10-25-2003, 04:01 PM
#1 (permalink)
An ASP image viewing script I wrote.
I wrote an image viewing script in ASP to easily share my porn with my friends. And I would like to share it with you all. It could probably be prettier written but it does the job.
Hope you enjoy!
Hmm, I tried to paste the script into the post but it didnt like that so here's a zipped file instead: http://www.simmalugnt.com/TFP/imageviewer.zip
Edit: Figured it out.
# Nad Adams Self-Updating Imagebrowser.<br>
# Ok, this is a script that shows all folders and pictures <br>
# (jpg, gif and png) that are in a specified folder. That might seem <br>
# like nothing useful but trust me, it is. What's nice with this one <br>
# is that you just have to put the pictures and folders in the main <br>
# folder and they show on the page and when you remove them they're <br>
# gone! As you've probably guessed I made this one for easy browsing of<br>
# my pr0n collection =)<br>
# It's free for anyone to use, if you like it and would like to thank<br>
# me just send me a link to the directory where you store your pr0n, I <br>
# guaratee I won't pass it on. My adress is nadaham@home.se, I guess <br>
# it's pr0nware.
# Setup Instructions!<br>
# Very easy, just change the variable StartPath to the folder where you<br>
# have your images and you're done. For example if the path to your <br>
# images is http://www.images.com/vacation/ then StartPath = vacation <br>
# or if it's deeper in the folderstructure like <br>
# http://www.images.com/vacation/mardigras then <br>
# StartPath = vacation/mardigras . <br>
<p>Dim PhysicalPath, StartPath, UnderFolder<br>
PhysicalPath = lcase(Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH"))<br>
StartPath = "Images"<br>
PhysicalPath = PhysicalPath & StartPath<br>
UnderFolder = Request.QueryString("SubFolder")<br>
If Not Request.QueryString("SubFolder") = "" Then PhysicalPath
= PhysicalPath & "\" & Request.QueryString("SubFolder")<br>
'Startar FileSystemObject<br>
set FS = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")</p>
<p>'Ger sökvägen från domänrooten<br>
DomainPath = Request.ServerVariables("URL")<br>
Filnamn = FS.GetFileName(DomainPath)<br>
Set Folder = FS.GetFolder(PhysicalPath)</p>
<p>'Show filenames<br>
For Each Subfolder in Folder.Subfolders<br>
<a href="file:///V|/www.simmalugnt.com/Bilder/<% =Filnamn %>?SubFolder=<%
=Server.URLEncode(UnderFolder & "/" & subfolder.name) %>"><%
=subfolder.name %></a><br><br>
<p>For Each File in Folder.Files<br>
Extension = lcase(FS.GetExtensionName(File.Name))<br>
If Extension="jpg" or Extension="gif" or extension="png"
<img src="http://<% =Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST")
%>/<% =StartPath %>/<% =Request.QueryString("SubFolder")
%>/<% =File.Name %>"><br><br>
End If<br>
Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones. - Psalms 137:9
Last edited by Nad Adam; 10-25-2003 at 04:23 PM..