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Old 08-12-2004, 09:20 AM   #1 (permalink)
Cautiously soaring
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Location: exploring my new home in SF
Sexual talents?

Here is the place to brag and boast, but I think that there should be some interesting things coming from the sexually liberated crowd at TFP.


While I may not last very long at first I have basically no recovery time between erections. Many times I can just keep going after finishing as well.

My umm 'member' (lol) is curved back towards my stomach. That coupled with the fact that I get very hard means that I can stimulate the G-Spot pretty well.

I listen well
Patriotism means being loyal to your country all the time and to its government when it deserves it.
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Old 08-12-2004, 09:31 AM   #2 (permalink)
Is In Love
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Location: I'm workin' on it
This might turn into the place to tell tall tales

I don't know that I have any talents. No more than the next girl I'd figure.

Sheesh, that's kind of a buzz kill isn't it?

Okay.. I have strong legs. That's a talent right?
Absence is to love what wind is to fire. It extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great.

Last edited by Averett; 08-12-2004 at 09:34 AM..
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Old 08-12-2004, 09:36 AM   #3 (permalink)
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
I can tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue -

I don't what that actually is supposed to signify -- but I can.
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
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Old 08-12-2004, 09:40 AM   #4 (permalink)
Submit to me, you know you want to
ShaniFaye's Avatar
Location: Lilburn, Ga
There are not many things I will "brag" about...but on this one thing I will lol

When I was 16 I decided that I was going to be the best blowjob giver in the world....I take the art of fellatio VERY seriously. I read every book I could get my hands on, I practiced on different sized vegatables to learn to control my gag reflex, and every man I given one to has been a learning experience for me. I LOVE knowing what works and how things work differently on individual people. I've been sexually active for 20 years and have given so many blowjobs I've lost count. In all that time I have NEVER had a guy, no matter how much he protested he couldnt get off that way, NOT get off. I have even had guys that said they didnt really enjoy bj's tell me that they DID indeed enjoy it with me.
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!
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Old 08-12-2004, 09:50 AM   #5 (permalink)
Originally posted by ShaniFaye
There are not many things I will "brag" about...but on this one thing I will lol

When I was 16 I decided that I was going to be the best blowjob giver in the world....I take the art of fellatio VERY seriously. I read every book I could get my hands on, I practiced on different sized vegatables to learn to control my gag reflex, and every man I given one to has been a learning experience for me. I LOVE knowing what works and how things work differently on individual people. I've been sexually active for 20 years and have given so many blowjobs I've lost count. In all that time I have NEVER had a guy, no matter how much he protested he couldnt get off that way, NOT get off. I have even had guys that said they didnt really enjoy bj's tell me that they DID indeed enjoy it with me.
you make the world a better place. kudos to you. [/totally serious]
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Old 08-12-2004, 09:53 AM   #6 (permalink)
Originally posted by ShaniFaye
There are not many things I will "brag" about...but on this one thing I will lol

When I was 16 I decided that I was going to be the best blowjob giver in the world....I take the art of fellatio VERY seriously. I read every book I could get my hands on, I practiced on different sized vegatables to learn to control my gag reflex, and every man I given one to has been a learning experience for me. I LOVE knowing what works and how things work differently on individual people. I've been sexually active for 20 years and have given so many blowjobs I've lost count. In all that time I have NEVER had a guy, no matter how much he protested he couldnt get off that way, NOT get off. I have even had guys that said they didnt really enjoy bj's tell me that they DID indeed enjoy it with me.
Ummmmmmm, Atlanta ain't far for me.........
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Old 08-12-2004, 09:54 AM   #7 (permalink)
Location: Ontario, Canada
Ugh, I usually don't like posting to threads like these because most of the time people do view it as "telling tall tales" but whatever, here goes.

My main talent I suppose would be that I can almost always control when I cum. Basically I can go for as long as I want. I also have little to no recovery time for the first couple of times. Unless the first time lasts a really long time, then recovery takes a bit longer. I wasn't born like this, it took quite a while to get it under control. I would say I couldn't do this until I was about 21 or so.

Only other thing to brag about would be my streak, where every girl I have ever slept with more than once has said I am without a doubt the best she has ever had. Partially because of my above talent and partially because I love sex and am very enthusiastic about it
"That's why you're the judge and I'm the law-talking guy."

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Old 08-12-2004, 10:02 AM   #8 (permalink)
Redlemon's Avatar
Location: New England
I wouldn't say I have any particular special talent, but I've been practicing on the same woman for almost 17 years, so I can say that I have learned to play this particular instrument very well.
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Old 08-12-2004, 10:28 AM   #9 (permalink)
Location: Swooping down on you from above....
Here's mine:

My wife orgasms as least 5 times during every act of sex. I guess that's a talent.

I like to make sure that the woman is satisfied before I get off. Otherwise I feel guilty.
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Old 08-12-2004, 10:49 AM   #10 (permalink)
Location: Scenic Drive
I don't know that I have any special sexual talents, but keep practicing in hopes that one will emerge. Besides anitra would be better prepared to answer that than I am.

Last edited by unoaman; 08-13-2004 at 05:55 AM..
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Old 08-12-2004, 11:59 AM   #11 (permalink)
screamincheetah's Avatar
Location: Kansas City
I take the art of fellatio VERY seriously. I read every book I could get my hands on, I practiced on different sized vegatables to learn to control my gag reflex, and every man I given one to has been a learning experience for me. I LOVE knowing what works and how things work differently on individual people. I've been sexually active for 20 years and have given so many blowjobs I've lost count. In all that time I have NEVER had a guy, no matter how much he protested he couldnt get off that way, NOT get off. I have even had guys that said they didnt really enjoy bj's tell me that they DID indeed enjoy it with me. [/B]
I will second, or third the above posts. I admire you very much. I take giving oral sex to the woman very seriuosly, as you do with men. I guess this is my talent, in that I love to do it, and I treat it like a craft in which I try to get better every time I do it. I've never had a problem getting women, even "difficult" women to have mulitple orgasms. As far as I'm concerned, the night's a failure if the woman doesn't have at least two orgasms. But my point was, it's very rare to find a woman who even enjoys oral sex that much. Of course it's probably more rare to find a man that likes giving oral sex as much as I do too. I don't understand why people have so many hangups about giving oral. I'm rambling....I'll stop....Thanks for letting us know that girls like you exist out there
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Old 08-12-2004, 01:16 PM   #12 (permalink)
My future is coming on
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by maleficent
I can tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue - [quote]

Me too....

I don't what that actually is supposed to signify -- but I can.
...me neither.

I can have an orgasm by stretching just right.
"If ten million people believe a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing."

- Anatole France
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Old 08-12-2004, 01:19 PM   #13 (permalink)
Please touch this.
Halx's Avatar
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I can massage your shoulders from the *inside*

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Old 08-12-2004, 01:22 PM   #14 (permalink)
World's King's Avatar
Location: Denver City Denver
I know how to bite.

There is an art to making good marks, not causing too much pain, and knowing how hard to bite and where.
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Old 08-12-2004, 01:26 PM   #15 (permalink)
Submit to me, you know you want to
ShaniFaye's Avatar
Location: Lilburn, Ga
I have to agree Original King.... I have rarely come across a man that can do that right!!!!
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!
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Old 08-12-2004, 01:34 PM   #16 (permalink)
Location: Albuquerque, NM
I really don't know that I have a talent, other than that I REALLY enjoy sex and get very into it. My SO has many talents, which is one reason I enjoy it so much. He's always able to get me off at least 4 times with sex alone, not including any foreplay. So I guess my talent is being lucky enough to be with one so talented.
"You always said destiny would blow me away. But nothing's gonna blow me away"- Something Coporate
" I do not pop pills! I take them and I eat them..."
- Foamy's friend
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Old 08-12-2004, 01:46 PM   #17 (permalink)
stonegrody's Avatar
Location: CA-USA
I don't cry.

Is that a talent?

I've learned that I have a pretty high threshold for pain during sex. Yup, she's a scratcher. It hurts a lot more the day after when I'm bleeding through the back of my shirt
This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality. Embrace this moment. Remember. We are eternal. All this pain is an illusion.

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Old 08-12-2004, 03:23 PM   #18 (permalink)
The sky calls to us ...
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I can do the cherry stem knot thing, and I can tie a 5-pound weight to my tongue and lift it.
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Old 08-12-2004, 03:43 PM   #19 (permalink)
Carno's Avatar
I can also do the cherry stem thing.

I'm also good with biting.. One of my girlfriends used to be a very good biter, and she taught me the value of a well placed/well pressured bite.

Last edited by Carn; 08-12-2004 at 03:46 PM..
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Old 08-12-2004, 04:13 PM   #20 (permalink)
Meier_Link's Avatar
Location: in a state of confusion
I can do it without waking her up!

HA! Beat that suckers.
life is a sexually transmitted disease
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Old 08-12-2004, 05:17 PM   #21 (permalink)
Location: Southern California
Definately blowjobs...I have learned many tricks and techniques and apply them as needed to completely satisfy.
"There's one in every family...two in mine actually.."--- Zazu
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Old 08-12-2004, 05:33 PM   #22 (permalink)
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
OK, so I really gotta know.... What is with the cherry stem thing... I can do it -- it's supposed to be sexy - -but why? what am I missing?
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
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Old 08-12-2004, 05:36 PM   #23 (permalink)
beauty in the breakdown
Location: Chapel Hill, NC
Originally posted by maleficent
OK, so I really gotta know.... What is with the cherry stem thing... I can do it -- it's supposed to be sexy - -but why? what am I missing?
Tongue strength and knowing how to use it. Use your imagination
"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws."
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Old 08-12-2004, 05:42 PM   #24 (permalink)
<Insert wise statement here>
MageB420666's Avatar
Location: Hell if I know
Well I can have sex for forty-five minutes and longer(I went for two hours but had to stop because my girlfriend wore out) without cumming. It allows my girlfriend to have several orgasms.
Apathy: The best outlook this side of I don't give a damn.
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Old 08-12-2004, 07:09 PM   #25 (permalink)
Location: Sask, Canada
with me.. its weird.. i've only came a couple times from having sex.. my gf right now is dumbfounded on the idea.. i dont know why i cant.. or what the whole deal with it is..

the first time we had sex it was for 3 hours.. hell of a time in bed.. but the girls nails tho damn.. it was funny the next day tho.. my back was just nothin but scratches..

the longest ive ever had sex for was close to 6 hours.. not just constantly goin.. just sex, foreplay/teasin just over and over..
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Old 08-12-2004, 08:12 PM   #26 (permalink)
I too can tie knots in cherry stems and would consider myself talented in the department of oral sex.

I also have an abnormally large tongue. I had to relearn swallowing technique when I was a kid because I was screwing up my front teeth so badly. I can also roll it, corkscrew it, and touch the top of my tongue with the tip of my tongue (a reverse roll).
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Old 08-12-2004, 08:30 PM   #27 (permalink)
Location: Protesting injustice on the streets of the world
Originally posted by ShaniFaye
There are not many things I will "brag" about...but on this one thing I will lol

When I was 16 I decided that I was going to be the best blowjob giver in the world....I take the art of fellatio VERY seriously. I read every book I could get my hands on, I practiced on different sized vegatables to learn to control my gag reflex, and every man I given one to has been a learning experience for me. I LOVE knowing what works and how things work differently on individual people. I've been sexually active for 20 years and have given so many blowjobs I've lost count. In all that time I have NEVER had a guy, no matter how much he protested he couldnt get off that way, NOT get off. I have even had guys that said they didnt really enjoy bj's tell me that they DID indeed enjoy it with me.
Will you marry me?

Anyway, I have a pretty thick dick and have pretty damn good stamina too. My girlfriend is never disappointed.
Kerry/Edwards '04
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Old 08-12-2004, 08:44 PM   #28 (permalink)
Originally posted by Halx
I can massage your shoulders from the *inside*

That made me laugh out loud!.... and cringe a little, because I have no doubt you're serious

Sexual talents, eh? I have very good balance.
Old 08-12-2004, 09:05 PM   #29 (permalink)
Thats MR. Muffin Face now
losthellhound's Avatar
Location: Everywhere work sends me
I listen well, and Im more interested in what my partner wants then anything else
"Life is possible only with illusions. And so, the question for the science of mental health must become an absolutely new and revolutionary one, yet one that reflects the essence of the human condition: On what level of illusion does one live?"
-- Ernest Becker, The Denial of Death
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Old 08-12-2004, 09:12 PM   #30 (permalink)
Location: Deep South
well to be quite blunt, I have been told on more than several occasions that im a 15 out of 10 when it comes to going down town....I was told once that I should have a warning label.

I did so much research on the female anatomy, I guess it was worth the reaction I get.

I really enjoy it almost more than having sex...actually I love it
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Old 08-12-2004, 09:28 PM   #31 (permalink)
Location: Ann Arbor, MI
I give good oral sex, and only once have I eaten a girl out without her asking to have sex with me afterwards. And that girl only said no because she had a boyfriend.
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Old 08-12-2004, 09:31 PM   #32 (permalink)
Location: Hampton, VA
I'd like to think I give really good oral(on women, I'm a guy) and I really love to do it.
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Old 08-12-2004, 11:49 PM   #33 (permalink)
Femme Fatale
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Location: Elysium
I never get tired....

I'm very flexibe, good at making people feel confortable in bed with me and I'm ALWAYS willing to try new things
I have all the characteristics of a human being: blood, flesh, skin, hair; but not a single, clear, identifiable emotion, except for greed and disgust. Something horrible is happening inside of me and I don't know why. My nightly bloodlust has overflown into my days. I feel lethal, on the verge of frenzy.
I think my mask of sanity is about to slip.

Last edited by Nancy; 08-15-2004 at 10:22 PM..
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Old 08-13-2004, 01:09 AM   #34 (permalink)
Location: Finland
I'm always willing to.
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Old 08-13-2004, 02:36 AM   #35 (permalink)
Location: Everett WA
ive only had one sexual partner, but i am really good at giving multipule orgasims. i just like to pay attention to what she is doing and how she reacts to the different things i do, and the spot is really easy for me to get to (just duck the hips down to her bum then go all up from there, and the girl will go crazy)

longest ive done it for is 2 hours, nothing like the 6 hours one of these guys had, but that was pretty damn long, and it went by fast. she said she lost count of how many she had, and i had 2.
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Old 08-13-2004, 03:12 AM   #36 (permalink)
TFP Mad Scientist
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Location: Philadelphia, PA
For one thing, I have a black belt in Tongue-Fu, and also, my girlfriend cums almost every time we have anal sex (and somehow those orgasms are stronger than if we had vaginal or oral sex).
Doncalypso... the one and only Haitian Sensation
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Old 08-13-2004, 03:14 AM   #37 (permalink)
TFP Mad Scientist
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Location: Philadelphia, PA
Originally posted by bookerV
Ugh, I usually don't like posting to threads like these because most of the time people do view it as "telling tall tales" but whatever, here goes.

My main talent I suppose would be that I can almost always control when I cum. Basically I can go for as long as I want. I also have little to no recovery time for the first couple of times. Unless the first time lasts a really long time, then recovery takes a bit longer. I wasn't born like this, it took quite a while to get it under control. I would say I couldn't do this until I was about 21 or so.

Only other thing to brag about would be my streak, where every girl I have ever slept with more than once has said I am without a doubt the best she has ever had. Partially because of my above talent and partially because I love sex and am very enthusiastic about it

Well.... aren't you gonna be a cool guy and share your secret with the other men on TFP? I've been trying for some years to achieve greater ejaculatory control and maintaining an erection for prolonged periods of time, but thus far my efforts have been relatively fruitless.

I sure wouldn't mind a few pointers so I can try with my girlfriend.
Doncalypso... the one and only Haitian Sensation
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Old 08-13-2004, 04:59 AM   #38 (permalink)
Location: Hotlanta, GA
Originally posted by ShaniFaye
When I was 16 I decided that I was going to be the best blowjob giver in the world....I take the art of fellatio VERY seriously. I read every book I could get my hands on, I practiced on different sized vegatables to learn to control my gag reflex, and every man I given one to has been a learning experience for me. I LOVE knowing what works and how things work differently on individual people. I've been sexually active for 20 years and have given so many blowjobs I've lost count. In all that time I have NEVER had a guy, no matter how much he protested he couldnt get off that way, NOT get off. I have even had guys that said they didnt really enjoy bj's tell me that they DID indeed enjoy it with me.
Well..................I'm in Atlanta..................
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Old 08-13-2004, 07:19 AM   #39 (permalink)
face f$cker
Location: canada
i can blow my load in about 30 seconds everytime with any girl!! haha.....how's that for a talent....anyone wanna trade?

...Like 'Ross' from Friends......I too am very good with my hands.....
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Old 08-13-2004, 04:58 PM   #40 (permalink)
Aladdin Sane's Avatar
Location: San Marvelous
Originally posted by lurkette
...me neither.

I can have an orgasm by stretching just right.
Lurkette, please explain.

My talent? I'm pretty good with my tongue, and I love going down. She likes it too.
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.
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sexual, talents

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