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Old 05-01-2003, 07:07 AM   #1 (permalink)
SexyCat's Avatar
Location: Michigan
Exhibition Forum

My suggestion is that there is a minimum post count before someone can view the exhibition forum. I am thinking something similar to the restrictions set to get into the member's lounge. In the old TFP I believe there was a minimum and I think it would be a good idea to bring it back.

The reason I am suggesting this is a picture I posted in there was stolen from me and posted elsewhere as someone else's work. Not to say that a post count minimum would have prevented it, but it would probably have lessened the probability of it happening.
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Old 05-01-2003, 07:12 AM   #2 (permalink)
feeling tingly
For whatever my little voice is worth---I agree.

I remember that Tilted Exhibition was a reward and I was very excited to reach that milestone. By the time I earned the right to visit, I was more aware of what to do and what NOT to do at TFP. We will never be able to weed out every irresponsible member, but perhaps a certain post requirement would help.

This is what we make it...be responsible, be respectful....

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Old 05-01-2003, 07:50 AM   #3 (permalink)
Location: With Jadzia
Its done now SexyCat.
We didn't have a minimum before because then noboy could post but there is one now.
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Old 05-01-2003, 08:32 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Location: Michigan
Thanks redravin! I am glad to hear my voice is being hear.
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Old 05-01-2003, 12:14 PM   #5 (permalink)
What about requesting that posters in the Exhibition include their own watermark on their pictures to prevent theft or illegal posting onto another site?
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Old 05-01-2003, 12:22 PM   #6 (permalink)
Location: Philly
I can't find it elsewhere, so I apologize in advance if this is an oft repeated question. What is the minimum post count needed? I thoroughly enjoy that forum, and was ready to post something there myself this afternoon.
This space intentionally left blank.
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Old 05-01-2003, 08:50 PM   #7 (permalink)
Doc_34465's Avatar
Location: Inverness, Fl.
Personally.. I think this was pretty stupid.. There are ways of preventing right clicking in the HTML.. I, unlike some people, don't live on the TFP. And an "adequate post count", whatever that may be, though I can't even see it anymore, may take me who knows how long, since I can't see it anyway..

Ever since 4.0 started, it's been one big hairy post count war.. What's up with that?..
"Badgers?!? We don't need no stinking Badgers!!"

"Now.. The mushrooms? Yeah, I'll have some more!"

Does he have a name? Can I name him Dancey Mcgee? Spinach_Indeed
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Old 05-02-2003, 06:07 AM   #8 (permalink)
Location: Burbs of NYC
Actually Doc, it has not been a post count war. It had the implications of one, but we are doing what we can to stop that. And we like that it may take you awhile before you get access to that area. Because by then, you and everyone else, will have gotten a feeling of this place. How things work and the level of respect that is expected.

As far as limiting right click preventing in HTML, well if you know about that then I assume you know its just as easy to get around that. It might stop the complete ignorant of the web surfers from getting that pic, but it won't prevent that picture from being taken.
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Old 05-02-2003, 08:10 AM   #9 (permalink)
Please touch this.
Halx's Avatar
Location: Manhattan
The very second I heard about what happened when I woke up yesterday morning, I instituted the post count limit.
You have found this post informative.
-The Administrator
[Don't Feed The Animals]
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Old 05-02-2003, 09:52 AM   #10 (permalink)
I run E.
Location: New York
Dear Admins,

I think maybe the minimum should be a little higher. I can get in without having reached avatar status. What is the limit now? 250 would be good as it takes forever to get to.

So Close to Avatardom
I hold with those that favor fire.
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Old 05-02-2003, 10:13 AM   #11 (permalink)
Location: Louisiana
Whew! Sticky subject, eh?

I have been on these(yes, there's more than one) boards for a long time now, and I respect their rules and the people in them. I have found that the more you begin to know about them, the more closely knit your little 'community' becomes, people actually become friends, some meet and have a good time together, and so on. I wouldn't begin to know how to weed out the 'bad seeds', but do you really think it may have been a rookie that doesn't know these rules? In our game of 'LIFE', these are things people know about, and taking someones picture and using it like that is wrong, no matter where you go or who you are.

I feel for you, SexyCat, for having been the object of this theft. I didn't see your posts, but I hope you will feel better about posting in the future.

Life isn't how many breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away!
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Old 05-02-2003, 06:33 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Location: Inverness, Fl.
OK.. Let me explain myself before I get labeled a "bad seed". Many people here already are aware that I try and get involved in many threads, and I rarely post anything negative. Further more, I don't hang on the titty boards all day, as I wouldn't have posted in this board, otherwise.

The fact that someone would suggest that the post count be raised, just because of my opinion, really unnerves me. My only point is, I was enjoying the Exhibition Forum. METs wife is a babe, no doubt. But what stands out in my mind was phreds duffy face (sorry phred). My point, I wasn't in there to sit and stare at METs wife all day. I got a kick out of the craziness of the otherwise G rated pics. I can't even do that now.

I'm not going to spam the threads, just so I can have an adequate post count, to view or post in the Exhibition Forum. But I know of others, moderators, who have done that very thing before the post counts were removed from users avatars. They would pick random threads (one of my own), and just post something senseless, and otherwise rude.

I try to play an active roll in the TFP. I have enjoyed it immensely. But I can't hang on here all day and post 10 times an hour. I'm lucky if I can log on here once a day.

I am truly sorry for SexyCat, and I am aware that there is no sure fire way to avoid pic theft, but that includes post count rules. If I truly wanted to hang on here all day, and post my *** posts, I could still steal any pic I wanted. But why should others suffer for another persons stupidity?
"Badgers?!? We don't need no stinking Badgers!!"

"Now.. The mushrooms? Yeah, I'll have some more!"

Does he have a name? Can I name him Dancey Mcgee? Spinach_Indeed
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Old 05-03-2003, 08:13 AM   #13 (permalink)
Location: With Jadzia
Originally posted by Doc_34465
OK.. Let me explain myself before I get labeled a "bad seed"....
The fact that someone would suggest that the post count be raised, just because of my opinion, really unnerves me.....
I'm not going to spam the threads, just so I can have an adequate post count, to view or post in the Exhibition Forum. But I know of others, moderators, who have done that very thing before the post counts were removed from users avatars. They would pick random threads (one of my own), and just post something senseless, and otherwise rude.....I try to play an active roll in the TFP. I have enjoyed it immensely. But I can't hang on here all day and post 10 times an hour.... But why should others suffer for another persons stupidity?
A couple of points,
1) You will not be labeled a 'bad seed' for voicing your opinion. We encourage healthy debate here on TFP.
2) Most of the suggestions about raising the post count for exhibition come from two places. The first being the theft of SexyCats picture and the second is that we had this same requirement on v3.0 .
3) None of the moderators spam the board. We can have avatars and all the other benefits because of the job we do. You find mods with post count under a hundred. The comment made in your thread was the opinion of the mod about the subject of the thread, not about any of the members. However if you do see a response that you feel is out of line, even if it is a moderator, report it. We believe that nobody is above the rules.
4) A couple of posts each day is more then enough to reach the Exhibition forum in a reasonable amount of time.
5) You are right, it does suck that everyone has to be punished for the stupid and illegal actions of one person but that is common in our society. We have to take steps to protect our members who have chosen to share intimate parts of themselves.

Last edited by redravin40; 05-03-2003 at 08:21 AM..
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Old 05-03-2003, 01:39 PM   #14 (permalink)
Doc_34465's Avatar
Location: Inverness, Fl.
OK.. I'm going to get off this soap box.. I understand it, respect it, but I don't have to like it..

The Mod issue is another subject all together.. But I don't own this board, I am simply a pupil of it's teachings..

Thank you for listening..
"Badgers?!? We don't need no stinking Badgers!!"

"Now.. The mushrooms? Yeah, I'll have some more!"

Does he have a name? Can I name him Dancey Mcgee? Spinach_Indeed
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Old 05-03-2003, 08:26 PM   #15 (permalink)
Location: St. Paul, MN
an annoucement might have been nice...a courtesy to the well behaved members of TFP who simply haven't gotten a high post count-especially when there are several members who posted themselves there while in the single digits of posts, iirc. How much would it suck to not even know how people had responded to such an act of openness?

Frankly, i think you're doing a disservice to those who want to introduce themselves to the community in a radical way...they won't even know that its there until they've been here for some time. I'd second the comment about this board delving in to post-war a little too often. Some of us built a respectable, if not high count with our involvement...only to see it disapear overnight. No blame for that- i am very grateful for halx and the rest of the crew's efforts to rebuild...but these sorts of rules serve to reward those who post fast...and i'm not sure thats going to have any where near the community effect that you say you want.
chavos is offline  
Old 05-03-2003, 08:57 PM   #16 (permalink)
The "open-to-all" method has been tried twice now. Both times, people have abused it almost immediately. Once people have reached the number of posts to enter that forum, it is expected that they know, understand, and are able to abide by the rules of this board. Making them wait just insures that they have a proper "feel" for how one should act here, especially when it comes to an area such as exhibition.
"Fuck these chains
No goddamn slave
I will be different"
~ Machine Head
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Old 05-03-2003, 09:13 PM   #17 (permalink)
SexyCat's Avatar
Location: Michigan
Originally posted by chavos
an annoucement might have been nice...a courtesy to the well behaved members of TFP who simply haven't gotten a high post count-especially when there are several members who posted themselves there while in the single digits of posts, iirc. How much would it suck to not even know how people had responded to such an act of openness?

Frankly, i think you're doing a disservice to those who want to introduce themselves to the community in a radical way...they won't even know that its there until they've been here for some time. I'd second the comment about this board delving in to post-war a little too often. Some of us built a respectable, if not high count with our involvement...only to see it disapear overnight. No blame for that- i am very grateful for halx and the rest of the crew's efforts to rebuild...but these sorts of rules serve to reward those who post fast...and i'm not sure thats going to have any where near the community effect that you say you want.
When I first started posting on the exhibition forum it was in V3 before the post restrictions. I posted things while still a rookie and was unable to see the responses to my pictures once they instituted the restrictions, but that was okay with me. It didn't take very long to get enough posts and I noticed that there was a lot less inappropriate comments made.

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Old 05-03-2003, 10:02 PM   #18 (permalink)
Please touch this.
Halx's Avatar
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Old 05-03-2003, 10:49 PM   #19 (permalink)
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Location: The North
Let me preface by saying I know nothing about programming.

That being said, I wondered if there was a way to "protect" images in the exhibition and art sections that would prevent people from being able to save them to their computer. Obviously a lot of people save stuff from the Erogenous Zone and that's fine, I suppose.

However, for the sake of the privacy and security of members who do contribute like SexyCat, it would be very nice to be able to lock down those images in a more secure manner. As I said, I'm not one for code, so I don't know how possible it is, but I had to toss it out there anyway.

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Old 05-03-2003, 11:25 PM   #20 (permalink)
Location: St. Paul, MN
its a problem, yes...so skin the cat however you want. but maybe put something in the annoucements section, or something so that people know where the hell it went, or that they have something to look forward to. The news section is lonely anyways...with no posts, its quite sad and depressed...
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Old 05-05-2003, 07:55 AM   #21 (permalink)
Army of Me
Ganguro's Avatar
Frostbyte the problem with your suggestion is.. once you view it, you can just go through your cache and save the pix on your HD somewhere..
As far as I know there is no true form of securing pictures once you post them online. This has to be considered when the user does said posting. If you don't want people knowing you like to crossdress, it's proally for the best to take those pictures down
It's okay.. I wont judge you.. but your boss/priest/fiancee might feel differently.
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Old 05-07-2003, 07:57 AM   #22 (permalink)
Doc_34465's Avatar
Location: Inverness, Fl.
OK.. I can eat crow.. I'll be the first to admit when I'm wrong..

I am sorry for making the big deal over the Exhibition Forum that I did. I now feel silly. Not knowing the "tilted" requirements of said rule, I was quick to judge the rule, and the admins who set it. I am now at a tilted member status, and said rules have been lifted. When I was arguing in this post thread, I didn't know just how close I was. But the admins did. I will try and be a little more open minded about tilted rules from now on. I'm sorry for being an ass.

Now I know what it is to be a responsible member.
"Badgers?!? We don't need no stinking Badgers!!"

"Now.. The mushrooms? Yeah, I'll have some more!"

Does he have a name? Can I name him Dancey Mcgee? Spinach_Indeed

Last edited by Doc_34465; 05-07-2003 at 12:20 PM..
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Old 05-07-2003, 11:40 AM   #23 (permalink)
Location: 'bout 2 feet from my iMac
thanks Doc. I appreciate the fact you bothered to come back here and reply, once you changed your mind. Glad you understand where we're coming from on this one, a little more.
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Old 05-07-2003, 12:17 PM   #24 (permalink)
Doc_34465's Avatar
Location: Inverness, Fl.
Your welcome.. And thank you for putting up with me..
"Badgers?!? We don't need no stinking Badgers!!"

"Now.. The mushrooms? Yeah, I'll have some more!"

Does he have a name? Can I name him Dancey Mcgee? Spinach_Indeed
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Old 05-10-2003, 05:20 PM   #25 (permalink)
chiefslappajo's Avatar
Location: bluegrass
As another longstanding member, hehe, that doesn't like spamming the boards, what is the post count to see the forum now?
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Old 05-10-2003, 08:04 PM   #26 (permalink)
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Originally posted by Halx
The very second I heard about what happened when I woke up yesterday morning, I instituted the post count limit.
Then you did the right thing. Even though I haven't reached the number for admittance, I totally support your actions. Abuse of that forum strikes at the very heart of TFP. I haven't the balls to unveil myself so completely as others have done but I find it fascinating to see how others in the community have chosen to express themselves on that forum.

I hope you also removed the offender from TFP so they may never enjoy this community.
Craven Morehead is offline  
Old 07-10-2003, 11:00 PM   #27 (permalink)
Is a 'tilted' status the only requirement for the exhibition forum? I'm tilted and I don't see the forum, how would i get into it? THanks.
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Old 07-11-2003, 04:34 AM   #28 (permalink)
Location: Colorado Springs, CO
Originally posted by chavos
its a problem, yes...so skin the cat however you want...
I think SexyCat has been through enough without having to be concerned about the chance that she might get 'skinned'...

(*SexyCat, you're a great person, and I'm sorry that this has happened to you. I hope that this doesn't take away your motivation to continue sharing with us here. Best of luck in the future.*)
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Old 07-23-2003, 11:04 AM   #29 (permalink)
Location: Wandering in the Desert of Life
As a fairly new member, I have read numerous threads, but have simply not chosen to respond. I realize that the interaction is what this is all about but frankly I like to log on, check a few things out and get back to work. (Jokes, current events and yes the exhibition forum) I now must take the time to respond if I want to view the entire board, which is fine, but really seems childish and won't stop theft if someone wants to steal. Just a thought from someone who is new to this type of forum.
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
-Douglas Adams
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Old 07-23-2003, 01:47 PM   #30 (permalink)
You might want to change your charter. Obviously part of the community now is 'elite'. I have rather enjoyed the board as a voyeur I admit. Sorry we have been excluded. Thanks for the mammories....
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Old 07-23-2003, 02:35 PM   #31 (permalink)
The board isn't about being among the elite, but it is a community based board. To have a community, people have to participate. So please, don't come off as "high and mighty" because you can't lurk. This may be a spot on the net, but no one is "owed" anything.
"Fuck these chains
No goddamn slave
I will be different"
~ Machine Head
spectre is offline  
Old 07-23-2003, 03:01 PM   #32 (permalink)
I don't believe there is any practical way to prevent people from saving pictures. The second it is displayed, it will be accessible to the user who downloaded it. Even if you disabled right clicking (there are ways around this), people could always just take a screenshot and crop out the image from there.
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Old 07-23-2003, 07:42 PM   #33 (permalink)
I would have to agree
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Old 07-23-2003, 10:42 PM   #34 (permalink)
Location: Denver
[Irrelevant to this thread]
I'll admit to mainly being a lurker, but here are a couple things I noticed. Like probably a lot of people I tended to b-line for the Erogenous Zone, however, I did occasionally post in other areas as well. I do think that requiring 'x' number of posts is a good idea, however, I think something more informative should have been done to let people know the 'whys' of why it disappeared. I looked all through the main areas yesterday and found very little information.

In response to the technical stuff, I am sorry to hear about the theft SexyCat, and here is the suggestion I would like to make. Create a Primer Sticky on digital watermarking so that even if someone saves an image it becomes very blatant who the original owner is/was. Beyond that basically say something to the effect of 'Here we have given you the tools to protect yourself and your work, if you choose not to utilize said tools do not blame us.'
Do be do be do

Last edited by Edvard_Grieg; 07-23-2003 at 11:11 PM..
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Old 07-23-2003, 10:58 PM   #35 (permalink)
Please touch this.
Halx's Avatar
Location: Manhattan
People are confusing the exhibition forum with the titty board... two different entities and two different decisions
You have found this post informative.
-The Administrator
[Don't Feed The Animals]
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Old 07-23-2003, 11:08 PM   #36 (permalink)
Location: Denver
Originally posted by Halx
People are confusing the exhibition forum with the titty board... two different entities and two different decisions
I apologize for that, however my suggestion with the Sticky should apply equally for the Exhibition forum.
Do be do be do
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Old 07-26-2003, 10:22 AM   #37 (permalink)
I agree with Edvard_Grieg. There should have been some ample notice before kicking everyone out who didn't have the adequate number of posts. What is the limit anyways? I usually post a reply on all of the boards that I go to.

I also need help posting a new thread. Will somebody walk me through the steps of posting pics, etc.

Also, if I donate to TFP does that give me full access to the all the boards? How do I get the name 'Rookie' out from under my name also. I guess I am a 'Rookie', but I'd like to learn how not to be.

I would appreciate the help and the replies.
dmoney778 is offline  
Old 07-26-2003, 10:24 AM   #38 (permalink)
I'd like to change my user name. How do I do that?
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Old 07-26-2003, 05:59 PM   #39 (permalink)
Originally posted by dmoney778
I'd like to change my user name. How do I do that?
Post this in a new topic?
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Old 07-27-2003, 06:43 PM   #40 (permalink)
Is there a table that shows the number of posts required to "step up" the ladder?


Mr Mephisto
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