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Old 08-07-2003, 12:14 PM   #1 (permalink)
Which condoms do YOU use?

I've finally decided to start using condoms... I've only used one before, and it was some no-name brand. Now I guess you could say I'm in the market...

So, which brands do you use and trust?
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Old 08-07-2003, 12:18 PM   #2 (permalink)
Location: Silicon Valley, Utah
I don't trust trojan... I have no proof except what I have heard... and I have heard they spend more money on advertisements than on quality of the product.
I like lifestyles, personally.
I am not bragging, but instead pointing out a problem I had before, about not using "bigger" condoms than I thought I needed. Its is important to realize that just because a condom brand is called "magnum" or "large" doesn't mean it is only for *huge* penises. Before I started using bigger condoms I was uncomfortable and it lead to decreased sexual activity and even poor erection maintain-age (so to speak). Try different condoms out to find the best for you, and make sure your partner is not allergic to the material the condom is made of.
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Old 08-07-2003, 12:19 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Location: Northern VA
I use invisible condoms.
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Old 08-07-2003, 12:21 PM   #4 (permalink)
Location: RI
Can never go wrong with a good ole trojan. Never really was a fan of them, nor was my S.O. so we jumped to the shot so I'm a bit out of practice on them. I'm tryin to get her to let me use this for her pleasure condom we just got from trojan, when I find out, I'll let ya know =p
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Old 08-07-2003, 12:35 PM   #5 (permalink)
Location: University of Maryland at College Park
I've tried Trojan, Lifestyles and Durex.

For some reason Durex is a little bit smaller (even checked the box on this one). To top it off I had some trouble unrolling them.

So I stick with Trojan or Lifestyles. Every time I've bought, I've gone with Trojans, but the health center at my college gives out free Lifestyles, so that's what my girlfriend has at her place. I have a slight preference for the Trojans, but it doesn't really matter.
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Old 08-07-2003, 12:36 PM   #6 (permalink)
Location: location, location
Durex for me... they fit me better, plus those Avanti ones are great if expensive...
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Old 08-07-2003, 12:40 PM   #7 (permalink)
Location: Austin, Texas .. Y'all
Last time I bought them, I went oline and bought a sampler pack from Adam and Eve. They had all different type. I usually just grab one, dont bother to check what I am using.
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Old 08-07-2003, 12:52 PM   #8 (permalink)
Location: texas
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Old 08-07-2003, 01:03 PM   #9 (permalink)
Location: Ask Acetylene
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Old 08-07-2003, 01:06 PM   #10 (permalink)
Location: Toronto
Durex seems to be the kind my girl and me have settled on. Just seem to be more comfortable, plus trojans are often goopy.
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Old 08-07-2003, 01:25 PM   #11 (permalink)
the cheaper the better says i
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Old 08-07-2003, 01:28 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Location: DC
We're double bagging it. She's on the pill, but I still wear one. Makes us both sleep a little bit better at night, at least right now.

I've actually been using the Her Pleasure ones, and for me, they're the best I've tried. I ordered a bunch from Condomania (I think that's where i got them) like the Pleasure Plus, Kimono, etc. Haven't given those a spin yet...
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Old 08-07-2003, 02:28 PM   #13 (permalink)
Ansell or Durex. Haven't tried anything else.

I've had a Durex one break once, no probs with Ansell.
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Old 08-07-2003, 02:47 PM   #14 (permalink)
Location: MN
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Old 08-07-2003, 07:15 PM   #15 (permalink)
Location: Hawaii
the college gives free durex condoms and I have not had any problems . Tried trojan but I prefer the durex
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Old 08-07-2003, 07:24 PM   #16 (permalink)
Archangel of Change
Ok, this is another topic that I've been wondering about. I am wondering how condoms are sized. I mean what sizes are available, and what does each size really mean?
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Old 08-07-2003, 07:29 PM   #17 (permalink)
-Ever-'s Avatar
Location: San Francisco
Shit, I'll use whatever I can get my hands on! However if I had a choice, I'd stick with Durex then Trojan
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Old 08-07-2003, 07:38 PM   #18 (permalink)
Trojan Large w/ Spermicide. Durex don't fit right, and Lifestyles have a habit of ripping, at least from my experience and the experiences of others I know.
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Old 08-07-2003, 07:41 PM   #19 (permalink)
I have to agree with Shinryu, those are the same ones I would use (I think they have the green wrappers?)

I heard Durex and Kimono are really good but they didn't fit right...
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Old 08-07-2003, 08:12 PM   #20 (permalink)
Location: St. Paul
My college has free Lifestyles. The ribbed ones are my favorite, and get the best results.
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Old 08-07-2003, 08:43 PM   #21 (permalink)
Also double baggin it...She takes Yasmin and I use Trojan Supras(polyurethane) they're sooooo much better than latex, and they don't smell funny
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Old 08-08-2003, 02:42 AM   #22 (permalink)
Location: Northeastern US - please send help!
Question for the ladies. Have you ever been with someone who used studded or ribbed condoms - and did they enhance the experience for you?
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Old 08-08-2003, 02:51 AM   #23 (permalink)
Location: Today: St. Louis.
You can find all kinds of condom info on the net, including comparative brand sizing and all that. I've enjoyed using Avanti's, but have swapped to Trojan-Enz Large recently. (They're the longest, to my knowledge.)

Try condomania.com - they have a 'wizard' that recommends condoms based on which features you prefer.

Another observation: I also always assumed that large condoms would be 'uge. They're actually not much different. If anything, they're stretchier, but start the same size out of the package.
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Old 08-08-2003, 08:18 AM   #24 (permalink)
Originally posted by blackdas
I have to agree with Shinryu, those are the same ones I would use (I think they have the green wrappers?)

I heard Durex and Kimono are really good but they didn't fit right...
Yeah, the big green box. They recently changed the wrapper, but that's about it. Kimono is an ok brand, but I prefer Maxx, Crown or Beyond Seven above it.
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Old 08-08-2003, 08:19 AM   #25 (permalink)
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Trojans only because they are available everywhere. My preference is Sheik although I'm not sure they sell it anymore. Luckily I don't have to use condoms much anymore.
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Old 08-08-2003, 10:20 AM   #26 (permalink)
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Location: Michigan
Anything ribbed...:-)
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Old 08-08-2003, 11:13 AM   #27 (permalink)
Originally posted by skysooner
Trojans only because they are available everywhere. My preference is Sheik although I'm not sure they sell it anymore. Luckily I don't have to use condoms much anymore.
Sheik was a marketing name Durex used. Anything Durex is the same as Sheik was.

That being said - Last night I had not one, but TWO durex condoms that were rolled all wonky and very hard to use. Maybe it was just that lot - I'll try some from a different box later.
Old 08-08-2003, 12:19 PM   #28 (permalink)
lifestyles ultra-sensitive, spermicide. never had a problem, and they feel great.

trojans dry out fairly quickly if left in the air for too long, mostly when changing positions
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Old 08-08-2003, 12:27 PM   #29 (permalink)
Location: Wellington, New Zealand
Ansell. I've had too much breakage over the years with Durex t ouse them for anything except sex toys that might get shared around.

Ansell are also the most comfortable for me.
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Old 08-08-2003, 01:40 PM   #30 (permalink)
Location: In an office with no windows
Originally posted by clockworkgreen
We're double bagging it. She's on the pill, but I still wear one. Makes us both sleep a little bit better at night, at least right now.
Just curious - I always thought double bagging refered to wearing two condoms which is a bad idea (can create friction between the two increasing the chance of tearing).
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Old 08-08-2003, 01:48 PM   #31 (permalink)
Location: The Granite State "Live Free or Die"
The ones my girlfriend buys and keeps near her bed. These days they are Trojans. Don't recall the model number.

Whatever you do DO NOT use the condoms made from sheep intestines. In addition to being ineffective against diseases the one experience I had with them (when I lost my virginity of all times) it broke. There's enough pressure on anyway during that first time. A busted condom was just the icing on the cake. It's amazing that I still have sex - no, I guess it's not....
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Old 08-08-2003, 06:18 PM   #32 (permalink)
Location: Austin, Texas .. Y'all
Not a lady, but I asked my fiance if she could tell a difference. I am not sure whether it was the brand or what, but she said there was no difference between regular and ribbed. She did say she can tell a difference when I am wearing a condom vs. not wearing one.

Originally posted by mrquackers
Question for the ladies. Have you ever been with someone who used studded or ribbed condoms - and did they enhance the experience for you?
On another note, someone said something about having condoms rip. Did it happen when you were using it or when you were putting it on. I've personally never had one break or rip.
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Old 08-08-2003, 06:35 PM   #33 (permalink)
Location: Earth
I'm on birth control... and I won't have sex without a condom, I've only been with one man, and he used Durex.
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Old 08-08-2003, 07:08 PM   #34 (permalink)
Trojan-Enz Large w/ Spermicide
Magnums w/ Spermicide

Ribbed doesn't work for me, because there are no bumps left.
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Old 08-22-2003, 11:38 AM   #35 (permalink)
shannon's Avatar
Location: Canada
i sometimes notice a difference if we used ribbed or studded, but it's not like anything big. about the same kind of difference i would notice if we're in a different position. sometime i won't notice at all....
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Old 08-22-2003, 12:05 PM   #36 (permalink)
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Location: NY Burbs
Magnums, of course... held on with a rubber band.
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Last edited by platypus; 08-22-2003 at 12:08 PM..
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Old 08-23-2003, 12:01 AM   #37 (permalink)
The Cheshire Grin...
Location: An Aussie Outback
Ansell Contempo Mega..
Can you see me grin grin grrriiiiinnnning?!
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Old 08-23-2003, 12:17 AM   #38 (permalink)
mainly used barebacks (ansell or durex cant remember) at the moment its what i can get, would like to try avanti but havent found them where i am
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Old 08-23-2003, 12:18 AM   #39 (permalink)
oh ive had a few of the barebacks blowout but that was only 'cos i didnt have any lube
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Old 08-23-2003, 01:12 AM   #40 (permalink)
Location: California
Trojan-Enz Spermicidal lubericant
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