Originally posted by Doc_34465
OK.. Let me explain myself before I get labeled a "bad seed"....
The fact that someone would suggest that the post count be raised, just because of my opinion, really unnerves me.....
I'm not going to spam the threads, just so I can have an adequate post count, to view or post in the Exhibition Forum. But I know of others, moderators, who have done that very thing before the post counts were removed from users avatars. They would pick random threads (one of my own), and just post something senseless, and otherwise rude.....I try to play an active roll in the TFP. I have enjoyed it immensely. But I can't hang on here all day and post 10 times an hour.... But why should others suffer for another persons stupidity?
A couple of points,
1) You will not be labeled a 'bad seed' for voicing your opinion. We encourage healthy debate here on TFP.
2) Most of the suggestions about raising the post count for exhibition come from two places. The first being the theft of SexyCats picture and the second is that we had this same requirement on v3.0 .
3) None of the moderators spam the board. We can have avatars and all the other benefits because of the job we do. You find mods with post count under a hundred. The comment made in your thread was the opinion of the mod about the subject of the thread, not about any of the members. However if you do see a response that you feel is out of line, even if it is a moderator, report it. We believe that nobody is above the rules.
4) A couple of posts each day is more then enough to reach the Exhibition forum in a reasonable amount of time.
5) You are right, it does suck that everyone has to be punished for the stupid and illegal actions of one person but that is common in our society. We have to take steps to protect our members who have chosen to share intimate parts of themselves.