I don't trust trojan... I have no proof except what I have heard... and I have heard they spend more money on advertisements than on quality of the product.
I like lifestyles, personally.
I am not bragging, but instead pointing out a problem I had before, about not using "bigger" condoms than I thought I needed. Its is important to realize that just because a condom brand is called "magnum" or "large" doesn't mean it is only for *huge* penises. Before I started using bigger condoms I was uncomfortable and it lead to decreased sexual activity and even poor erection maintain-age (so to speak). Try different condoms out to find the best for you, and make sure your partner is not allergic to the material the condom is made of.
Political arguments do not exist, after all, for people to believe in them, rather they serve as a common, agreed-upon excuse. Foolish people who take them in earnest sooner or later discover inconsistencies in them, begin to protest and finish finally and infamously as heretics.