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Old 08-22-2008, 01:08 PM   #1 (permalink)
Location: here&there
dvd movie

I have never felt so computer illiterate in my life. I hear of people making DVD's of movies all the time, and figured "how hard could it be?" So, I bought the right kind of DVD's for movies to be recorded on, and thought I was on my way...well.....I have no clue as to what they are talking about, first they say the movie has to be ripped to my hard drive??? I don't know how to do this? I googled rippin movies, and what I read was all greek to me.
The movie I want to make a DVD of is on a site called Hula, which has numerous movies to watch. Am I missing something, or can I not make a DVD of the movies on this site?
thank you for any help
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Old 08-22-2008, 03:38 PM   #2 (permalink)
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you can't easily make movies of hulu shows. it can be done but I'd equate it to being a bit more than novice in order to get the shows and then burn them to DVD.
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Old 08-22-2008, 03:49 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by lktknow View Post
I have never felt so computer illiterate in my life. I hear of people making DVD's of movies all the time, and figured "how hard could it be?" So, I bought the right kind of DVD's for movies to be recorded on, and thought I was on my way...well.....I have no clue as to what they are talking about, first they say the movie has to be ripped to my hard drive??? I don't know how to do this? I googled rippin movies, and what I read was all greek to me.
The movie I want to make a DVD of is on a site called Hula, which has numerous movies to watch. Am I missing something, or can I not make a DVD of the movies on this site?
thank you for any help
dont feel alone, Im far from being stupid but I've been trying to figure out/get someone to show me how to rip and burn a dvd for over a year and its still not happening for me.
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Old 08-22-2008, 05:51 PM   #4 (permalink)
Location: here&there
Well, you both have made me feel a lot better, I'm getting up there in age, and I honestly thought I may be losing it...lol..."IT" being , my grasp of a seemingly easy step something or other, and being able to do it before the next person, but this has got me yanking my hair out...thank you for letting me know it is not that simple.

and I'm still open to any , any help someone has to offer. You may think , "oh she knows that", but honestly, i don't, i need step by step instructions, if you know where I can find these, please let me know.
thank you
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Last edited by lktknow; 08-22-2008 at 05:54 PM..
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Old 08-22-2008, 06:10 PM   #5 (permalink)
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First question: Are you using a mac or a PC? It's exponentially easier to do it on a mac than on a PC. Plus, it's free on a mac. If you do have a PC, I would have a really hard time helping.
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Old 08-22-2008, 06:35 PM   #6 (permalink)
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If you have a PC you just need the right software. i dont know anything about the hulu site though or how hard it is to save stuff from it. But basiclly you need a way to get the video file onto your pc hard drive then one to convert it to a dvd format. There are countless plugins for firefox to save video from a website. Might be one that can handle it.

I personally use a program called anydvd and clonedvd to rip and burn dvds from another dvd. Very nice program and i think they still have a free trial that works for a few weeks. But thats not what you need to burn the video files you need from a website. Honestly i have never found a website video that i felt was high enough quality to want turn into a dvd so i just havnt bothered to try it. But you need something to convert whatever format it saves as into a mpeg2 file. Then any one of a dozen dvd maker programs can convert that to a dvd and burn it.
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Old 08-22-2008, 07:25 PM   #7 (permalink)
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lktknow, first of all, "ripping" a dvd only applies to dvds that you have a physical disc of.

Second, as Cynthetiq stated, making a dvd from movies from sites like hulu is a fairly complicated process, and IMO the end product is not worth the time and effort involved. It's much easier to copy a dvd that you can get a physical disc of.
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Old 08-23-2008, 05:03 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by mrklixx View Post
lktknow, first of all, "ripping" a dvd only applies to dvds that you have a physical disc of.
Can't stress this enough. So often people use the wrong lingo and that is the only thing between you and a good set of Google results.

In all honesty, the most difficult process is getting the media files to be turned into DVD. I haven't any less complicated suggestions than find a media plugin for Firefox. Beyond that there are ways outside of what you are expecting.

After that, I really recommend you just use the program DVD Flick (Windows). DVD Flick has to be one of the easiest programs for just making video files into DVD movies. It is especially great since it converts everything I have thrown at it (minus DVR-MS :'-( ). It creates very simple menu interfaces as well.

Some more notes on making this process fast. DVD Flick usually makes output larger than a standard single layer 4.3GB DVD-R disc. Nowadays, new computers usually have burners that support burning to dual layer 8GB DVDR media, but so often people don't buy that because the price is more. So use DVD Shrink to process your DVD file output to make a 4.3GB ISO. This ISO can then be burnt with a great program called ImgBurn. Not only does it do a great job of burning, it can also verify your new disc, comparing it to that of the data lying on your hard drive before it tells you "all clear".
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Old 08-23-2008, 05:28 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Hain View Post
Some more notes on making this process fast. DVD Flick usually makes output larger than a standard single layer 4.3GB DVD-R disc. Nowadays, new computers usually have burners that support burning to dual layer 8GB DVDR media, but so often people don't buy that because the price is more. So use DVD Shrink to process your DVD file output to make a 4.3GB ISO. This ISO can then be burnt with a great program called ImgBurn. Not only does it do a great job of burning, it can also verify your new disc, comparing it to that of the data lying on your hard drive before it tells you "all clear".
see too complicated already....

I can do the steps listed above... but just too much trouble to be worth the effort, may as well rent the disc and then copy it or buy it outright.
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Old 08-23-2008, 07:51 PM   #10 (permalink)
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That's if one is actually working with a disc to begin with. What if it is one's favorite YouTube videos are to be played on a DVD?

Yeah... it is complicated. Even I thought it was impossible, but there are only three objects to completing this task.
  1. Obtain the video files
  2. Convert the video files
  3. Burn to DVD

Now there are many ways to obtain these objectives. My process has four steps.
  1. Obtain the video files
  2. Use DVD Flick to create the DVD files. DVD Flick automatically makes the menus for you. DVD Flick has converted every file I have thrown at it.
  3. With DVD Shrink, compress the DVD files so that they fit onto a standard 4.3GB DVD. This is fairly easy since all you do is point DVD Shrink to the folder containing the AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS folders, *BAM!* it knows how to compress them fairly well. If one wants to play around for better (often unneeded quality compression), one can go to quality tab in the back up menu
  4. Burn the resulting ISO, MDS, or VIDEO_TS folder with ImgBurn---ImgBurn knows how to burn all those such that it plays right.
My steps two and three are the second objective. The third step can be avoided if one wants to front some cash and buy a 8GB DVD.

Regardless if it sounds difficult, I hope this helps anyone that needs it.
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Old 08-23-2008, 10:44 PM   #11 (permalink)
Location: here&there
I'm using a pc not a mac.
I really appreciate the time hain put into an answer, it actually made me see things a little clearer. a teeny bit.
I'm not too sure about being able to get the movie from the Hula web site. I read all the terms of use and copyright information they give, but still don't know how to get the movie into a file. I have not checked every video place for this movie, but the few I did check, did not have it. The name of the movie is "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind" with Jim Carey and Kate Winslet.
What a great movie.
So, what you are saying is this DVDflick will do that for me? I have not checked it out yet, but plan on doing so right now, just wanted to thank you all for the input.
I'll let you know how it came out.
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Old 08-24-2008, 03:08 AM   #12 (permalink)
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The cheapest way to create DVD on a PC running XP is Microsofts MovieMaker. It will guide the user every step of the way. Ofcause you pay for what you get applies but for if nothing else just getting grasp of the process it is fine. Then you can move over to better and more complicated programs.

Hope this helps
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Old 08-24-2008, 08:55 AM   #13 (permalink)
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lktknow, how much time are you willing to invest in this? Because ,no offense to Hain, but I think Hain's oversimplified instructions may be a bit misleading. Depending on what kind of internet connection you have and what kind of processor/memory you have in your pc, this process could take many, many hours from beginning to end. It just seems like an awful lot of work for something you could buy for less than $10.
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Old 08-24-2008, 09:16 AM   #14 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by mrklixx View Post
lktknow, how much time are you willing to invest in this? Because ,no offense to Hain, but I think Hain's oversimplified instructions may be a bit misleading. Depending on what kind of internet connection you have and what kind of processor/memory you have in your pc, this process could take many, many hours from beginning to end. It just seems like an awful lot of work for something you could buy for less than $10.
excellent point, it takes me with a dual proc 2.0Ghz 2Gb RAM, to convert 1 hour of video about 30 minutes, to then burn it takes about realtime, so it's another 1 hour. I'd rather just buy it.
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Old 08-26-2008, 06:07 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Cynth, you have one slow burner. I can burn and verify a 4.3GB (ISO) disc in under 40 minutes.

Originally Posted by mrklixx View Post
Depending on what kind of internet connection you have and what kind of processor/memory you have in your pc, this process could take many, many hours from beginning to end.
You are right. It can take many hours (which is why I have multiple PCs ).

To give some time details: DVD Flick is quite fast, on each machine I have used it... it was roughly a real time conversion (maybe a little slower). The output is great though. DVD Shrink takes up to 2.5 hours if you set it to do a deep analysis and maximum fluidity (opposite of maximum sharpness, these are the best settings from what I read and experience). Burning a disc depends on your burner and discs. My burner can burn an 4.3GB ISO in under 15minutes, and then it only takes about 20minutes to verify the data.

Originally Posted by mrklixx View Post
It just seems like an awful lot of work for something you could buy for less than $10.
I agree with this. Downloading the movie from some video hosting site is an incredible waste of time.
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Old 08-27-2008, 11:28 PM   #16 (permalink)
Location: Seattle
in the freware thread, there's an app you can use to capture your desktop, whatever's playing on it. I'd guess you could capture the movie that way. once you have the file...well find some software that will burn to video DVD.

I never saw an option to burn DVD's in medial player. I finally got nero and just sorta followed the prompts in the software. I had a DVD in an hour or two that played in my DVD player. I tried DVD Flick and the vid didn't play right, but Nero worked.
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