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Old 12-08-2003, 01:55 PM   #1 (permalink)
Location: Cali
Drunk girls

I was at a buddy's house last weekend and this girl got rather drunk. I went for a walk, and she insisted she come with me. I was like whatever, I could use some company. Then, when we were walking she went from holding my arm to holding my hand to putting my arm around her waist and so on. She gave out major signals that she was totally into me. I didn't do anything back to her, I figured she was just drunk, so I just kinda was indifferent to the whole thing. But now that I look back, I am wondering if she really does like me and the booze just made it so much more clear, or if she was just drunk and didn't know what the hell she was doing. What do you think?

I hate you
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Old 12-08-2003, 02:04 PM   #2 (permalink)
* * *
Drunk people generally don't care all that much who they end up with. It has been scientifically proven that people who are drunk see others as being more attractive. If she likes you, it would be nice if she didn't have to be plowed to show you that, wouldn't it?

Beyond that, I don't think booze tends to make much of anything more clear most of the time.
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Old 12-08-2003, 02:19 PM   #3 (permalink)
Without Wings
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Location: Australia
if she's interested in you, she'll make you notice her when she's sober. if she doesnt, then it was just the alcohol doing all the work.

talk to her, just chit chat, judging her body language should give you some idea if she is the shy/quiet type.
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Old 12-08-2003, 02:19 PM   #4 (permalink)
herostar's Avatar
Location: South Dakota
I wouldn't worry about it too much.

if it happens again though it's probably not just chance
Got time to chill?
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Old 12-08-2003, 03:11 PM   #5 (permalink)
Boy am I horny today
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Location: T O L E D O, Toledo!!
You did the right thing by not doing anything. Too many women get taken advantage of in that same situation, and can't remember who they were with, or what happened. If you see here agian, and not drunk, and she acts that way, you can at least respect yourself for not doing something you regret, or she regrets. And if you start going out, it's even better.

How many relationships start out with one or both in a drunken state, that end up in a happy marriage?
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Old 12-08-2003, 03:42 PM   #6 (permalink)
Darth Papa
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Originally posted by absorbentishe
You did the right thing by not doing anything. Too many women get taken advantage of in that same situation, and can't remember who they were with, or what happened. If you see here agian, and not drunk, and she acts that way, you can at least respect yourself for not doing something you regret, or she regrets. And if you start going out, it's even better.
It's a bigger deal than that, I'm afraid. If she's under the influence then she's legally incapable of giving consent. Which means if you do her, you raped her, in the eyes of the law.

But I don't think that's what you're asking. You're asking whether her apparent attraction to you was for real, or just the bottle talking.

Question is, really, are you interested in her? If so, you should act on that. Forget what she did in whatever state she was in, and go make the appropriate move.
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Old 12-08-2003, 04:18 PM   #7 (permalink)
Originally posted by absorbentishe

How many relationships start out with one or both in a drunken state, that end up in a happy marriage?
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Old 12-08-2003, 06:10 PM   #8 (permalink)
Location: Cali
The day before this we talked on the ohone for almost an hour (I called her friend and ended up talking to her), and the day after we went to the beach and had a great time, but nothing like romance. When she was sober the next day, it seemed like she was interested, but then she would sometimes come to her senses and draw back for a while, and then gradually get closer to me again. It's like she does like me, but then she realizes what she's doing and has to make herself stop. It's really weird.

I hate you
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Old 12-08-2003, 06:35 PM   #9 (permalink)
Darth Papa
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She probably doesn't want to seem like she's coming on too strong. Worried about her reputation and all that.

I'll lay odds that if you make your move, and she's yours.
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Old 12-08-2003, 06:57 PM   #10 (permalink)
Location: Davidson, NC/ Manassas, VA
Dude, you did the right thing. Don't boubt your morals or your actions for a second. If she's in to you, then she'll come back and she'll only like and respect you more for not taking advantage of the situation.
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Old 12-08-2003, 07:05 PM   #11 (permalink)
Location: About 50,000 feet in the air... oh shit.
Bad idea to hook up with drunk girls in general I say. I've been in that situation before and I handled it similarly. I often look back with a small pang of regret, but hey, my penis isn't my boss is it? *hangs head in shame* yes it is...
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Old 12-08-2003, 07:33 PM   #12 (permalink)
Location: Washington DC
fuck that, if she's ugly, bang her while she's drunk and claim she raped you. then take her for every penny she's got. if she's hot, hey, her being liquored up is probably your only shot.

so basically, you blew it
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Old 12-08-2003, 08:30 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Alcohol is a great way to lower inhibitions, but it also screws with your senses. You did the right thing, and it sounds like you are still doing it by approaching her slowly.
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Old 12-08-2003, 08:38 PM   #14 (permalink)
Seaver's Avatar
Location: Fort Worth, TX
I never mess with girls under the influence... I've been completely trashed and still turned it down.

It's amazing because girls the next morning usually remember it and it has led to 3 gf's because I did the right thing and not do anything.

Good man, you did the right thing. As they said, if she really liked you she'll contact you. What you should have done was give her your phone number, if they sober up and remember you, they'll call you. If they dont know who the heck you are you dont look like an idiot calling her. Just my $.02 derived from experience.
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Old 12-08-2003, 09:01 PM   #15 (permalink)
Location: Sydney, Australia
Alcohol, if your pissed and so is she - have a good time indeed, but be protected - being drunk and having sex sometimes is actually quite a good thing sometimes, it's just the people who don't know how to handle a no is the problem.

If they say no.. , don't do it.

Being able to let loose whilst drunk is good... trust me
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Old 12-08-2003, 09:52 PM   #16 (permalink)
beauty in the breakdown
Location: Chapel Hill, NC
Originally posted by frozenstellar
if she's interested in you, she'll make you notice her when she's sober. if she doesnt, then it was just the alcohol doing all the work.

talk to her, just chit chat, judging her body language should give you some idea if she is the shy/quiet type.
Yeah. Ever been drunk? Notice how you want to hook up with anything that moves. She was feeling the same thing. If she starts making moves sober, then go for it.
"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws."
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Old 12-09-2003, 08:24 AM   #17 (permalink)
Sho Nuff's Avatar
Location: Harlem
Does it really matter? Get some and go home happy. Just be sure to use a condom and dont get head for your own safety. Drunken sex is a part of growing up. Then when you get to be my age you look back on those reckless days with fondness and can begin to take relationships more seriously because you dont have excess juice on the brain.
I know Nietzsche doesnt rhyme with peachy, but you sound like a pretentious prick when you correct me.
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Old 12-09-2003, 04:46 PM   #18 (permalink)
I stole my boyfriends TFP, hehe !!
RemyLebeau97's Avatar
Location: Galveston, TX
Maybe try interacting with her while she is sober, also ask some people you know about her, she may get drunk and do the same thing with other guys at every party she goes too. Get a lil back ground before you make ya move.
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Old 12-09-2003, 06:38 PM   #19 (permalink)
Location: Tennessee
she's definitely interested! go for her!
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Old 12-09-2003, 06:45 PM   #20 (permalink)
Leave me alone!
Boo's Avatar
Location: Alaska, USA
Drunk and still comprehending her environment and intentions, She Loves You Man! = HIT IT!!!

Passed out and peeing herself (rape) = Roommate named "Diaper Man"
Back button again, I must be getting old.
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Old 12-09-2003, 07:15 PM   #21 (permalink)
Location: Cali
Originally posted by Boo

Passed out and peeing herself (rape) = Roommate named "Diaper Man"


I hate you
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Old 12-09-2003, 07:32 PM   #22 (permalink)
Location: London, England
good on you man, i know its tough to say no in that situation
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Old 12-09-2003, 08:10 PM   #23 (permalink)
Well drunk can be whatever ones interpretation is. If she can't stand up,sit down or do anything but act as a magnet to the ground,then I wouldn't touch her.

If she is buzzing and makes the decision to do whatever she wants irregardless of her state, that's her problem. If she feels stupid or guilty for her actions she should think before she acts.
" In Canada, you can tell the most blatant lie in a calm voice, and people will believe you over someone who's a little passionate about the truth." David Warren, Western Standard.
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Old 12-09-2003, 08:23 PM   #24 (permalink)
Location: Meeshagain
Anyone else think the laws about rape and drunk girls are absolutly retarded?

Don't get me wrong, drugging a girl or forcing them to drink then doing them is a horrible thing to do.

But my opinion is if you can't handle being drunk, and the consequences, don't drink. If you don't want to be "taken advantage of" cause you can't control yourself when you are drunk, it is your own fault.

At least that's what I think.
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Old 12-09-2003, 08:23 PM   #25 (permalink)
Location: Miami Beach, FL
The Best Way

There are some VERY misguided people who believe that you should take advantage of every situation that comes your way, even if the risk factor is high...Those are the people I pity. If they are so desperate that they have to pursue the slightest opportunity, instead of waiting for a genuine one, then they must live a life dependant upon the whims of fate.
You were smart to keep your wits about you and your pointer in your pants. Your time will come, soldier.

the Chocolate Neo™
it's not about right and wrong, only
understood and not understood
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Old 12-09-2003, 08:39 PM   #26 (permalink)
Re: The Best Way

Originally posted by chocolate neo™
There are some VERY misguided people who believe that you should take advantage of every situation that comes your way, even if the risk factor is high...Those are the people I pity. If they are so desperate that they have to pursue the slightest opportunity, instead of waiting for a genuine one, then they must live a life dependant upon the whims of fate.
You were smart to keep your wits about you and your pointer in your pants. Your time will come, soldier.

the Chocolate Neo™
Thanks for the morality lesson but personal responsibility is just that, it's one responsibility.

Ever think that people might get tipsy or drunk because they can't come out of their shell otherwise or need help to.This to them is an opportunity. And it isn't up to me to judge them as to why they make decisions.

But then again you may not realize this since your judgements rely so heavily on pitifying others.
" In Canada, you can tell the most blatant lie in a calm voice, and people will believe you over someone who's a little passionate about the truth." David Warren, Western Standard.
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Old 12-09-2003, 09:17 PM   #27 (permalink)
Location: Meeshagain
Hey, I never said taking advantage was the RIGHT thing to do, but no one should go to jail over it.
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Old 12-10-2003, 02:27 AM   #28 (permalink)
SecretMethod70's Avatar
Location: Chicago
Somewhat of a related situation so I thought I'd share. Sorry I don't have any actual insight into your situation.

I was in Austria on a trip with my HS band my senior year and during the time onodrim and I were taking a bit of a break and this one girl who 1) is/was extremely hot and 2) I had thought so for the past 3 years was quite drunk in a bar one night. The entire trip we had been flirting with each other which was very cool - especially since if anyone had asked me I would have said I had absolutely no chance with her, and it turned out that I did. So, she was drunk and hitting on me and I could have easily taken advantage of the situation and gotten more physical with this person. It was extremely hard not to do so, especially considering how attractive she is/was, but I didn't feel right about it and didn't want to take advantage of her. However, just recently actually, I talked to her over the internet and she asked me if we did anything that night (she couldn't remember) and I told her that we didn't. She was actually pretty baffled as to why and expected that we would have.

Obviously that's not normal, but talk about confusing - a girl who's disappointed she wasn't taken advantage of

Anyhoo - good for you for doing the right thing. Too many risks involved, not to mention it just being simply wrong.
Le temps détruit tout

"Musicians are the carriers and communicators of spirit in the most immediate sense." - Kurt Elling
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Old 12-10-2003, 04:40 AM   #29 (permalink)
Well, taking advantage of someone is never good, but alchohol does make people say or do things they were too shy to say in the first place, so my advice is to follow up because she probably really does like you but doesnt want to say it.
I think I am. Therefore I am. I think

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Old 12-10-2003, 09:58 AM   #30 (permalink)
Location: Somewhere just beyond the realm of sanity...
Originally posted by ratbastid
It's a bigger deal than that, I'm afraid. If she's under the influence then she's legally incapable of giving consent. Which means if you do her, you raped her, in the eyes of the law.

But I don't think that's what you're asking. You're asking whether her apparent attraction to you was for real, or just the bottle talking.

Question is, really, are you interested in her? If so, you should act on that. Forget what she did in whatever state she was in, and go make the appropriate move.
Well thats not so hard to beat. First off make her go ontop that way she raped you. Second its one thing if you totally use her, but if you like her talk to her the next day be nice to her, count her as a friend, and if you actually do want a relationship tell her that you want to take it slow earn her trust first before you do anything of that magnitude again.
Proud memeber of the Insomniac Club.
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Old 12-10-2003, 11:02 AM   #31 (permalink)
Location: Miami Beach, FL
Originally posted by OFKU0
Thanks for the morality lesson but personal responsibility is just that, it's one responsibility.

Ever think that people might get tipsy or drunk because they can't come out of their shell otherwise or need help to.This to them is an opportunity. And it isn't up to me to judge them as to why they make decisions.

But then again you may not realize this since your judgements rely so heavily on pitifying others.
I am very much aware of people's flailing attempts at overcoming their social shortcomings by indulging in this or that substance. My contention is simple: Encouraging someone in a fool's errand only works toward the detriment of you and them. We should work instead to elevate them, and encourage them to find the strength within them without a crutch.
Let's stop making excuses for things that we could change if we were willing.
it's not about right and wrong, only
understood and not understood

Last edited by chocolate neo™; 12-10-2003 at 11:04 AM..
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Old 12-10-2003, 12:11 PM   #32 (permalink)
Evil Milkman's Avatar
Location: Illinois
All I can say is that you have more willpower than me.

Good choice.
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drunk, girls

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