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Old 05-23-2003, 09:25 AM   #1 (permalink)
Location: 3 feet high and rising
coke and sex

have any of the men out there had any experiences w/ coke and sex? i was wondering cuz if i fuck around with that shit, my goods feel pretty numb and distant - even if i just do like a pair of bumps. two hours later, my girl wants to get bizzay, and i got coke dick... not really the place i want to be. now this is only occasional as i'll only fuck with that crap on a crazy sporadic basis, but i would like to still have sex while i'm on it.

any suggestions (aside from viagra or abstinence)? i know it is fairly common, but there has got to be a way around...

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Old 05-23-2003, 09:31 AM   #2 (permalink)
Location: portland, or
Never had any problems, not that I'm proud of this....

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Old 05-23-2003, 09:33 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Location: Sexymama's arms...
I would suggest stop doing coke, clean out your system, and eat right. That would probably work.

But that's just me.
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." – C. S. Lewis

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Old 05-23-2003, 09:38 AM   #4 (permalink)
Location: 3 feet high and rising
joshibahn -

no pride in my post either - it is sorta embarassing

Lebell -

well, of course... but this is a problem only after using - i'm 100% the next day.

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Old 05-23-2003, 12:42 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Location: Manhattan, NY
it's the irony of it all.. the coke gets the girl all going and gets the guys limp dick....
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Old 05-23-2003, 02:42 PM   #6 (permalink)
Stop the coke.
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Old 05-23-2003, 08:06 PM   #7 (permalink)
I did tons of coke in the day,but I would say,..ya know that feeling of getting off,..after a line or two,..that's the time to go. After a few lines and several drinks you not only have a super hard rod,..you can't cum. Go figure eh! You either can't get it up or if you do ,you can't cum. It's great for the girl until 3 hours later she looks pained and repeatedly ask's you when your going to finish. That's my experience...get laid then lay yourself out.
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Old 05-23-2003, 10:29 PM   #8 (permalink)
JStrider's Avatar
Location: The Woodlands, TX
ehhh... coke and viagra... same time??

i dunno... i dont really mess with drugs

reminds me of theline from basic isntinct... the no panties shot of sharon stone and her saying "ever fucked on coke"

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Old 05-24-2003, 05:33 AM   #9 (permalink)
Location: No longer, D.C
Jaelin: I was hoping for the same thing, and I really never had problems with coca-cola and getting it up*grin* guess I am just innocent.
"All that we can do is just survive.
.All that we can do to help ourselves is stay alive." - Rush
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Old 05-24-2003, 06:43 AM   #10 (permalink)
never tried coke
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Old 05-24-2003, 07:22 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Location: tentative, at best
Nothing good can come from doing coke.

Trust me - I speak from experience.
Do yourself a favor and just stop.
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It won't hurt your fashion sense, either.
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Old 05-24-2003, 08:45 PM   #12 (permalink)
nothing good can come from doing coke, but if you are going to and want to perform, you can only do a little and drink a little, once you get going, its not going to work.. although your woman will be able to go and go and go.. women get hornier on it...
never mix it with viagra either, that is a deadly mix..
my best advice just stop indulging before you can't... speaking from experience.
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Old 05-24-2003, 11:12 PM   #13 (permalink)
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--William F. Sessions, Director of the FBI
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Old 05-27-2003, 09:43 PM   #14 (permalink)
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smoke some weed and u should be fine... advice from my friends, i have no real experience with coke
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Old 05-27-2003, 10:09 PM   #15 (permalink)
I run E.
Location: New York
uh, nerds don't do hard core drugs man. heh heh. uh yeah.
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Old 06-06-2003, 07:59 PM   #16 (permalink)
Location: sunny so. CA
Lay off the coke. Besides limp dick, it'll mess you up in ways you never imagined.
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Old 06-06-2003, 11:13 PM   #17 (permalink)
Know Where!
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Originally posted by eyeronic
uh, nerds don't do hard core drugs man. heh heh. uh yeah.
they are fun and yummy though
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Old 06-07-2003, 08:26 AM   #18 (permalink)
Location: In a self portrait
Haven't tried coke.

It's too expensive for the unemployed teenager. Which is probably a good thing.
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Old 06-07-2003, 09:54 AM   #19 (permalink)
I've done a pretty large amount of coke and it increased my sex life. I never felt anything other than my face and teeth become numb however. If you are going to continue doing it I would recommend doing smaller amounts, especially if the results lasted about 2 hours. The rush for me is normally gona pretty fast.
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Old 06-08-2003, 02:46 PM   #20 (permalink)
Dumb all over...a little ugly on the side
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--William F. Sessions, Director of the FBI"

this was an ironic post, yes?
He's the best, of course, of all the worst.
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I jus' want ta thank you...falettinme...be mice elf...agin...
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Old 06-30-2007, 09:03 PM   #21 (permalink)
after coke my dick stays limp for several hours but im horny as hell,(im on coke as we speak)
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Old 06-30-2007, 10:14 PM   #22 (permalink)
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Location: British Columbia, Canada
c_b, "Only dopes use dope."

As a peace officer, I have seen people's lives destroyed with substance abuse. Most of the break and enters, thefts, robbery and domestics I have responded to have substance abuse as a factor. I have seen law abiding citizens with a job, a wife and kids go down the shitter in less than a year because of a coke habit.

And these guys and gals don't start their use by thinking "I want to be a crack monkey. Pass the rock." They start because it's the thing to do at a party, or it makes the sex better or all their friends do it. All of them think that they are in control. And then they get arrested, they get a criminal record, theirs families get broken up, they loose their jobs and the life they had is gone.

Stick with some nice red wine, candle light and Barry White playing in the background.

It's my opinion. take it for what it's worth.

"Forty-two," said Deep Thought, with infinite majesty and calm.
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Old 06-30-2007, 11:13 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Coke turned some of my friends into dicks.
I'll smoke the occasional spliff, don't get me wrong. But coke is for dickheads, in my book.
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Old 06-30-2007, 11:52 PM   #24 (permalink)
Let's put a smile on that face
blahblah454's Avatar
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IMO pretty much anything other than the occasional joint is for retards. Then again I also don't really suggest playing in traffic or swimming while drunk, so what do I know.
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Old 07-01-2007, 01:42 AM   #25 (permalink)
Reese's Avatar

Coke is bad.. Pepsi doesn't cause these kinds of problems... yah...
That's all I can say..
“It is better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick” - Dave Barry
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Old 07-01-2007, 04:27 AM   #26 (permalink)
Submit to me, you know you want to
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Location: Lilburn, Ga
I did coke for years when I was younger...Im a girl and it never once made me horny....I couldnt get off to save my life when I was doing it.

thankfully those days are long over
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!
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Old 07-01-2007, 05:17 AM   #27 (permalink)
Big & Brassy
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My in-laws never were able to afford a house mostly because they put it all up their nose. I love them to death, and I can't ask for cooler in-laws, but they really fucked up when they were young.
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Old 07-03-2007, 05:54 AM   #28 (permalink)
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If you can't get off while on coke, try switching to meth, some women can orgasm just from smoking or shooting it and I've never heard of it causing limp dick.

Last edited by MSD; 07-12-2007 at 08:56 PM..
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Old 07-03-2007, 06:21 AM   #29 (permalink)
abaya's Avatar
Location: Iceland
Man, talk about thread from the dead!... four years, is that a record? (Hope the OP managed to get it up since then.)
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Old 07-03-2007, 05:45 PM   #30 (permalink)
I Confess a Shiver
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Turns out?

Drugs are still bad, m'kay?
Whatever you can carry.

"You should not drink... and bake."
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Old 07-03-2007, 05:49 PM   #31 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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You think coke is bad, try it while Oprah is on.
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Old 07-05-2007, 07:14 PM   #32 (permalink)
Location: Reality
I'm so fucking straightedge/innocent when it comes to drugs I skimmed and confused it with another kind of coke until I read the replies.
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Old 07-15-2007, 07:14 PM   #33 (permalink)
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Location: Oh Canada!!
When I was doing cocaine I didn't want to ruin my high by having sex tbh. When I'm high on anything I don't want to be distracted from it. I've been clean for the most part for quite some time now with the exception of the occasional Oxycontin night. Quite an imporvement over where I used to be. But generally I don't get all that horny when doing drugs, I just want more drugs.
I like things. And stuff. But I prefer to have things over stuff.
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Old 07-16-2007, 06:02 PM   #34 (permalink)
Location: London
coke constricts your arteries. so over a long term it may gives you problem getting it up.
I try not to be preachy about drugs, but coke is truly awfull to the body. you really don't want to be fucking with it. especially the low quality 60% sheet rock that gets to america.
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Old 07-16-2007, 06:35 PM   #35 (permalink)
has all her shots.
mixedmedia's Avatar
Location: Florida
Originally Posted by tenniels
I don't get all that horny when doing drugs, I just want more drugs.
This was certainly the case for me concerning cocaine and cocaine only. It is a nasty, ugly, soul-sucking drug. Stay away from it.
Most people go through life dreading they'll have a traumatic experience. Freaks were born with their trauma. They've already passed their test in life. They're aristocrats. - Diane Arbus
PESSIMISM, n. A philosophy forced upon the convictions of the observer by the disheartening prevalence of the optimist with his scarecrow hope and his unsightly smile. - Ambrose Bierce
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Old 07-16-2007, 07:12 PM   #36 (permalink)
I Confess a Shiver
Plan9's Avatar
I'd rather slam my nuts in a car door than do drugs.

God, I'd be so disgusted my wang would be a perma-noodle.
Whatever you can carry.

"You should not drink... and bake."
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Old 07-16-2007, 07:58 PM   #37 (permalink)
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Location: Australia
I've run my course with drugs. I've had some fun times, some extraordinary experiences, but unfortunately, seen every negative aspect they can offer.

There comes a time when the come down outweighs the high, and the price of your escape from reality becomes any notion of reality itself, and the people around you who love you.

After a while, it's just not worth it anymore.

Having said that, I wouldn't be the person I am or at the stage of my life I'm at if I didn't go through all that shit.
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Old 05-19-2008, 04:14 AM   #38 (permalink)
Ive only done coke a few times, right now being one of them, and i know what you mean about the "limpness". But i wanted to ask some frequent or old time users: Not including heart problems and all that, what is the most a person can do in one night? My friend did 4 grams, and thats with partying in the club. The reason i ask is because i seriously dont want to make this a habbit and one day overdose bc my body got use to the effects. (and thereby needed more etc etc) Im always checking my heart rate and making sure its at a normal level (cuz im just paranoid like that) Just a side not for people who crash hard after use, with my little experience I can tell you that the better the stuff is, the worse the come down is gonna be. I know its stupid to spend 50-60 dollars on something thats not the best, but if your like me, the come down is really depressing and i want to avoid it at all costs. Besides, its not terrible stuff im using, just not the best.

Oh and one more thing. (sorry for the million questions its just that ive been lookin for people to talk to abt this for a while) I previously mentioned that my first concern was safety. At a suprisingly close second is; i still live with my parents and im getting paranoid that they can tell something is off. Not during use but like this morning for example, where i didnt get any sleep, and my lips turn red from what i guess is dehydration, and the bags under my eyes etc.....does anyone have any tips for these kind of situations? Any answers are appreciated!

Last edited by BraveNewWorld; 05-19-2008 at 04:38 AM.. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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Old 05-19-2008, 04:57 AM   #39 (permalink)
Currently sour but formerly Dlishs
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BNW - your post is riddled with ironies. you're asking about saftey while taking drugs, while at the same time not wanting to get hooked on it, but at the same time taking the crappy stuff is a waste, but the come down after taking some good shit is terrible...

my advice - if u dont want ure parents to notice, then stop taking it. ur parents may not notice right now, but they will once things go missing from the house because u have pawned them after getting addicted to the shit and you need to subsidize your habit with other peoples property.

which begs me to ask.. are u on something right now??
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Old 05-19-2008, 05:11 AM   #40 (permalink)
dlish- although my post is kind of going in circles and i apologise for the misunderstanding, I am going on the basis that everything can be done in moderation, (well i cant speak for everyone, but ive done it before, and that was a year ago.) So i think im pretty safe with the addiction part, and luckily i have friends who im really tight with (like family) who know what i decided to do and are constantly looking out for me, you know keeping tabs on me if u will. Having said that, i repeat my question about the maximum dosage per night becuase like i said, its my way of beeing as safe as possible while i do use this stuff every now and again. Thanks for the comment. btw, this is my first registry to a forum, so you'll have to pardon my sometimes incoherent writing. Thanks again.

Last edited by BraveNewWorld; 05-19-2008 at 05:13 AM..
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