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CityOfAngels 08-31-2004 02:38 AM

Nude pics of my ex...
Is it wrong to not dispose of nude pictures you took of your ex when you were together? I have quite a few of my ex and I when she was 18 and I was 19 (I'm 20 now), and although I've NEVER posted any online nor shown any of them to anyone but myself, I do tend to re-visit them at least once a month. I see it as a reminder of what I've had, but I dunno; could it be a sign of not letting go?

Our breakup was hard, but I've moved on. Is keeping these pics a sign that I sub-conciously haven't completely moved on? Whenever I tell myself, "I should delete these pics, just so I never have to think of her again," I always respond with, "But DUDE! You have naked pics of that hot asian chica you always wanted in high school! YOU ARE THE KING!" (I'm sure my immaturity is quite apparent :crazy: ).

Just looking for opinions other than my own.

Halx 08-31-2004 09:42 AM

I own pics of ex's.. I don't look at them though. I just keep them and tell them not to fuck with me.

moonstrucksoul 08-31-2004 09:44 AM

photographs are just hard copies of memories. I would keep them, unless it makes you hurt inside. then you might want to get rid of them.

Schwan 08-31-2004 09:46 AM

I think that it's not the fact that you keep those pictures, but how you feel about them that's the most important factor. If you keep looking at them and you go "aw God, I miss you so muuuuch arrrrgh", then think it's a safe bet you're not over her just yet.

akacja 08-31-2004 09:52 AM

i erased all... every single one. I dont want to fight with myself: watch it or not? hurt myself or not? the way she broke with me was painful enough...

Willravel 08-31-2004 09:54 AM

It's the ex boyfriend's right to be able to picture any of your ex's. I've had several really great relationships, and I occasionally think back to the good times, and the bad. As far as I can figure, this person saw you as worthy of seeing them naked. If they didn't want you to see them naked, they wouldn't have given you the picture. I have a couple pics like that out therr of myself, and I don't mind that my ex's might still be looking at them. Would you mind?

SecretMethod70 08-31-2004 10:00 AM

*shrug* I'd keep them. They're something between you and her. If she were to ask you to get rid of them, that'd be a different story. But, from what I can tell, she didn't ask you to get rid of them and you're being respectful of her by not sperading them around. I say enjoy.

Rodney 08-31-2004 10:07 AM

Keep them. They're for your memories, five, ten, twenty, or 30 years from now. And in the long run, memories are all we've got.

But don't look at them all the time. Put them on something archival, like a CD or archival-quality photo printout, and put them away. Revisit them in a few years and refresh your memories about her, and you.

PDOUBLEOP 08-31-2004 10:44 AM

Send them to me. I'll keep em for ya. :thumbsup:

Cynthetiq 08-31-2004 10:50 AM

I still have mine... then my sister found them.. she told my mom about them... :) wheeeee!!!

rainheart 08-31-2004 10:55 AM

First you put them into a format which you can't read, or make it so that the process you'd have to go through to actually see those pictures is so long that you don't bother. Then you put them far, far away.

Then if your ex pisses you off, use them :D

Mango 08-31-2004 11:43 AM

Post 'em on the TFP.

radioguy 08-31-2004 03:01 PM

Certainly keep them. She wanted you to take nude pics of her. Let me ask you. Did you throw every gift that she ever gave you away? If not, why throw these away?

sailor 08-31-2004 03:13 PM

Keep em--like others said, they are memories. Memories are the most important thing we have; they make us who we are. Its something photography has tought me--I may be after art, but documenting my life and my memories matters far more to me in the long run.

Now, given the, uh, sensitive nature, if she asked you to dispose of them, you should probably do so. And certainly don't go spreading them--its a private memory, something between you two, whether or not you are still together. Keep it that way.

Blackthorn 08-31-2004 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Halx
I own pics of ex's.. I don't look at them though. I just keep them and tell them not to fuck with me.

Now that's hysterical! :lol:

downinit 08-31-2004 05:03 PM

i'm lucky enough to have pics of several ex's. all three girls were fine with me keeping them. i promised not to share them with anyone, and i have kept that promise. they are nice to go back and look at every once in a great while, and i never did until i was completely over them. just keep them to yourself (unless she's really smokin hot- if so, post away ! :) or not.) and never let your new g/f find them for crissakes!

gar1976 08-31-2004 05:15 PM

This post sucks without pics. Come 'pn, cough em up! :D

irateplatypus 08-31-2004 05:47 PM

delete them. having naked pictures of an ex will only keep you from putting your whole self into your next relationship. how would you feel if your girlfriend kept pictures of her exs? you would like it if your next girlfriend would drop her baggage when she commits to you, you will be better off if you do the same.

delete them from your file system, delete them from your recycle bin, shred all cds... don't look back.

Carno 08-31-2004 07:28 PM

Delete boobies??? Hell no!

Seriously though, I'd keep them if they didn't make me feel bad. If you feel sad when you look at them, delete them. Only you know if you are holding on to her. If you are, delete them. If not, enjoy them :p

Manic_Skafe 08-31-2004 08:30 PM

The only reasons that'd make destroying the pictures a good idea would be if the pictures take away in any form from any relationships you're currently in and if they cause you some sort of pain. Having memories of a good time is always a positive thing but make sure you have the pictures for nothing more than revisiting a good time.

I've got some semi-nude photos from a few friends when we were all having a good time - between now and the time that the photos were taken things have gone pear shaped but I hold onto the photos as a reminder of how good things were and nothing more than that - now if only I could convince Ms. Skafe of that...

The Phenomenon 08-31-2004 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by CityOfAngels
Is it wrong to not dispose of nude pictures you took of your ex when you were together? I have quite a few of my ex and I when she was 18 and I was 19 (I'm 20 now), and although I've NEVER posted any online nor shown any of them to anyone but myself, I do tend to re-visit them at least once a month. I see it as a reminder of what I've had, but I dunno; could it be a sign of not letting go?

Our breakup was hard, but I've moved on. Is keeping these pics a sign that I sub-conciously haven't completely moved on? Whenever I tell myself, "I should delete these pics, just so I never have to think of her again," I always respond with, "But DUDE! You have naked pics of that hot asian chica you always wanted in high school! YOU ARE THE KING!" (I'm sure my immaturity is quite apparent :crazy: ).

Just looking for opinions other than my own.

Is she hot and naked? If she is then I am pretty sure why you would want to keep these pics.

If you are holding on to little snapshots of the two of you together for dear life, THEN you have a problem. But looking at the nekkid goodness of your ex just because its nekkid goodness is perfectly understandable thing to do :p

CityOfAngels 08-31-2004 10:35 PM

:) Thank you all for your responses! It's great to hear other people's insights. For all those who asked me to post 'em here, whether jokingly or not, let me say a few things:
1) I've thought about it; even before this thread was started. I said to myself, "She's hot, man! Why deprive them of such hot goodness when they all post everything they can find in the titty board for your own lurking pleasure?" But then I put it all together, and realized that the pics posted in the titty board are usually not of a personal nature, AND whoever was in the said pictures (probably) had consent of more than one person viewing the said pictures. My pictures are of a very personal nature, and I certainly don't have my ex's permission to post them online. hehe
2) Many of the pictures and videos I have of her (when I say videos, I mean the 15 second videos I can take with my digital camera) have a big "piece" of ME in them, which I know you guys wouldn't like to see. hehe. I don't want to make you all feel insecure. ;) jk But really, would you REALLY want to see my "twanger"?
3) I thought about posting some of them with her face blurred, but then I think of all the pictures I see like that, and it just doesn't have the same effect. I for one am a "face" guy. I can't just look at a girl's t&a; I look at her completely, from her toes all the way to how she keeps her hair.

To all who responded with intelligent and heartfelt answers: THANK YOU! You're right; If I felt sad whenever I looked at my ex's pics, or if the pics automatically linked me to wanting her back or whatnot, then it would be a sign that I haven't moved on. I am happy to say that that is NOT the case! :) When I look at them, I look at them as a part of my past that I enjoyed quite a bit; something I can still enjoy today, yet on a lower scale of course. ;)

Yes, I still do think of her; quite a bit actually. But it's not like it used to be. Before, it was, "WHYYYYYY!? WE WERE MEANT TO BE TOGETHER!! WHYYYYYY!?" Now, it's like, "It was a learning experience, part of which I enjoyed to the fullest." I think of the fun I had, rather than the fun I'm "missing." But alas, fond memories that touch my heart still come along when I'm alone without distraction (read my post in the "Guys what do you love most about girls" thread; that was all about her), but I think that's normal, as she was a big part of my life; even the one I lost my virginity to. So, I know I'll always remember her and hold her close to my heart, but I know what's right for me, and she's the OPPOSITE of what's right for me. What counts is that I realize that. :)

Once again, thank you all for your comments!

P.S. For those who asked: She is extremely hot, and extremely naked. :thumbsup:

P.S.S. Cool! I got a comment from Halx! Rock on!

NuckingFuts 08-31-2004 10:39 PM

I've got nudies of my ex. They're good for spank material every now and then, but I'm over feeling anything for her when I look at them.

max_gradient 09-01-2004 01:07 AM

I kept my pictures, and I'm happy about it. We broke up some years ago, and during the first weeks/months, while it still hurt, I did not even look at them.

But after I moved on and started dating other gals, there were and still are times when I look at the pictures, and I'm swept away by bitter-sweet nostalgia. Not stuff like getting depressed or wanting her back, but simply ejoying the visual memories of an important part of my life, together with a good whisky :thumbsup:

ps: I understand you don't want to post a nude pic of her, I wouldn't post mine either. But you could post a normal pic or just her face to let us see how hot she really is. :p

cuervo 09-01-2004 03:50 AM

I think only one other person mentioned other girlfriends.

When you meet somebody new, what then? She either finds them and is hurt that you kept them or you tell her about them and she's hurt that you kept them. Either way, a new girlfriend will be hurt that you still have enough feelings for someone else that you're keeping nude pictures.

Either stay alone forever, hide them very well, or delete them and move on.

Another alternative I just thought of: You could lie and say this was a class in amateur photography and this was just some model that was hired. That works as long as there's no chance of the two ever meeting.

Meier_Link 09-01-2004 05:22 AM

I've got nude pics of several of my ex's... I look at them occasionally but that's about it. I wouldn't delete them though, what if she get famous someday?

Raleighbum 09-01-2004 05:26 AM


Originally Posted by PDOUBLEOP
Send them to me. I'll keep em for ya. :thumbsup:

Good one. :)

copies here..

gar1976 09-01-2004 03:32 PM

I've skipped over any post over 10 words long, and am still waiting for the posting. What's the holdup?

Just kidding. I understand completely. Unless, of course, she is ultra-hot and rubbing baby oil on her nubile, tan, perky breasts. Mmmmm......nubile......


sillygirl 09-01-2004 04:01 PM

If you're wondering if you're still holding on, then you probably are. If you decide to keep them now, then please for cryin' out loud get rid of them when you start seeing someone new. It's no fun going through something on a computer innocently looking for a specific file and finding nekkid pics or almost nekkid pics of ex girlfriends.

gar1976 09-01-2004 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by sillygirl
If you're wondering if you're still holding on, then you probably are. If you decide to keep them now, then please for cryin' out loud get rid of them when you start seeing someone new. It's no fun going through something on a computer innocently looking for a specific file and finding nekkid pics or almost nekkid pics of ex girlfriends.

That's why you keep them burned on a hidden CD, of course!

PS - snoop! Or else good story, so do tell.

sillygirl 09-01-2004 04:44 PM

I wasn't snooping. I was looking for a specific car pic to post somewhere, and I clicked on a file, and oh gee, the ex! Made for a not so happy sillygirl

09-01-2004 06:45 PM

I used to have pics, I eventually put them away. I found them later (5-8 years) and got rid of them after some reminiscing. Guess I outgrew that time, I don't think a in a year I could have done that. You never really forget, I just don't see the point in torturing myself

Delvid 09-02-2004 11:38 AM

I must be the only guy with no pics. Must stop by camera and liquor store soon.

Dwayne 09-02-2004 02:03 PM

I think the proper procedure is to keep them. If you start going out seriously with someone else, that is the time you through them away.

Street Veteran 09-05-2004 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Mango
Post 'em on the TFP.

i highly agree

jordan_is_god 09-05-2004 03:48 PM

i wish i had more pics of all my ex's.. well wait a min... maybe not all of them... some i wish i could delte from my brain

Kalnaur 09-05-2004 03:56 PM

I'm actually happy not to have naked pictures of the only ex I have, since in retrospect she was none to stunning.

Zatoichi 09-06-2004 02:04 AM

post them here, and we'll let yopu know if you should keep them

ultra_agent9 09-06-2004 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
I still have mine... then my sister found them.. she told my mom about them... :) wheeeee!!!

Lol! Cynthetiq you're silly...

Now seriously, why mention to us that you have them? Perhaps you really want to tell people that you were once banging this hot little asian number? So I say- prove it!

The Duck 05-03-2011 10:38 AM

I want some sort of redemption
I have videos and pics of a 3 of my ex's and would not dream about posting 2 of them anywhere.I have a little more respect for them...However 1 class A1 bitch took my house,car,and pretty much screwed me to the wall after looking after her and her kids for 10 years. We were swingers and there are pics on various websites of her that she consented to being there and for some strange reason i have never took them off LOL... But how much trouble would i be in if i was to send links to the sites to her family and friends??? She was even selling her used knickers on one site (but the pics on there had face blurred) ???

In short has anyone got a link i could post these on and not get done ?

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