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Holo 02-22-2004 09:49 AM

words or phrases you say your SO hates
You have any choice adjectives or phrases you say that your SO really gets ticked when you say them?

My gf gets really ticked when I use the phrase "eat my ass with a spoon" (sometimes I add "and a fork" for color) in relation to a certain asshole person like a loud neighbor or someone in traffic tailgating me trying to get ahead when I'm speeding already. It really offends her for some reason as opposed to the multitude of other rude things that spew forth from my cakehole. I think it's kinda comedic but it bothers her a lot for some reason. What word or phrase bugs you or your SO when either one of you utter it? If you're single then past SO stories are fine too.

Strange Famous 02-22-2004 09:57 AM

Well, I dont have a girlfriend, but my ex used to really hate it if I called anyone a c u next tuesday.

Holo 02-22-2004 10:08 AM


Originally posted by Strange Famous
Well, I dont have a girlfriend, but my ex used to really hate it if I called anyone a c u next tuesday.
Yeah that's a universal one I think. I remember one of the rare times I watched The Osbournes and Ozzy called Sharon a cunt and then he says something like "Now I've done it. When you say the *C* word to a woman, there's like a "death" that falls over the room." Funny enough my gf isn't really bothered by that one as I mainly use it in traffic and I've never said it to her.

Harshaw 02-22-2004 10:44 AM

It wasn't so much something I would say as something I would do.

I would bare my top teeth and clamp them down on my lower lip like an idiotic smile. I think she liked my smile more than any other physical aspect. So it would bug her to no end.

Zegel 02-22-2004 11:30 AM

Really depends on her mood.. I have to watch myself really really carefully. Somedays a cute joke can make her laugh, and other days the same joke could make her livid as hell. I'm still kind of a relationship noob so I have a hard time realizing which time is which, so it sucks sometimes =P

gremlinx8 02-22-2004 12:27 PM

My boyfriend doesn't care for the phrase what not. He also hates when I snap my gum or chew my ice.

StormBerlin 02-22-2004 12:30 PM

He uses a phrase, "That's what you get for thinkin." When I say something like, "I thought we were going out tonight." etc.. and that wasn't the plan. Its the most degrading thing ever.

World's King 02-22-2004 12:39 PM

I tell my girl she's ugly all the time... does that count? :D

WarWagon 02-22-2004 12:51 PM


The ex claims that I was only nice to her when I was drunk. :-/

Boo 02-22-2004 12:57 PM

I get bad looks when I say "You left your spoon in the cats ass again"


Originally posted by WarWagon

The ex claims that I was only nice to her when I was drunk. :-/

I had a girlfriend a long time ago that was very pretty. Unfortunately, I could only stand her when I was drunk.

isis 02-22-2004 01:00 PM

My boyfriend hates when I call him "Stinky" or "Stinks"

I used them completely a pet names, but he really just didn't like it, because I guess it implied to him that he was .. stinky. So I don't do that anymore ;)

HockeyGuy 02-22-2004 05:18 PM

'Same Difference' I get yelled at everytime.. lol 'UGH IT MAKES NO SENSE!'

iceburn 02-22-2004 10:40 PM

Yeah when I first heard "same difference" it pissed me off too. Now I use it myself. I say about as many stupid phrases as possible to get under peoples' skin. If someone's atempting to sound deep or prophetic I'll say "True dat gawd," "werd, or for reals" or "gnar-gnar" gnar gnar makes zero sense and will usually always rub people the wrong way. I address groups as "yallz" and answer the phone "Jel-lo?"

other phrases to piss people off
"shit on my tits!" to express disappointment
"take it SL-eazy","eat a bloody vagina", "what's on the va-genda for today?", "shpadoinkle", "well fuck my cock!"

thebiz 02-22-2004 10:44 PM


Originally posted by StormBerlin
He uses a phrase, "That's what you get for thinkin." When I say something like, "I thought we were going out tonight." etc.. and that wasn't the plan. Its the most degrading thing ever.

bahahahah. thats classic.

"thats what ya get for thinkin'"

I love it.

Jesus Pimp 02-22-2004 10:44 PM

My ex-gfs always hated when I said something sucks because it's so negative. I was only telling the truth.

monkeysugar 02-23-2004 12:37 AM

My girlfriend doesn't like it when I say "I get it" or "I got it"

For example: She had been telling me about the cute bunny sticker she saw at the bookstore for the last five minutes. I got the point in the first 30 seconds. After listening to her talk about it for the next 4.5 minutes, she is starting to annoy the hell out of me. As she starts into the story again, I say "Sweetie, I get it".


"You could have just let me finish! You always do that and it makes me feel stupid. It's not like I was going to go off talking about it forever!"

Five minutes going on six listening to someone who is almost 20 talk about a bunny sticker sure as hell seems like forever to me. Fuck, even when it's a five year old talking about a sticker, it stops being cute and gets pretty fucking annoying after about thirty seconds.

Lebell 02-23-2004 01:06 AM

My ex INSISTED on singing the opening bars of "O, Canada" whenever someone mentioned Canada.

After 18 years, I was ready to kill her.

phathom 02-23-2004 01:09 AM

I think I can speak for all men when I say, "It doesn't matter what you say, it matters what she hears, whatever you say, YOUR FUCKED!"

Lunchbox7 02-23-2004 05:24 PM

Im a big fan of mum jokes and my gf hates it with a passion.

insidious_machinae 02-23-2004 08:55 PM

This message has been deleted.

Prince 02-23-2004 09:12 PM

My wife hates it when I call one of the cats an idiot for doing something dumb. She loves those cats to bits. So, the cat took a piss on the carpet, threw up next to the couch, in the bedroom, in the living-room, is having major diarrhea because she can't get it through her head to keep out of the cleaning supplies that are in the closet where she's not allowed... but she's not an idiot, she's a poor, poor kitty.

Mephex 02-23-2004 09:49 PM


Originally posted by Lebell
My ex INSISTED on singing the opening bars of "O, Canada" whenever someone mentioned Canada.

After 18 years, I was ready to kill her.

LOL, that's too funny. I would be too though.

Me ex's hated when I would ask repeatedly "Is something wrong?" "Are you okay?" It was just my way of looking for reassurance, but I sure got an earful all the same. Funny how something like that can actually make a situation NOT okay :P

macmanmike6100 02-23-2004 10:23 PM

cunt was bad with a girl in the past. the girl has gotten used to everything that comes from my mouth...oh, except for "shut up"

Harshaw 02-23-2004 11:16 PM

Ok, I need to put one I hate.
"What are you thinking?"
This question never fails to annoy the hell out of me. I am a pretty open guy; talk to me, have a conversation... what I am thinking will come out. Asking me point blank what I am thinking is cheating, and sometimes I just don't feel like sharing. I can almost understand it after sex because sex in itself is such a bonding experience. But ugh, I wish I didn't have to field this question.

There... that's what I am thinking.

Tholo 02-26-2004 11:17 AM

"funky funky fresh"

its lost all meaning to me outside of annoying her.

HYEHORSE 02-26-2004 11:25 AM


digme 02-26-2004 06:08 PM


Originally posted by HYEHORSE

My girlfriend works in a medical field. I am very squeamish. I hate it when she tells me the gory details of her work (which she wants to do all the time.)

AlCap0wn 02-26-2004 07:06 PM

I've got a mouth like a drunken sailor, and I'm worse when I'm driving. Gesturing, too.

To really understand why, you have to realize a few things about my personality - I'm normally fairly quiet, easygoing, and jovial. But when I do raise my voice, it's deafening. So when she sees me pull the Jekyll-Hyde transformation behind the wheel, stick my entire body out the driver's side window, and cuss out an entire intersection after a near collision, it's a bit of a shock.

02-27-2004 06:39 AM


Originally posted by AlCap0wn
I've got a mouth like a drunken sailor, and I'm worse when I'm driving. Gesturing, too.
Fortunately my girlfriend has figured out that I am and equal opportunity offender, that my choice of language isn't going to change, and that she might as well just get used to it.

Last night she called me a filthy cunt during dinner.

I almost cried I was so happy.

imperfect_anya 02-28-2004 01:20 AM

"Fo' shizzle, dizzle, my nizzle....etc."
I CANNOT stand those phrases!

And he, for some odd reason, hates to be called "dude."

sillygirl 02-28-2004 10:50 AM


Originally posted by imperfect_anya
"Fo' shizzle, dizzle, my nizzle....etc."
I CANNOT stand those phrases!


I can't think of anything in particular I say now, I'm not sure, as we've only been dating a short while.

But I had an ex that HATED it when I called him "Homie". Which I did to irritate him. :p

feedthekittee 02-28-2004 12:08 PM

the only things that seem to give him the jibblies are the silly nicknames... "pooper" is one that is particularly effective.

there's one that drives *me* to the brink of insanity:
occasionally i will pause in the middle of a sentence to gather my thoughts or ... to figure out what the hell i'm trying to say ...

my SO tilts his head, takes a patronizing tone and says, " ... use your words ..."

he thinks it's funny.
i think it's a line from a movie or something.
he does it just to make me broil.

cathiihtac 02-28-2004 12:34 PM

If I hear him yell "that's what i'm talking about" while we are fully clothed and he jokingly fakes an orgasm....I think I'll slit my wrists.

Not really...but...really. :)

Mantus 02-28-2004 12:41 PM

Off the top of my head…she hates it when I say:


“Ello” – with a British accent

Girlfriend tell me about something she would like.
I reply: “Yah, we want lots of thing” – in a frank tone.
I usually get bitten at this point.

And the one that takes the cake is the word “Cute”

StormBerlin 02-29-2004 11:31 PM


Originally posted by Mantus

Girlfriend tell me about something she would like.
I reply: “Yah, we want lots of thing” – in a frank tone.
I usually get bitten at this point.

LOL!! That's the best. I'm gonna try that one and see if I succeed in annoying Chewy...

StephenSa 03-01-2004 01:49 PM

I take common words and change them I call Canada Canadia. Education is edumacation. A gymnyst becomes a gymnasticater, they also engage in gymnastication. I use these and many more to drive my girl crazy. I don't know that she gets really ticked but it annoys the heck out of her.

Bleed Me Dry 03-01-2004 06:13 PM

I used to get thoroughly annoyed by the words "tight" and "hella"

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