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Mael 07-20-2003 10:04 PM

what arm do you wank with?
since we've got wank-free and wank-fest going on at tfp right now, i was wondering, when you wank, which arm do you use? and what is your dominant arm normally?

i'm right handed, but i use my left. from what i've heard from friends, that's kinda odd to use the opposite arm, but using my right feels awkward and uncoordinated.

how bout yall?

Stiltzkin 07-20-2003 11:10 PM

Re: what arm do you wank with?

Originally posted by Mael
i'm right handed, but i use my left. from what i've heard from friends, that's kinda odd to use the opposite arm, but using my right feels awkward and uncoordinated.
Stealing the words out of other people's mouths insn't very nice, ya know. And yeah, I'm right-handed but wank with teh left. :thumbsup:

saucy knave 07-20-2003 11:12 PM

Man, you throw your whole arm into it?

Pennington 07-20-2003 11:13 PM

Normally, most people use their dominant hand to do the deed, but with the advent of computers and one handed typing/mousing many people under 25 naturally use their left hand because of the difficulty in typing/mousing with a non-dominant hand. Well, that and the fact that the arrow keys are on the right side of the keyboard. Its true, internet porn has changed the world (of wanking).

Or at least thats what I've heard.

crow_daw 07-20-2003 11:15 PM

I beat with my right, until it gets tired or something, and then I switch it up. I'm ambidextrous in that area.

Mael 07-20-2003 11:31 PM


Originally posted by Pennington
Normally, most people use their dominant hand to do the deed, but with the advent of computers and one handed typing/mousing many people under 25 naturally use their left hand because of the difficulty in typing/mousing with a non-dominant hand. Well, that and the fact that the arrow keys are on the right side of the keyboard. Its true, internet porn has changed the world (of wanking).

Or at least thats what I've heard.

i'd never really thought about that, but it does make a lot of sense. well, maybe not under 25, cause i'm 24 and started beating off before i knew what internet porn was, but under 20, very likely.

motdakasha 07-21-2003 12:22 AM

I write right-handed and wank right-handed. I'll switch off from time to time to add variety.

In other countries, they use their left hand to wipe themselves after going to the bathroom (one of the reasons you shake with your right hand). I suspect that in these areas, they also masturbate with the left hand.

MSD 07-21-2003 11:31 PM

Whichever is less sore.

Gman 07-21-2003 11:53 PM

Heh, I guess I'm the freak out of the "Internet causes opposite hand wanking" group. I always use my right hand to get the job done, using my left hand to move the mouse around to get what I need.

cheerios 07-21-2003 11:59 PM

lefty, left for wanking

tisonlyi 07-22-2003 12:01 AM

I use my hands, generally, but...

Right for the vinegar strokes, left/right/both/implements for the rest.

Why do you ask?

Is it for a study?

MrFlux 07-22-2003 12:12 AM


Originally posted by cheerios
lefty, left for wanking

Sleepyjack 07-22-2003 12:50 AM

right handed so normally right. ALthough if i sprain my right wrist, like i once did playing basketball, i *learned* to use my left.

although, for all the guys, you'll find your wanking arm is prolly more toned than the other, because of the number of repetitions :)

JStrider 07-22-2003 01:09 AM

i switch from one to the other... but i tend to use my right a bit more then my left...

ratbastid 07-22-2003 06:55 AM


Taliesin 07-22-2003 07:21 AM

Right handed, right hand.

Josher 07-22-2003 08:38 AM

I'm right handed, do it with the right..... left on occasion, but it feels different... in a good way, but not good enough to use it all the time....

doghumper 07-22-2003 08:44 AM

Right handed, wank with the left.

Godric 07-22-2003 09:24 AM

ditto...Right Handed left wanker

tardka 07-22-2003 09:48 AM

Switch hit, dominant right hand but left feels more comfortable.

SiN 07-22-2003 09:54 AM

righty, right hand middle finger for masturbation ;)

johnnymysto 07-22-2003 11:22 AM

Left mostly, but sometimes the right just to mix it up.

Charlatan 07-22-2003 11:34 AM

Lefty who uses his left...

(occasionally dally with the rights but never to finish... just can't trust that right hand...)

erion 07-22-2003 11:38 AM

Righty in most things, but I can stroke with both (and achieve orgasm with both).

Mael 07-22-2003 11:48 AM


Originally posted by tisonlyi

Why do you ask?

Is it for a study?

nope, no study. just curious. had a conversation a few years ago about it and for some reason was thinking about that recently.

numist 07-22-2003 12:00 PM

right handed, right side

and yes, my right bicep is actually a lot more toned than the left (scary when you find out youve been wanking that much)

sportsrule101 07-22-2003 12:26 PM

the super high speed right hand.

sailor 07-22-2003 01:40 PM

The right usually. Its kinda cool to switch it up, though... Guess im ambidextrous or something.

HoTBoT86 07-22-2003 02:05 PM

mix it up! turn one hand upside down ;-P

papermachesatan 07-22-2003 02:20 PM

i can use both equally

hotzot 07-22-2003 02:23 PM

I use my left so I can type with my right.

alleitup 07-22-2003 03:30 PM

Right, left for some strange.

The Rogue 07-22-2003 03:38 PM

My dominant arm is my right, and i wank with my right, but sometimes using the left

niner89 07-22-2003 07:43 PM

right, right..sometimes u can switch it up to the left but feels different

punx1325 07-22-2003 10:44 PM

I generally use my right, but sometimes it feels good to switch off occasionally.

Leviathan[NCV] 07-22-2003 11:12 PM

I'm right handed, and I use my right. Oddly enough my stronger arm/hand has always been my left. My left shoulder is a bit higher than my right too (chances are from years of snow shoveling...).

KillJoy 07-22-2003 11:30 PM

i mouse with my right and wank with my left!

DE7 07-22-2003 11:47 PM


Originally posted by KillJoy
i mouse with my right and wank with my left!

Spooo 07-22-2003 11:47 PM

My right arm is stronger than left. I use right!

kjtomson3 07-23-2003 12:09 AM

Same as killjoy, mousing left handed is too difficult!

wario 07-23-2003 12:45 AM

Right-handed and a right-handed wanker. Hoo-ray for "hands-free" image browsers.

Scrub0 07-23-2003 02:09 AM

Right. If I'm on the computer I just reach over and use the mouse/keyboard with the left.

DrJekyll 07-23-2003 02:15 AM

Righty, dominant right, somewhat ambidextrous.

Everyone knows that the hand usually leaves a more toned forearm, but does anyone know if favoring one hand actually affects the appearance of the penis? Cause I've got a bit of a theory.

Two more question on habits...first, I know some people use socks, but does anyone else find it easier to wank with the bottom of a t-shirt or some other type of fabric? Second, anyone practice "tantric" wanking? I tell other people how I get up to that point and just over it, but then hold back. I find that the whole thing's a lot less messy that way.

Vaultboy 07-23-2003 03:41 AM

I'm left-handed, but I use my right hand. Gives better sustain, plus you get the benefit of working out your weaker arm. PEACE!

MoTh34 07-23-2003 05:36 AM

Both at once :D

Sorry just felt like boosting my ego.


ghostF98 08-07-2003 12:44 PM

I used to be right handed with the jerk (right handed for everything else) but switched to the left a while back. It got to be so routine with the right, maybe because I curve to the left and the right hand aligns perfectly with the curve. The left hand as given me so much more sensitivity and sensation. I am never going back to the right side of the plate, maybe for a pinch hit every now an again, but I will be a full time lefty.

h2g2Fan 08-07-2003 12:48 PM

I used to use my right, but now with internet pornography I am ambidextrous. Yeah, it's good to switch it up. ;)

skysooner 08-07-2003 01:13 PM

I use my dominant hand (right), but if I'm having trouble concentrating or my arm gets tired, I switch to the left for a bit. However I almost never get off with that hand. It just gives me a brief respite.

niobius2 08-07-2003 01:23 PM

whichever one is free

tj2001cobra 08-07-2003 01:39 PM

I use the left. Not sure why, though. I am right handed for everything except playing pool and that.

Ralvek 08-07-2003 02:51 PM

Righty tighty

jizzmasterp 08-07-2003 03:01 PM

I use both, forehand left, backhand right.

souzafone 08-07-2003 03:26 PM

I don't care which arm she uses.

blackdas 08-07-2003 03:28 PM

right...the left just seems weird :P

skippy 08-07-2003 04:27 PM

Man Alive ... you only use one arm... for me it takes both...at the same time... you just pull like hell... thats a "wank".


noblejr 08-07-2003 05:31 PM

Right hand most of the time, but occasionally I'm a switch-hitter.

one_voyeur 08-07-2003 05:40 PM

right/right, feels so right.

Jonsgirl 08-07-2003 08:26 PM

That would be my right hand. I use my left to hold on to...erm...things.

08-07-2003 08:50 PM

leftie - wank with left.

Mr. Spacemonkey 08-07-2003 09:47 PM

I'm right handed but can wank with either hand. Actually i usually wank with my left hand...oddly enough.

Dilbert1234567 08-08-2003 01:36 AM

right hand on the mouse, left on the wang

analog 08-09-2003 08:54 AM

i'm a righty for writing and such normally, but i use both equally for that.

webster 08-09-2003 12:19 PM

I can wank with either, but I do it different with each hand. Left handed when the right is otherwise occupied is a non-traditional style. Right handed is good old fashioned style.

Shinryu 08-09-2003 03:20 PM


Originally posted by Dilbert1234567
right hand on the mouse, left on the wang
That's about right.

air45 08-09-2003 04:01 PM

i must wrap both hands around my swollen member for superior ejaculation!

Kush 08-10-2003 05:53 AM

Right on the wang, left on the arrow keys.

I switch to left to do mousing though.

s8ins child 08-10-2003 07:35 AM

well if im on the internet then its my left cus my right hand is using the mouse but if im jst in the room ill use both mayby right!

meff 09-15-2003 09:31 AM

I use right hand, my hand I write with. She uses left hand, the hand that she writes with, on me.. So, even if shes wanking me off, she is using the same hand position :)

sigma1042 09-15-2003 10:27 AM

i use both depending on the jerk at hand
right is def more natural, but can be boring
my lack of control lefty makes it more exciting sometimes
like its some inexperienced teen (haha)

in order of frequency
use right (dominant) whole time mostly
sometimes start with left, finish righty
start with left with thumb turned in, finish right
lefty til completion
when i've got time to kill, right handed stranger so it's like neither

cjjeep21 09-15-2003 11:01 AM

I'm righty all the way

Beltruckus 09-15-2003 11:05 AM

I use both equally.

bonbonbox 09-15-2003 02:48 PM

Righty, uses left.

zxello 09-16-2003 12:02 AM

I'm 100% ambidextrous in all aspects, so i use both depending on the mood / whatever the hell gets to the dick first = )

anti fishstick 09-16-2003 12:51 AM

yup i'm right handed but use my left too. my reasoning is my nails are shorter on the left hand. but it just feels weird w/ the right..

djm 09-16-2003 02:34 AM

Left-handed, but use my right. I also use scissors and throw frisbees with my right hand, thought not while wanking.

iAmSpartacus 09-16-2003 02:35 AM

left... hey I need to use the mouse

bundy 09-16-2003 02:38 AM

i´m left handed, so i´m skilled in the art of right handed mouse work.

that leaves the left arm free... well... nuff said.

Fenster 09-16-2003 08:14 AM


what arm do you wank with?
I am right handed as well, but use the left to choke the chicken.

Ho-train 09-16-2003 04:21 PM

a little bit a both!

filtherton 09-16-2003 05:13 PM

I hold the can of warmed liver with both hands. ;)

AlCap0wn 09-16-2003 05:19 PM


At the same time.

leperd60 09-16-2003 07:13 PM


Originally posted by Pennington
Normally, most people use their dominant hand to do the deed, but with the advent of computers and one handed typing/mousing many people under 25 naturally use their left hand because of the difficulty in typing/mousing with a non-dominant hand. Well, that and the fact that the arrow keys are on the right side of the keyboard. Its true, internet porn has changed the world (of wanking).

Or at least thats what I've heard.

Yup, I guess that's how I got into wanking with my left hand, when I first started I liked it, it felt better, it was slower because I wasnt as coordinated. But now its just like wanking with my right, but it still pleasures me more than with my right. I'm not sure if this made any sense to anyone else, but thats ok.

juanvaldes 09-16-2003 07:48 PM

right : right

dnd 09-17-2003 07:24 AM

the left, my right hand is busy typing or on the mouse!

buddle 09-17-2003 08:14 AM

Im left handed and use my left:O

zipper 09-17-2003 08:37 AM

My Feet.............yes, I am gifted!! ;)

BuddyHawks 09-17-2003 08:40 AM


Originally posted by Taliesin
Right handed, right hand.
Same here.

mypro 09-17-2003 02:59 PM


pocon1 09-17-2003 05:51 PM

lefty, use the right hand mostly. Been doing so long that I have continuous tendinitis in the right shoulder. For the internet, gotten good at moving the mouse and using it ambidexterously.

sakvee 09-17-2003 06:11 PM

Right hand all the way, girlfriend uses her right hand too.

bermuDa 09-17-2003 07:52 PM

right handed, left hand

*shrug* it just feels more natural that way

thechao 09-18-2003 03:08 PM

Heh. Right & Right. I learned to "mouse" with my left hand, an old trick from the early Mac days (~1985). Tangentially, to this day it drives me NUTS whenever I have to use a computer with a "right-handed" mouse: Ambidextrous or not at all I say!

BurntToast 09-18-2003 03:36 PM

Left handed and use left.

Some comedian said once... If you sit on your hand till it goes numb, and then wank with your eyes closed... it feels like someone else is doing it.

nohandles 09-18-2003 04:34 PM

I use my feet (both at the same time).

Captain Canada 09-18-2003 07:19 PM


amonxiii 09-19-2003 09:08 AM


BigDonkey2 09-19-2003 10:39 AM

right hand all the way baby

m2k 09-19-2003 11:51 PM


Originally posted by cheerios
lefty, left for wanking

Dunta 09-20-2003 07:12 AM

I switch up, sometimes I use both at the same time.

brandon11983 09-20-2003 05:14 PM

I'm a switch hitter. I'm right handed, so usually I use my right. If its late, and I've taken my contacts out, and I'm looking at a dirty magazine, then its left all the way.

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