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Will the Braves win the series this year?
Ok, I have been a Braves fan for as long as I can remember (which is only about 24 years). I used to watch them on TBS all of the time when I was growing up. Anyways, enough about that. Does anyone think they have the stuff to actually win it this year? I cant figure out their lacksidasical (sp?) attitude they get in the post season. It seems like they just dont care as much after they win their eleventy-billionth division title.
Thoughts? Comments? |
Well this year they have the best record in baseball with great hitting and mediocre pitching, a formula they have always had in reverse. They only thing that might derail them in the post season is that same lack of pitching. Those bats may go cold and if they have to rely on their pitching alone they are sunk. They could face 1 or 2 hot pitchers in the post season that could shut them down like Schmidt and Ponson in SF or Schilling and Johson In Arizona.
They couldn't get a deal done before the trading deadline and now they have to wait for someone to pass through waivers. They desperately need middle relief and we'll see what comes through the waiver wire. If they can secure some pitching a WS win is not out of reach. |
their offense is just dynamic. i mean every single guy is good.
their last 3 or 4 guys one the lineup could replace the first 3 or 4 on some teams. |
Sorry. Not a chance.
Their pitchers can not go up head-to-head against the D-Backs, Yankees, or the Marlins for that matter. |
Jimmy...can those offenses go head to head though?
The Braves have mutilated some teams with great pitching this year... I think the braves can do it. There's no break in their line up. |
Anyone but the Yankees.........ANYONE!!
I sooooo want to see Georges face if he gets knocked out agin this season. |
The offenses don't matter when you look at the pitchers.
Johnson, Schilling, Webb Wells, Mussina, Pettitte, Clemens Willis, Burnett, Urbina Then if the A's get to the series... Zito, Mulder, Hudson, Harden Or if the Cubs get in... Prior, Woods...Prior, Woods...Prior, Woods... Doesn't matter if the line-up is good, because those are 16 of the best pitchers in baseball, and the Braves will face one set of them in the playoffs and will be lucky to take the series to 7. |
seems you are basing those on current stats...
The braves still have Maddox, Ortiz, and Smoltz. Smoltz record during the post season is 12 and 4, he can stand the preassure even though he is now a closer. Maddox had a bad beginning of the season, but he is still the second most active winningnest pitcher in the majors and is consider still the be the wisest pitcher. Ortiz was an amazing purchase by Atlanta, and his performance in the post season last year was amazing. Prior lost last time against atlanta, and the braves I think won 2 out of 3 against the A's. The only team that the Braves didnt' do well against this year was Seattle, and it was by once or 2 points per game. Here's a question for you Jimmy, if it's dependent on the pitching...how come the braves have only one won world series? |
Good discussion here. Thanks for the replies. After reading the replies on the "what team do you love to hate" thread, I notice there are alot of non-Braves fans out there.:mad:
Anyways, I agree that their pitching isn't the greatest this year. It is far from terrible, but still not great. They do still have some pitching stars, though, and I am hoping that thye can help them through. How exactly do waivers work anyways? I have never understood that. ESPN said it wasn't terribly hard to get people off of waivers, but I dont know the process. |
nope...there hitting is way good...but their pitching isn't. In the past they had too much pitching and not enough offense. This year they have too much O and not enough pitching...they just can't get the right balance to win it all.
Hmm the game tonight shows their problems....
I can agree to that....but their record of 73-39 makes me wonder why they haven't failed as much.
They are the only team in the majors without 40 loses as I write this. |
God I hope not.
And regular season vs. playoffs is completely different. Being a Braves fan I thought you would know that as they've won division titles since I can remember, yet only have one World Series ring from that run. In the playoffs managing is different and every game is pretty much 1st pitcher vs. 1st pitcher, 2nd vs. 2nd, etc. With that said, any of the first guys of the teams I listed should be expected to beat Maddox, and a majority would be likely to win over Ortiz, and some of them have third and fourth guys, which puts them even further over the top. And again, since the Braves will be on their heels, Smoltz can't be a factor. |
"And regular season vs. playoffs is completely different. Being a Braves fan I thought you would know that as they've won division titles since I can remember, yet only have one World Series ring from that run."
I acknowledge that earlier with: "Here's a question for you Jimmy, if it's dependent on the pitching...how come the braves have only one won world series?" I mention this because this will be the first year that the braves haven't won a era/pitching title as a team in the last 11 years. Yet all those years of grade A pitching, and the braves only one once. If good pitching means world series wins like you would suggest, then the Braves do not work with your formula. I think you bring up some great points, but as a Braves fan I realize pitching isn't everything...far from it. Look at the Dodgers. Grade A pitching, but no offense to back it up. I see the Braves this year like San Fran last year. Decent pitching, but stellar offense. |
I can absolutely see the A's--yes, those A's with no bats--out Braving the braves in the world series (eg, killing em with their pitching). The A's starter rotation ERA is right at 3.0, zito with a 3.3, harden with a 1.2, Mulder with a 3, and hudson with a 2.6 or so, (lily is a crapy 4.5 or so). The Braves could crush to the series, then get whooped. By the way, the only team in the AL that owns the A's are the Twins. Yanks don't have a prayer in a 7 game series, and I still struggle to see the braves and they're lack of pitching burn through the giants. Giants have pitching, hitting, depth, and an ability to punish atlanta, I think. A Braves Redsox series would be interesting though, if you hate pitchers duels (I love em, but I pitched).
Good luck though. Cheese |
Waivers: the team puts a player on waivers, then has 72 hours to retract them. From worst to best, the other MLB teams have the opportunity to take the player offer and assume his salary. This has happened before, (eg, Padres tried to block a trade, then got f*cked by picking up a crappy player when the team intending to pick him up refused to make an offer and slammed the Pads with the salary). Generally, crappy teams have no money and therefore won't make a move. If I left anything out, its cause I been hittin the sauce.
Cheese |
It takes one person to screw up pitching,
It takes 8 people (or nine) too screw up an offense :) I would really like to see the Giant's win also, I want Bonds to have a ring. He deserves it. Oh the reason I like posting in this post is because I really believe everyone whom has replied has put a very honest and intelligent answer. I am not playing the Zealot card. |
A lot of good points have been made, you guys pretty much covered it all. I too am a Braves fan. I think it will depend on their pitching, and from what I have seen as of late, I am very concerned. The Bullpen played terrible against Montreal, Maddux isnt a top 5 pitcher in the NL right now, and I miss the middle relief they had last year. However, I have a feeling that the pitchers will string together solid consecutive starts this posteason enabling them to win it all.
The reason why the Braves only won one World Series is because they didn't have the total package.
The D'Backs produce well and have great pitching. The Yankees have...well...damn near everything The Marlins have great pitching and their offense is underrated. The A's have such good pitching, that they don't need that much offense, because of that their offense does enough. The Cubs have Sosa, Alou, Lofton, Choi, they're just stacked. Also, any player at any time can make the worst play of his life. (This is where the video clip of poor Billy Buckner in the 1986 Series should be playing in everyone's minds) |
Being lopsided in one thing ain't gonna win a World Series - you have to really nearly have a complete package.
Stellar offense / slugging can't completely win a World Series - last year the Giants were huge in offense and they still lost. Incredible pitching can't either - thats why I don't think the A's will win simply because their pitching cannot be completely relied on. A pitcher can have a bad day and give up that one hit that totally ends the game. Harden, Mulder, Hudson, have all been playing great recently but Zito has been struggling. Think of Seattle which has a much better offense than the A's and pitching that is almost equal. Yankees of course have good pitching and hitting - though the age of the starters can be a factor (Wells being 40 w/ back problems, and Clemens' stamina). You can't win the world series with just offense if your pitching gives up good hits - same with having a stellar pitching but little offense production. The Dodgers are a perfect example - best damn starters and bullpen - but they've lost i believe like 7 of their last 10 games and 8 of those they scored less than 2 points a game or somehting. I'd say Giants have the best chance this year of getting the world series - they're pretty intent. Good offense with good hitters this yar and the pitching has been excellent. It will depend on the pitching deparment a lot too though - Ponson has to be pitching good as well as Schmidt and Rueter can't be injured. Red Sox I don't think will be making it this year though - the ghosts anyone (lol). Sure they got Suppan and Williamson but today showed that Suppan can't totally be relied upon. He gave up 7 runs - sure the Red Sox scored 9 - but that was because of the other team's bad pitching also factored in. And the Sox bullpen gave up another 2 which made it 9-9 against the Angels. Had the Angels been a team w/ better pitching tonight the Sox could've been limited to less than 5 runs and it would've been a pretty big factor in a playoff series where every win counts. Giants are my best bet at winning series this year though - i just went up to San Fran this weekend to visit relatives and lol they're still pretty pissed that the Angels beat em - they still can't believe Game 6 of last year and they really think this'll finally be their year. |
The A's are still a major threat.
If those 4 are hot come October, it would just save time to give the A's the title. |
No way Jimmy :) It that was the case then there would be no wildcard suprises like last year!
Since the a's are west coast and AL, I will be honest when I say I don't keep up with them that much. It seems like they have been a threat every year for the last few years, but ultimately fail also. Why do you guys think so? |
The braves will do what they always do, lose in the playoffs
Thanks for the different view points. The Braves will make it to the playoffs. I think everyone agrees with that. I am hoping that they will find the drive and the motivation to push a little harder and get some victories. I personally thought they looked really flat last year. Only time will tell. I'll try to find this thread in a couple of months to see who is correct.
The Braves are an awesome team. They CAN win the World Series, but it's impossible to predict what'll happen. Most likely they'll choke, but they're certainly talented enough.
You gotta admit, this is an interesting season. No clear cut favorites by any means. As far as Zito having an off year, though, Jimmy, thats just not true. He has a 3.3 era, and is in the top 10 in the league. He and Hudson would be in CY young contention if the a's didn't give all their run support to Mulder, Harden/Harangatang, and (gulp) Lilly.
I remember Hudson giving up 2 runs in 4 games and coming out with only 2 wins. Same thing's happened to zito year long. Now Tejada, Chavez are on FIRE (I mean, smokin'!), and they picked up Guillen. I think it could present some serious probs come October. Good points made by everybody on this board, I gotta say. And Hudson and his 2.6 era should be a top 3 cy young candidate (not to mension all star), but his damned record will prevent this. He's possibly the best young pitcher in the game, though Pedro is God when healthy, and Loiza's team is doing allright now, so the CY young race could be interesting. Mulder could win it too, but last I checked Hudson had Most innings pitched in the AL, second or third lowest ERA, and he's given up basically NOTHING since the all star break. You gottta love that prick billy beane's 50 mil payroll. Its ridiculous that the team with the best record in the MAJORS over the last 3 years has a salay at 1/3 of the yankee budget. How are the Brave's fans behaving this year? Are they still behind the team? I had heard that they had probs cause people were losing faith, but I honestly think this year's team is exciting to watch. Cheese |
Cheese it's like the Barry thing...Media potrays them opposite of how they are.
Brave's fan are crazy and the stadium averages about 34k per game. We've already had 3 sell out's this year. Since Ted Turner was smart and advertised the Braves as the worlds team in the 70~90's, it's great seeing the Braves have fans wherever they go. |
The Braves will find some way to blow it. Always have and always will.
Hmmm... they'd have to blow it in a different way this year....
Maybe take a clue from the redsox...blow it with pitching? I dunno. The more I think about it, the more I see em losing to the giants. Giants are just a little more balanced. Cheese |
It will finally be the Astros' year this year.....provided that we don't face ATL in the 1st round again. We can never beat them.
No yankees! will win
I don't think the Braves will win either. It would be great if you could combine the Braves' hitting and the Dodgers' pitching.
Braves are going to blow it just like my Red Sox will
The Braves will get the NL Central winner (Houston/St. Louis/Chicago) and take the first round.
SF will beat the Phillies. SF repeats as NL champs with better pitching and good hitting vs. Braves great hitting and weak starting staff behind Ortiz. Only chance is if Ramirez and Hampton have great series. Mattox and Reynolds will be automatic win for opponent. |
the angels had shit for pitching and they won
the formola of good hitting seems to be able to work but we shall see |
yea but none of them were great picthers just decent seem that way with the braves aswell this year any way
Hampton, a threat to lose at any time.
And Maddox who is royally screwed every time he pitches because of Questec. The top two Braves pitchers against the any other team's top 2? Other team gets the wins. |
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