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jujueye 05-12-2003 08:09 PM

Men's Lounge?

No REALLY! Would there be any interest in a Men's Forum. Same rules as the Women's Forum, only for men. Sometimes there are personal things I want to ask or say, but Tilted Advice doesn't seem to be the right place...to say, "Hey, geez, why am I so horny today?" or , "Man I am so tired of women always saying men are such weenies."

Any other interest here? Might be kind of cool....we'll build a clubhouse, with electricity, and a No Girlz sign....!


meanSpleen 05-13-2003 07:34 AM

Its been asked before, and it will be answered again:

TFP is essentially a men's forum. Ask the excessive majority of guys on the site, and they'll probably say the same thing. The ladies have ladies only forum because it is a way to stop them from being lost in the crowd. TFP wants people of all kinds, genders, and types to be able to enjoy the board on an equal level.

Besides, a mens only board would revolve mostly around boobs, dick length, and general pimping. Things that are already seen on the board.

jujueye 05-13-2003 07:41 AM

Of course, most of the Internet is a men's forum. So what? I'm glad you've made a place for women. I truly think thats nice. But where, then, do I start the discussions like "Man I am so tired of women always saying men are such weenies"???? We really do not have a place like that in this community.

redravin40 05-13-2003 06:55 PM


Originally posted by jujueye
Of course, most of the Internet is a men's forum. So what? I'm glad you've made a place for women. I truly think thats nice. But where, then, do I start the discussions like "Man I am so tired of women always saying men are such weenies"???? We really do not have a place like that in this community.
Looks like you just started one.
If you want to start a discussion around the topic you just mentioned post it in General Discussion.
Just keep in mind two things, the ladies will be responding and rude replies are always unacceptable.

jujueye 05-14-2003 02:05 PM

OK. No problem. I'll post items of this nature in general. I'm glad the "rude replies are always unacceptable" rule applies (say THAT three times fast) because that's what makes tfp such a great place to hang. Much appreciated.

billege 05-17-2003 05:32 AM

There is no need for a men's forum.

If a man really wanted to have a thread without female replies, he could request that when starting the thread. I'd be that most women would respect it.

ALL forums can be viewed by anyone, so the ladies are in a fishbowl in their forum.

MikeFSW 05-17-2003 07:06 PM

Where's the "men's lounge"????
Shouldn't there be a place here where no women are allowed?????

MikeFSW 05-17-2003 07:23 PM


Originally posted by meanSpleen
Besides, a mens only board would revolve mostly around boobs, dick length, and general pimping. Things that are already seen on the board.
I disagree with that. I believe that some men would engage in actual conversations that had some meaning. Maybe I'm wrong, though.

While there might be mostly men here (I honestly don't know, yet), fact is that females can access any forum and there is no place where men can simply have discussions without any women around. I think that a "men's forum" would be a great idea. If it turned into talk of dick length, boobs, etc, then can it......but I really don't think that it would. Just going by some of the things I've read today, I think there are some decent people here.

redravin40 05-17-2003 07:47 PM

One more time.
The woman make up a very small percentage of TFP (less then 10% of the active members).
We want to encourage them, and couples, to be involved with TFP.
The LL was developed along those lines.
Unfortunately in its first incarnation men decided to use it as a place to troll and pretty much drowned out the woman.
So it was made off limits to men.
If you want to have a conversation and somehow feel that woman would cause problems by posting to the thread then politely ask them not to.
I am sure they would respect your wishes just as they expect you to respect the LL.
TFP is a remarkable place unlike any other on the net.
We have a broader base of membership and more types of forums then any board I have ever visited.
We don't need a mens forum since most of the place is that already.

Ganguro 05-18-2003 10:19 AM

plus who wants a board where all it would be " i banged this chick" or " how big is your dick?" or fart jokes, etc...
Okay.. besides you Mike :)

I mean.. that would get old real quick.

Midnight_Son 05-20-2003 07:17 AM

redravin40 and myself don't see eye to eye on everything, but I really gotta stand behind him on this topic. he's 100% correct.

THE MAC GOD 06-01-2003 01:47 AM

I agree that there should be a men's forum... To keep things fair and even... I KNOW that there are things that we men would talk about if we had a specific area to discuss them (other than the penile lenght , etc...). Unfortunately, general discussion isn't really a place or area to post intimate, important, problematic, curious, etc things... It should be available on the boards since Halx is trying to encourage healthy sexuality (which I believe is important expecially this day in age). But make one with guidelines... if some jerk posts a dumbass post, delete it... have a warning thread at the top saying this is a forum for MEN, not for boys pretending. Anyway, I hope there comes a time when it happens.

Pooface 06-29-2003 02:36 AM

I think the guys need there own forum. I also think the ladies lounge should stick with the naming scheme...Tilted Ladies.

Peetster 06-29-2003 03:48 AM

MacGod, Looks like you just posted to a thread that basically meets your criteria.

oldtimer 06-29-2003 08:51 AM

What do we go about calling it, "Tilted Bar"? Heh, heh. I can already see the imaginary bar fights.

Scrub0 07-23-2003 01:51 AM

Hey, that's a fucking good idea, but only if insults and other negative comments in it won't get you banned. When's the last time you saw a group of guys sitting around chatting, and being totally respectful to each other??

cheerios 07-23-2003 03:14 AM

see it every day in every other forum here. not to mention IRC. it works quite well, thanks. :)

enough 07-23-2003 08:46 AM

I'm new here and a man so dont know if my opinion will count for squat yet but... I don't think we really need a men's forum due to all the excellent reasons pointed to above. Nearly any topic you might post in a men's only forum already has a special forum created for it that is more likely to draw interested parties to your post anyways. Just my two cents.

Metallica_Band 09-07-2003 01:04 AM

How bout a Men's Lounge for us men folk???
Well...I'd post in a Men's Lounge if there was one...the Ladies Lounge says that men can read the posts but they can't talk about them...they can't reply or start a thread...it'd be nice to have our own topic with the same rules...we may not WANT a woman's opinion about certain subjects...maybe sometimes we just want some advice from a man's point of view...oh well...anyone wanna comment on this??? THANX
C'YA ?:-D

Nimbletoe 09-07-2003 07:45 AM

I'm sorta new here (been lurking awhile in the past, but I decided to start posting and such), and I at first thought the same thing. But then as I read more and more, I've started to realize that what's posted above is true, this basically is a mens forum most of the time.

Batman976 09-07-2003 09:32 AM


Originally posted by Ganguro
plus who wants a board where all it would be " i banged this chick" or " how big is your dick?" or fart jokes, etc...
Okay.. besides you Mike :)

I mean.. that would get old real quick.

Wow, at first I agreed with you all that a men's lounge is unnessecary. I mean, men basically say what they want anyway, no matter who is listening, right? But then I saw this post and thought to myself... "Man, just think how great it would be to have a place full of beer discussion and fart jokes? Maybe we could talk about how big our last dumps were too. And we could let our beer guts hang out over our pants and everything."

Okay, it sounds like a silly idea again.

Metallica_Band 09-07-2003 03:06 PM

Re: Men's Forum?

Originally posted by jujueye
we'll build a clubhouse, with electricity, and a No Girlz sign....!
Yeah...and we'll name it the "He Man Woman Haters Club"...LOL

JadziaDax 09-07-2003 05:42 PM


Originally posted by Batman976
"Man, just think how great it would be to have a place full of beer discussion and fart jokes? Maybe we could talk about how big our last dumps were too. And we could let our beer guts hang out over our pants and everything."
Tilted Nonsense.

Metallica_Band 09-07-2003 06:10 PM

Hey JadziaDax...who's the chic in your avatar??? I wanna see the whole series...she looks hot already...LOL

cowudders14 09-08-2003 11:31 AM

Ok, can we make use of the "Tilted Polls" section - it's been there a while and has never AFAIK had anything posted in it.
Ask the whole membership! There seems to be a good deal of split opinion here (I'll add my vote to the YES side of things BTW - I would use it)

Mods - please?

A further thought to this suggestion, it may be worth having four options in the poll - to see if the opinions from women and men are vastly different.

tiltedbc 09-01-2004 09:10 PM

Men's Lounge - No Women Aloud!
Yeah I know we have the titty board, but sometimes I want to talk about my feeling about porn besides just look at it.

shakran 09-01-2004 09:11 PM

so. . .what are you saying? Women should be aquiet?

(couldn't resist :D )

spectre 09-01-2004 09:31 PM

From this thread:


Originally Posted by meanSpleen
Its been asked before, and it will be answered again:

TFP is essentially a men's forum. Ask the excessive majority of guys on the site, and they'll probably say the same thing. The ladies have ladies only forum because it is a way to stop them from being lost in the crowd. TFP wants people of all kinds, genders, and types to be able to enjoy the board on an equal level.

Besides, a mens only board would revolve mostly around boobs, dick length, and general pimping. Things that are already seen on the board.

jordan_is_god 09-06-2004 05:43 PM

i agree i think the men should have their own forum... i made the mistake last night of posting a comment on the ladies forum,,, i learned my lesson... but i think it would be a nice place for guys to talk about things without the interference of ladies... no disrespect ladies... i always appreciate your comments i really do... but hey im all for equal rights.... open up the he-man women haters board.... no ladies allowed....sorry ladies

powerclown 09-06-2004 05:58 PM

Just sneak it into weaponry, then fake the subject name. ;)

adam 09-07-2004 04:34 PM

I don't really see the need; what is there that you are uncomfortable hearing women's comments about?

I confess I'm not sure why the women need one either, but if it makes them more comfortable... there are far, far more guys than girls on this board; ideally, it would be more like 50/50. At least from my point of view; it would feel more like a community.

phredgreen 09-08-2004 03:07 PM

this has been discussed before, there's really no need to interject anything else on the subject.

sandinista 12-05-2004 04:51 PM

Men's Lounge?
If there's a "Ladies Only" - type forum, why can't there be a "men-only" forum? I mean, it's not something necessary, I just know that it'd be nice, it's not something too necessary. Thanks.

cj2112 12-05-2004 06:31 PM

the SEARCH function is your friend....this suggestion has been made and shot down several times.

tiltedbc 12-09-2004 08:40 AM

Nice to see other people notice the gender bias/sexual discrimination of the "Ladies Lounge". Come up with all the silly excuses you want kids, it's GENDER BIAS any way you slice it. Next thing you know, they'll start up a WHITES ONLY section sort of like the front of Buses in the good old days of racism.

Another giant step for Women! Don't all fall over yourself trying to do the right thing.

ShaniFaye 12-09-2004 08:52 AM

oh good lord not again.....WHY is it so hard to look in the suggestion forum and see this has been discussed MULTIPLE times

Charlatan 12-09-2004 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by tiltedbc
Nice to see other people notice the gender bias/sexual discrimination of the "Ladies Lounge". Come up with all the silly excuses you want kids, it's GENDER BIAS any way you slice it. Next thing you know, they'll start up a WHITES ONLY section sort of like the front of Buses in the good old days of racism.

Another giant step for Women! Don't all fall over yourself trying to do the right thing.

Good lord! Get over it.

The whole fricken board is a men's playground.

Bill O'Rights 12-09-2004 09:33 AM

This has been done to death.

Johnny Pyro 07-09-2005 06:09 AM

Man Show
Its kinda like Ladies Lounge, but for men only. Talk about beer,sports,John Wayne and other manly stuff. :hmm:

amonkie 07-09-2005 08:11 AM

The thing you've gotta remember is the Male: Female ratio on the board is Very Very Wide ... Each one of those things could find a home in the already existing Sports, Entertainment, General Discussion/Cooking Forums ... and Power Tools in Tilted How To. :)

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