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View Poll Results: Ladies, do you like giving head???
Absolutely, no doubt, I love it, can't get enough 44 37.61%
Depends on the guy (taste,smell,love,mood,etc) 48 41.03%
It's okay sometimes, but usually not 11 9.40%
Never ever ever (gag gag) 14 11.97%
Voters: 117. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 08-17-2004, 03:12 PM   #1 (permalink)
screamincheetah's Avatar
Location: Kansas City

Okay, I wrote a big post, but what's the point of that? The question is very simple, but one I think all men would like to know. What percentage of women actually, truly, and deeply enjoy giving head to a man? This is a silly poll, but I'm interested to see the results. LADIES ONLY PLEASE! It's for Science

Last edited by screamincheetah; 08-18-2004 at 08:16 PM..
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Old 08-17-2004, 03:16 PM   #2 (permalink)
Submit to me, you know you want to
ShaniFaye's Avatar
Location: Lilburn, Ga
as per my post in the sexual talents thread

I actually, truly, deeply enjoy it
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!
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Old 08-17-2004, 07:20 PM   #3 (permalink)
Filling the Void.
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I like it when we're both in the mood for it. No, the cum is not the most enjoyable thing, though.
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Old 08-17-2004, 07:58 PM   #4 (permalink)
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"not for me"
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Old 08-17-2004, 10:40 PM   #5 (permalink)
fallenangel's Avatar
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I voted for the second one. Pretty self explanatory...
all I wanna do is - give the best of me to you
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Old 08-18-2004, 01:48 AM   #6 (permalink)
Femme Fatale
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Absolutely, no doubt, I love it, can't get enough <-- hell yes! It's one of my favourite activities
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I think my mask of sanity is about to slip.
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Old 08-18-2004, 02:12 AM   #7 (permalink)
Cosmically Curious
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Location: Chicago, IL
I do enjoy it, but I also have to be in the right mood for it. I'm with you la petite moi, I love giving head, but I'm not so fond of the slimy results.
"The world is so exquisite with so much love and moral depth, that there is no reason to deceive ourselves with pretty stories for which there’s little good evidence. Far better it seems to me, in our vulnerability, is to look death in the eye and to be grateful every day for the brief but magnificent opportunity that life provides"
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Old 08-18-2004, 03:24 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
as per my post in the sexual talents thread

I actually, truly, deeply enjoy it
God bless women like you
-=[ Merlocke ]=-
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Old 08-18-2004, 04:15 AM   #9 (permalink)
Leaning against the -Sun-
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I voted for the 2nd option. I really love giving my SO blowjobs, but are you girls who voted for the 1st option telling me that you're always up for it? Any guy, any circumstances? Come on!

It's not just the dick that turns me on it's the guy! Cum is cool, it's sexy when they cum all over you or in your mouth...that might be another interesting poll, although maybe there's already been one, swallow or spit? lol

But at the end of the day, guys with bad eating habits will always have nasty tasting cum, so let's skip them lol
Whether we write or speak or do but look
We are ever unapparent. What we are
Cannot be transfused into word or book.
Our soul from us is infinitely far.
However much we give our thoughts the will
To be our soul and gesture it abroad,
Our hearts are incommunicable still.
In what we show ourselves we are ignored.
The abyss from soul to soul cannot be bridged
By any skill of thought or trick of seeming.
Unto our very selves we are abridged
When we would utter to our thought our being.
We are our dreams of ourselves, souls by gleams,
And each to each other dreams of others' dreams.

Fernando Pessoa, 1918
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Old 08-18-2004, 06:50 AM   #10 (permalink)
Location: Massachusetts, USA
Originally Posted by little_tippler
But at the end of the day, guys with bad eating habits will always have nasty tasting cum, so let's skip them lol
Okay, for us guys, what kinds of food make it taste better, and what makes it taste worse?
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Old 08-18-2004, 06:58 AM   #11 (permalink)
Submit to me, you know you want to
ShaniFaye's Avatar
Location: Lilburn, Ga
Originally Posted by little_tippler
I voted for the 2nd option. I really love giving my SO blowjobs, but are you girls who voted for the 1st option telling me that you're always up for it? Any guy, any circumstances? Come on!

It's not just the dick that turns me on it's the guy! Cum is cool, it's sexy when they cum all over you or in your mouth...that might be another interesting poll, although maybe there's already been one, swallow or spit? lol

But at the end of the day, guys with bad eating habits will always have nasty tasting cum, so let's skip them lol

As a person that voted for the 1st option...I can say truthfully, any guy and circumstance...for me its a pride/control thing. I feel every man in the world deserves the best bj possible, to be made to feel like he's the king of the world for that moment in time, and its the act itself that turns me on...more specifically the knowledge that Im the one in control, no matter if Im the submissive or not, I can give it in such a way that the domme doesnt realize/doesnt care that my mouth is the one calling the shots.

What tastes bad to one woman wont necessarily taste bad to another, and if it tastes bad so what? You drink something, you brush your teeth, use mouthwash etc.
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!
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Old 08-18-2004, 07:10 AM   #12 (permalink)
cameroncrazy822's Avatar
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Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
As a person that voted for the 1st option...I can say truthfully, any guy and circumstance...for me its a pride/control thing. I feel every man in the world deserves the best bj possible, to be made to feel like he's the king of the world for that moment in time, and its the act itself that turns me on...more specifically the knowledge that Im the one in control, no matter if Im the submissive or not, I can give it in such a way that the domme doesnt realize/doesnt care that my mouth is the one calling the shots.

What tastes bad to one woman wont necessarily taste bad to another, and if it tastes bad so what? You drink something, you brush your teeth, use mouthwash etc.

ShaniFaye for PRESIDENT!!!!!!
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Old 08-18-2004, 07:32 AM   #13 (permalink)
screamincheetah's Avatar
Location: Kansas City
Originally Posted by little_tippler
that might be another interesting poll, although maybe there's already been one, swallow or spit? lol
Oh you're so right. I love that we're starting to get a dialouge going on this. It's an interesting topic that all men wonder and worry about, so it's nice to learn some truths and thoughts. There will be other polls though. As soon as this one runs its course, then one will run for the opposite sex. Then we get to tie them together. I think the act of giving, or not giving, oral says a lot about a person and the dynamic of the relationship. More on that later though. Back to the Blowjob discussion.
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Old 08-18-2004, 06:29 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Location: Kansas City
Come on ladies we need more input and votes to make this thing accurate...
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Old 08-18-2004, 09:54 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Location: West Michigan

After nearly 16 yrs. together and many thousands of BJ's later (and we're both only 33) things fluctuate. I love to give them to him at any time unless I'm feeling ill, but the past year I've come (no pun intended!) down with acid-reflux and have found whereas I used to be able to deep throat, I now have a really sensitive gag-reflex. This has taken the joy out of the act for me consideratly . I'm not sure if he is even noticing near "the moment" that I'm practically about to ralph on his penis (I don't see how he couldn't given my gagging sounds ).

Then there's another side of the coin (or die, as in the muli-sided Dungeons and Dragons piece). Both DH and I were with a number of people before we got together and no one since (I hope! Yes I'm the strictly monogymous (sp) type). He says I'm the first one who ever gave him head and therefore has nothing to compare to. Everything I've always done seemed to do him fine but all of a sudden, the past year or so, he's started jumping in and masturbating himself the last minute or so before orgasim as if I wasn't cutting it. I continue to lick and massage him until the end. I read and do research and try to change it up, why would it suddenly not be enough for him? I'm starting to feel like just a means to an ends (by the way, everything else in our relationship is just peachy).

I don't mean to hijack, but do any of you guys have any imput on DH's behavior? Is it just natural (for men) after a lot of years with one person to want to cut to the chase and get it over with faster or something? Or is he maybe getting bored with the same mouth/techniques after so long? I hope not because we're both still young and have a lot of years of marriage to go before we die and I can't become all that much more proficient

I forgot to add: something like ShaniFaye said-if you aren't concerned about HIV/AIDS or Std's from the person then, "Love the one you're with". Suck, slurp, swallow or lick it up! For God's sake, it's just a small amount of bodily fluid and although it doesn't taste like chocolate, it's not foul and won't kill you! Where in the world would us women be, sex wise, if men refused to taste our secretions?!


Last edited by alicat; 08-18-2004 at 10:20 PM..
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Old 08-19-2004, 05:48 AM   #16 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by alicat
but all of a sudden, the past year or so, he's started jumping in and masturbating himself the last minute or so before orgasim as if I wasn't cutting it. ... I don't mean to hijack, but do any of you guys have any imput on DH's behavior?
Well, that's what they do in the porn movies. He might have picked up on it from there, and if he perceived that you reacted well to it when he did it the first time, he might think it is what you want. Only thing to do is to ask him; as you said, you have a lot of sex ahead of you, so you might as well talk about it and get it right.
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Old 08-19-2004, 07:33 AM   #17 (permalink)
Location: under a rock
The only time I've had that happen is when I get tired and can't keep up the pace. Which leads to MY opinion on the whole bj business...

I love giving pleasure and I really, really like my man's orgasms, so bjs work pretty well from that perspective. But, I don't particularly like having a penis in my throat. So, whether or not I want to give a bj depends on whether the benifits outweigh the drawbacks. I've only ever had two men...the first man needed really rough and fast action which was very difficult for me so I rarely enjoyed it. Plus, he would manipulate or physically force me into doing them. If you'd asked me 6 months ago I would have said I hated them.

Fortunately I have a very nice man now who likes slow pressure and it feels very romantic for me so now I like them. Wheee!
There's no justice. There's just us.
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Old 08-19-2004, 08:55 AM   #18 (permalink)
veruca's Avatar
Location: 4 privet drive
i love it, there is something very empowering about controlling the level of someone's pleasure
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Old 08-19-2004, 09:07 AM   #19 (permalink)
Location: Home.
I love it!! Unfortunatley I haven't been able to do it for 7 months. I'm going to feel a little out for practice when I get home :-(
Someday, someone will best me.
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Old 08-19-2004, 09:49 AM   #20 (permalink)
Location: RPI, Troy, NY
Originally Posted by alicat
After nearly 16 yrs. together and many thousands of BJ's later (and we're both only 33) things fluctuate. I love to give them to him at any time unless I'm feeling ill, but the past year I've come (no pun intended!) down with acid-reflux and have found whereas I used to be able to deep throat, I now have a really sensitive gag-reflex. This has taken the joy out of the act for me consideratly . I'm not sure if he is even noticing near "the moment" that I'm practically about to ralph on his penis (I don't see how he couldn't given my gagging sounds ).

Then there's another side of the coin (or die, as in the muli-sided Dungeons and Dragons piece). Both DH and I were with a number of people before we got together and no one since (I hope! Yes I'm the strictly monogymous (sp) type). He says I'm the first one who ever gave him head and therefore has nothing to compare to. Everything I've always done seemed to do him fine but all of a sudden, the past year or so, he's started jumping in and masturbating himself the last minute or so before orgasim as if I wasn't cutting it. I continue to lick and massage him until the end. I read and do research and try to change it up, why would it suddenly not be enough for him? I'm starting to feel like just a means to an ends (by the way, everything else in our relationship is just peachy).

I don't mean to hijack, but do any of you guys have any imput on DH's behavior? Is it just natural (for men) after a lot of years with one person to want to cut to the chase and get it over with faster or something? Or is he maybe getting bored with the same mouth/techniques after so long? I hope not because we're both still young and have a lot of years of marriage to go before we die and I can't become all that much more proficient

I forgot to add: something like ShaniFaye said-if you aren't concerned about HIV/AIDS or Std's from the person then, "Love the one you're with". Suck, slurp, swallow or lick it up! For God's sake, it's just a small amount of bodily fluid and although it doesn't taste like chocolate, it's not foul and won't kill you! Where in the world would us women be, sex wise, if men refused to taste our secretions?!

I think most guys will take head any time they can get it, even if they're not in the mood. Orgasm is such a mental thing besides just the physical aspect.

Most guys have probably wacked it a lot more than they've received head. I'd bet most will probably never get more BJs than how much they wacked it in their teens, so they're generally going to always be able to cum from wacking it because that's how they started.

With these 2 points in mind, if the guy isn't really in the mood, he'll enjoy the BJ but not necessarily to orgasm. Wacking to finish will always work.

This doesn't apply to everyone. Some women could just suck at giving head. But you say you've had no problems in the past with this guy, so it's probably not that.
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Old 08-19-2004, 10:07 AM   #21 (permalink)
Leaning against the -Sun-
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«The taste of come can be neutral, slightly sweet or lightly tart, or stronger, salty, musky. Things that can make the flavor of semen strong or pungent are vitamins, asparagus, beets, coffee, cigarettes, a diet high in red meats or garlic. Strong foods like these can influence his ejaculate in much the same way as they do urine. To keep it smelling and tasting neutral, he can avoid these foods at least 24 hours before oral sex, and drink plenty of water. Carnivorous men tend to have stronger tasting semen than those who stick to vegetarian diets, though whether this is unpleasant or not to the person doing the tasting is up for debate.»

Got this off the net just for you Denim lol

I actually only knew about asparagus
Whether we write or speak or do but look
We are ever unapparent. What we are
Cannot be transfused into word or book.
Our soul from us is infinitely far.
However much we give our thoughts the will
To be our soul and gesture it abroad,
Our hearts are incommunicable still.
In what we show ourselves we are ignored.
The abyss from soul to soul cannot be bridged
By any skill of thought or trick of seeming.
Unto our very selves we are abridged
When we would utter to our thought our being.
We are our dreams of ourselves, souls by gleams,
And each to each other dreams of others' dreams.

Fernando Pessoa, 1918
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Old 08-19-2004, 10:10 AM   #22 (permalink)
Absolutely love it. Sometimes that's how I greet hubby when he comes in the door from work at night!!
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Old 08-19-2004, 03:09 PM   #23 (permalink)
Location: Texas
I like most of the other girls here voted for #2, depends on who it is. I for one am not eager to give every man I meet on the street a blowjob. But if it’s the right guy and everything else is right on track then sure. I actually enjoy is, mostly because it’s something the guys like. It’s nice being able to give as long as you can receive something in return.
I think one of the things that I feel in control when giving a blowjob. Control is nice sometimes. :-)
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Old 08-19-2004, 03:58 PM   #24 (permalink)
Location: California
Love it!! and I always swallow
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Old 08-20-2004, 11:42 AM   #25 (permalink)
(though i'm male) i feel this way about my boyfriend:

Absolutely, no doubt, I love it, can't get enough
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Old 08-22-2004, 05:14 AM   #26 (permalink)
pinche vato
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Location: backwater, Third World, land of cotton
Originally Posted by onodrim
I love giving head, but I'm not so fond of the slimy results.
I'm always intrigued that "slimy results" are almost always an issue when giving men head, but never when giving women head.
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Old 08-22-2004, 08:01 AM   #27 (permalink)
screamincheetah's Avatar
Location: Kansas City
Originally Posted by warrrreagl
I'm always intrigued that "slimy results" are almost always an issue when giving men head, but never when giving women head.
That's not true at all. The whole process from start to finish is "slimy" for men with women. I happen to love everything about oral sex with a woman, and the wetter the better. It's just very interesting that a decent amount of women have a problem with men's fluids. Like a female said earlier in this string, if men had as many problems with women's fluids as women do with men's, there'd be a lot of very unhappy women. It's all about making the one you're with happy. If I really think hard about what exactly I'm doing down there with a women, I could think it's weird or gross. Instead I think about how much pleasure she's having and that excites me and makes me happy. If women would only realize how amazing the blowjobs make us feel, maybe they could not get so caught up in the "slimy results."

Random ramblings....
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Old 08-22-2004, 08:18 AM   #28 (permalink)
Teufel Hunden's Freundin
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Chalk another one up here for absolutely loves giving
Teg yw edrych tuag adref.
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Old 08-22-2004, 04:27 PM   #29 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by screamincheetah
That's not true at all.
I think someone has his sarcasm detector set a bit low
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Old 08-22-2004, 05:48 PM   #30 (permalink)
pinche vato
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Location: backwater, Third World, land of cotton
Originally Posted by yournamehere
I think someone has his sarcasm detector set a bit low
Thanks. You just saved me a reply that would have never come out right. It might even have been a bit slimy.
Living is easy with eyes closed.
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Old 08-22-2004, 05:49 PM   #31 (permalink)
Location: Scenic Drive
SORRY, JUST SAW THE "LADIES ONLY'...BOOT THIS IF YOU LIKE, BUT STILL WHAT I THINK. This thread has had some good answers, most proving that taste is in the mind of the beholder...
What I find really interesting is that as of this posting, there have been 1,001 views, and only 28 responses. Since many on the Forum are gender neutral as far as their names, or avators go, I have no idea how many respondents were women, but either way, their numbers were few. Maybe this should be a thread in itself...whats the matter girls, don't want to talk about it? Don't have any feelings on the subject? Afraid somebody else will think badly about you, either way? Applause to those that respond, regardless of your preferances, boos to those that are afraid to speak their mind on the subject.

Last edited by unoaman; 08-22-2004 at 05:54 PM..
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Old 08-22-2004, 05:53 PM   #32 (permalink)
Is In Love
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Originally Posted by unoaman
Maybe this should be a thread in itself...whats the matter girls, don't want to talk about it?
Well, I can only speak for myself. I voted, but I don't feel like discussing why I voted and for what. So you'll always wonder how Averett feels
Absence is to love what wind is to fire. It extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great.
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Old 08-22-2004, 06:35 PM   #33 (permalink)
Location: Scenic Drive
Very good point Averett, and I respect not only your answer, but also the fact that you at least said something. Realizing that we are often confrontational, I will only reply by saying that I won't always wonder how Averett feels, but I will always be glad that she does indeed feel...
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Old 08-22-2004, 08:44 PM   #34 (permalink)
screamincheetah's Avatar
Location: Kansas City
Originally Posted by yournamehere
I think someone has his sarcasm detector set a bit low
Sorry Sorry Sorry....you're right, I glossed over that post and didn't get the sarcasm. I guess I was looking to jump on the soapbox a little too quickly. My bad. I also took the wind out of my own sails by talking about some of my sumation ideas at the conclusion of this poll. Anyway, I've been bad, and I apologize
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Old 08-23-2004, 12:43 PM   #35 (permalink)
We're having potato pancakes!
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I voted for the missus.
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Old 08-24-2004, 04:19 PM   #36 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Nancy
Absolutely, no doubt, I love it, can't get enough <-- hell yes! It's one of my favourite activities

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Old 08-24-2004, 04:25 PM   #37 (permalink)
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Ok seriously, why is it I can't meet a chick who falls into the 34% category we have going here... bollocks
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Old 08-25-2004, 11:15 AM   #38 (permalink)
I'm more curious about the ladies that voted "never ever ever".
ef you-you effing ef
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Old 08-25-2004, 11:32 AM   #39 (permalink)
face f$cker
Location: canada
from some of the answers here....the thing I don't get is these girls who don't swallow or even let a guy cum in their mouths......do you enjoy having oral performed on you??? As a male, we have no choice but to endure the sometimes 'strong' flavoured or smelling secretions......is it not 'tit for tat'.....or do women just think all guys love giving oral so they don't care about full-reciprocation?
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Old 08-25-2004, 04:17 PM   #40 (permalink)
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BTW: how do i view poll results......

without voting
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