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MikeyChalupa 10-09-2004 05:04 PM

Yanks/Sox in ALCS again
Here we go... BAMBINO TIME!


runtuff 10-09-2004 05:15 PM

This is going to be a great series for the Red Sox against the Yankees. The Red Sox have a championship team.

canuckguy 10-09-2004 05:16 PM

lets hope this one is different this time. i think boston has the pitching this time around.

radioguy 10-09-2004 09:35 PM

i'm glad the yankees beat the twins. it just wouldn't be right if the red sox made it to the world series without beating the yankees. red sox to the series!!!!!

tronims 10-09-2004 10:12 PM

As much as I liked to see the yankees lose, I was rooting for them to move on to the ALCS just so that we could finally take them out ourselves. I see no way the Sox are going to lose.


MacGuyver 10-10-2004 01:19 AM

Its going to be close... Damon is going to be the consistant playmaker of the series. Schilling is the man. The only thing making me nervous about this series is Pedro...

joeyaz 10-10-2004 12:22 PM

I was also rooting for NY to beat the twins just so the sox can take them out this year.

wrongfullyaccuzd 10-10-2004 05:12 PM

We should start a poll, who's going to be the Yankees' hero this year in crushing Boston's dreams at the last second? Someone obvious like Jeter? Someone ironic like A-Rod? Or someone out of nowhere like Miguel Cairo?

Will be fun to watch.

Averett 10-11-2004 04:57 AM

Go Sox! Fuck Babe Ruth :D

Glory's Sun 10-11-2004 06:14 AM


Originally Posted by Averett
Go Sox! Fuck Babe Ruth :D

I couldn't have said it any better!! :thumbsup:

MikeyChalupa 10-12-2004 05:16 PM

Mock the Curse... you only anger the Babe...


Esen 10-12-2004 05:27 PM

ah hah hah
Schilling just got spanked.
Or should I say by 9 players and 55000 fans just made him SHUT UP :)

I love how his words came back at him.
The games not over , and I wouldn t count the red sox out of the game yet, but Schilling is toast.

And Mussina Is the daddy tonight.

ledhead 10-12-2004 05:39 PM

i say good riddance to both of them. last year since the angels did not make it, i kind of rooted for the sox. well, after i have seen sox fans are just as bad as yanks fans. i say screw them both.

Esen 10-12-2004 07:42 PM

Just when you thought it couldn t get any better,
The Yankees let the RedSox build their hopes just to crush them in the end :)

MikeyChalupa 10-12-2004 07:44 PM

It's almost like they did it on purpose... if you're a Sox fan, it would have been better to have the final score be 8-0...


soccerchamp76 10-12-2004 07:53 PM

I hate the Yankees.
Pedro will take care of them tomorrow night.


goppers 10-12-2004 08:24 PM

UGH..... The sox are so darn good. They really are the better team here. I'm going to be a very grumpy person if they don't pull this out.

Mondak 10-12-2004 08:41 PM

Pedro can't pitch in the cold. Yanks up 2-0. Thanks Pedro....bitch.

beta18 10-13-2004 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by soccerchamp76
I hate the Yankees.
Pedro will take care of them tomorrow night.


hahha pedro?

with his 10-10 overall record vs the Yankees?

the guy is freaking scared of the Yanks he'll even admit that they pretty much have his number....yah good luck to pedro....righhhhhtttt :hmm:

MikeyChalupa 10-13-2004 01:45 AM


Originally Posted by beta18
hahha pedro?

with his 10-10 overall record vs the Yankees?

the guy is freaking scared of the Yanks he'll even admit that they pretty much have his number....yah good luck to pedro....righhhhhtttt :hmm:

I believe the exact quote was:

"What can I say – just tip my hat and call the Yankees my daddy," he said. "I can't find a way to beat them at this point. ... They're that good. They're that hot right now – at least against me. I wish they would disappear and not come back."

He is going to do everything he can this offseason to turn to the Dark Side. You watch for Pedro in pinstripes next year. He's basically given up and believes that if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

Whether we want him or not is another question...


goppers 10-13-2004 04:59 AM

I think you are 100% wrong. There is no way pedro will ever play for the yankees. I think he would retire before he pitched for them. That isn't to say he wouldn't use them to drive his price up with another team, but write it down and bring it up in the offseason if I'm wrong; pedro would never sign with the yankees.

inharmony 10-13-2004 05:05 AM

GO SOX!!! It's about time.

paddyjoe 10-13-2004 05:11 AM

I guess the series will have to go 5 now instead of just 4


Originally Posted by Averett
Go Sox! Fuck Babe Ruth :D

Av...yer my kinda woman.... :thumbsup:

MacGuyver 10-13-2004 05:30 AM


Originally Posted by MikeyChalupa
It's almost like they did it on purpose... if you're a Sox fan, it would have been better to have the final score be 8-0...


Thats horseshit, when the BOTTOM of the Red Sox batting order has to step up and almost fully come back from a damn near shut out. Just imagine if Damon and Big Papi had been on top of the offensive side of things, nevermind Schilling not being able to push off the rubber with power becuase of his ankle. So about the "Yankees LETTING the Red Sox catch up". Bullshit. I dont think 7 runs in two innings is anywhere near intentional. Thats stupid fucking baseball. Only talent or luck and do that, and I dont believe in luck.

As far as Pedro goes, I dont care who is whos daddy, he better get his fucking head on straight and start earning his fucking paycheck.

dylanmarsh 10-13-2004 05:49 AM

nice job stirring up the hornet's nest in here, Mikey.

we both know it's gonna be a long series, so I'll refrain from any trash talking or insults until the end of the series.

I gotta ask, though, does the Yankees giving up 7 runs on 10 hits in three innings worry you? I'd be more worried about that than Schilling not showing up next time.

MikeyChalupa 10-13-2004 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by goppers
I think you are 100% wrong. There is no way pedro will ever play for the yankees. I think he would retire before he pitched for them. That isn't to say he wouldn't use them to drive his price up with another team, but write it down and bring it up in the offseason if I'm wrong; pedro would never sign with the yankees.

And when Rocket was with the Sox how unthinkable was it that he'd ever play for the Yankees?


MikeyChalupa 10-13-2004 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by MacGuyver
Thats horseshit, when the BOTTOM of the Red Sox batting order has to step up and almost fully come back from a damn near shut out. Just imagine if Damon and Big Papi had been on top of the offensive side of things, nevermind Schilling not being able to push off the rubber with power becuase of his ankle. So about the "Yankees LETTING the Red Sox catch up". Bullshit. I dont think 7 runs in two innings is anywhere near intentional. Thats stupid fucking baseball. Only talent or luck and do that, and I dont believe in luck.

As far as Pedro goes, I dont care who is whos daddy, he better get his fucking head on straight and start earning his fucking paycheck.

You misunderstood. I wasn't saying the Yankees were letting the Sox back into the game. I was saying it seemed as if the Sox were intentionally breaking their fans' hearts AGAIN. I should have used a smiley. :)

If, if, if... if the Sox hadn't taken the first 6 innings off, if Damon hadn't K'd 4 times, if Schilling wasn't hurt... hey, Schilling's a competitor and I admire that, I always have. Few players burn the way he does to win. But there's NO FREAKIN WAY he should have tried to pitch last night. He put a big question mark on the one pitcher who has been the most consistent for the Sox this season. He was expected to pitch a possible third time this series... now you have to worry about his ankle the rest of the way. He should have given the ball away and used the time to rest his leg. If the Sox lose this series, especially in 7 games (which the Sox tend to do) that will be the decision that is agonized over all offseason, much like last year's was Grady leaving Pedro in too long. Unless the rest of this series holds some more truly memorable chuckleheaded moments for the Sox.

When people talk about the Yankees weakness this year, they point to the pitching staff. With a questionable Schilling, and always emotionally unstable Pedro, and improved but still vulnerable bullpen, I think the Sox have their share of problems with their staff too. Now it's up to the Yankees to exploit those weaknesses, and exploit them they will.

You don't believe in luck? Me neither. But I do believe in the Curse. Because if you don't believe in luck, how else do you explain the Red Sox? That for the last 86 years they've just hired an unbelievably long string of stupid managers, the players who will be most susceptible to choking, who can't play under pressure, and in all that time can't make all the pieces fit just ONE TIME? While the Yankees have done it 26 times? The Florida Marlins have been in existence barely 10 years and have already done it twice, INCLUDING going through the Yankees to do it.

Although, Sox fans must admit, if the Sox DO win the series this year, they will have won it the "Yankee" way, and bought it. They have the second highest payroll and two of the three highest paid players. A-Rod may be the highest, but Texas wrote that contract, not Steinbrenner, (which Boston was ready to take on) and they still pay a lot of his salary. I have no problem with that, but it's time to stop calling us the Evil Empire when you've turned to the Dark Side as well.


Esen 10-13-2004 02:39 PM

Someone said that Pedro would never go to the Yankees.

Well if he ever wants to have a worldseries champion ring he will :)

I think it is starting to dawn on him as long as he is a Red Sox he has no chance to be on the winning world series team.

Even if they make it to the world series they can not win.

There is one way and one way only for them to ever ever win a world series, they have to tear down their stadium and go to a new one.
Bottom line.

Honestly I do feel bad for all the Red sox fans. It must suck.

crewsor 10-13-2004 02:52 PM

Theres no one to root for when the Yanks play the Sox. That kills the series for me.

tehpronking 10-13-2004 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by crewsor
Theres no one to root for when the Yanks play the Sox. That kills the series for me.

Same here.

MacGuyver 10-13-2004 05:06 PM

Touche, Mikey. At least you are a Yankee fan that knows his shit. Fortunately in not im the mood to go into an argument, mainly becuause im watching the game and Im waiting for my delivery to come... I dont like the kind of fan that just stays in the closet until the yankees win. That and Massachusetts Yankees fans... BLASPHEMY!!

MikeyChalupa 10-13-2004 07:40 PM

Pedro... today was FATHER'S DAY.

Yanks up, 2-0. I gotta say, I'm VERY happy with the Yankees pitching this series.


MacGuyver 10-13-2004 07:43 PM

Pedro had a better game than he normally does against the Yanks, so I'm not dissapointed with him so much as i am with our defense not supporting him as well as they could have. Also Batters 1-5 need to take off thier skirts and start playing ball like its thier fucking job... oh SHIT! it IS thier job!!! Who'da thunk...

quicksteal 10-14-2004 11:21 AM

Now that they're going to Fenway, it's a whole different ballgame. But I still like Kevin Brown over Bronson Arroyo. So far, the Yankees have been the much superior team

MacGuyver 10-14-2004 08:17 PM

Bronson Arroyo will own at Fenway. The problem is the rest of the team stepping up and playing hardball.

MikeyChalupa 10-14-2004 08:55 PM

I think it's in the bag, folks. We really only need one game at Fenway and then close it out in da Bronx. And instead of Schilling in Game 5, the Sox will send Derek Lowe...


MacGuyver 10-15-2004 02:38 AM

Thats no good, we NEED to go to game 7 again! Right down to the wire baby!

jasonresno 10-16-2004 04:31 AM

It is kind of sad. This whole season was "the year" for the Red Sox. And now they are just lining up to have their hopes dashed again. The majority of the people will talk about the Yankees rotation sucking, but I ask you this: How much better is the Red Sox'? A 16-10 pedro barely has a better record than the 14-8 Jon Lieber. Curt Schilling WAS cy young worthy, but his performance in the ALCS thus far is lacking. Yankees have a serious chance to sweep seeing as they are facing Derek Lowe and...Bronson Arroyo.

canuckguy 10-16-2004 12:19 PM

the fucking "who's your daddy" chant from the crowd, and constant reference from the announcers and pre-post game shows is forcing me to vomit. and now watch with the mute on! hope it goes 7 games so it is atleast competitive. so far the boston bats are cold, and the supposed terrible yankee pitching has them looking like an double A team. still not sure if the first 6 innings of that lieber outing was great pitching or just terrible hitting. i thought lieber would get lit up, but he was in complete control for most of it.

MikeyChalupa 10-16-2004 01:15 PM

I kind of liked the "Who's your daddy" thing. MLB did too apparently, they made T-shirts for it. Well, they recalled them when the Red Sox started crying about it, but still. It's the thought that counts. I hope if Pedro pitches in the Bronx again the fans throw 50 cent pieces or mangos on the field. If he's going to make stupid statements at the press conferences, Yankee fans have the right to respond. Personally, If I was his teammate, I'd stick some duct tape over his mouth after every start, win or lose. Anyway, it's more creative than "Yankees suck", especially when that sucky team has YOUR team backed into a corner and has owned them for the last 86 years.

I'm a Rangers fan, and I HATED hearing "1940" from Islanders fans. But what did the Rangers do to make that stop? Win the Cup. My favorite part of the Rangers winning the Cup was the Rangers fans chanting "1940" one last time, as if to say "We'll never have to hear this shit again after we're finished."

Want us to stop chanting "1918?" WIN THE WORLD SERIES. We'll stop, we promise.

I do agree with you about the announcers though. Buck and McCarver in particular and Fox Sports in general should be forever banned from showing any type of sporting event on TV.


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