changed my music listening habits. Though, if Sirius had done the same thing, it would have been a toos up for me. It's the delivery and controlling software that won me over.
A couple of issues that haven't been mentioned in this thread yet... Sirius doesn't have or need PC hardware to play from the computer. The previous poster mentions that he "can't use streams at work." I think that he means that there is a browser incompatability or that his work doesn't want the bandwidth being used for "recreational" uses. This wasn't an issue for me, but I do love being able to listen to music streams from Sirius on my PC at work or at home. This wasn't the top issue for me when selecting Sirius or XM. Let me see if I can rank the priorities of why I choose what I did.

1. Sirius offers a lifetime subscription plan where you can pay a one-time fee and that is it. This was a top priority for me since I hate recurring charges and I can do math. At $12.95/month, we'll be better off after just 3 years. Not too bad of a period for return on investment. XM did not offer a lifetime subscription. Both services offered a discount on a longer term of service.

2. Sirius offers streaming of all of their music channels through your PC with no extra hardware and at no extra cost. You can also preview their channels for free for three days to help you decide if Sirius is right for you.

3. My wife took a look at the business models of both Sirius and XM. She has an MBA, so her opinion held sway in our decision. XM has a larger subscriber base, but Sirius had a better cash-flow position and better business alliances with NFL, MLB, and NPR. She felt that Sirius would do well for years to come.

So we bought in and got a reciever unit with a car dock, a home dock, and the boombox. It has worked out pretty well for us. I like it better than I thought I would. I was pretty skeptical on the cost vs. benefit issue, but I have been pleasantly surprised. It makes our commute easier to bear. We use the Sirius as commercial-free background music when we are doing chores at home or having a dinner party. Having just moved to central Kentucky, radio choices were severly limited. Sirius has been a real benefit.

For the record, when we started looking into it seriously, I was leaning toward XM because I thought that the hardware looked better. I think that you will be happy with either of the systems you choose. As other posts have mentioned, both systems have good sound, plenty of listening choices, and a number of commercial free channels.
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- Albert Einstein
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Old 11-23-2004, 05:35 AM   #57 (permalink)
Im going to Sirius once Howard goes there. Ive been doing some research and it does look better. Also, since Howard is going there, I think it will just blow up.

FYI, between now and 11/24, you can get a free radio from sirius if you just pre-pay for a membership for a year. If you can get on the Howardstern.com website there are some codes on there for the offer. I didnt take advantage of it, but if somebody was gonna get sirius now anyways, its a good plan.
My goal is to be rookie of the year...
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Old 11-23-2004, 09:34 AM   #58 (permalink)
Originally Posted by braisler
A couple of issues that haven't been mentioned in this thread yet... Sirius doesn't have or need PC hardware to play from the computer. The previous poster mentions that he "can't use streams at work." I think that he means that there is a browser incompatability or that his work doesn't want the bandwidth being used for "recreational" uses.


For the record, when we started looking into it seriously, I was leaning toward XM because I thought that the hardware looked better. I think that you will be happy with either of the systems you choose. As other posts have mentioned, both systems have good sound, plenty of listening choices, and a number of commercial free channels.

Nope. I meant exactly that. The firewall where I work blocks certain protocols and filetypes.

Also, I love my XMPCR. Sirius has no similar hardware. For me, it isn't so much the content on any particular channel as it is being able to control and monitor the radio via my PC.

I agree with you about the satisfaction, either one is fine. Afterall, i can only listen to one song at a time ;-)
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