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Pickup Lines
What do you or have you used as a pickup line, if anything? (And not just classic pickup "lines," but any opening line one has used to strike up conversation with a person with the intention of picking them up/getting their number/hooking up with them/etc.) What have you heard others use (successfully or otherwise!)?
I was never much of a pickup line user. Certainly never of the "Hey baby what's your sign?" sort. But I love seeing them in use. My two most successful pickups ever went as thus: 1. Stunning girl in coffeehouse reading fat book. Looked over her shoulder to check what she was reading on way to get my beverage. It was Shakespeare, and she was on A Midsummer Night's Dream. On my way back, I stopped by her and opened with the line "Ill met by moonlight, proud Titania," and we went through maybe half that dialogue before I didn't remember the lines anymore. She asked me to sit. We ended up dating for six months. 2. Scorching girl at college party. Couldn't think of an opener for the life of me. Didn't have any friends in common to get an intro. In desperation (and feeling fatalistic after a few drinks and tokes), went up to her and said, "I can't think of any clever way to strike up a conversation with you, but you are ridiculously beautiful, and I would like to get to know you." Turned out to be one of the only party hookups in my life. Lines I have heard, loved, and/or wished to hell I could get away with: 1. From an Aussie, "Hey shiela! Fancy a fuck?" Is there anything Aussies can't get away with saying? Damn if it didn't work, too. 2. At a party in college: "I have a fervent need to serve you, orally." I could never say this to a stranger, but that dude got twelve kinds of laid. 3. At a bar: "Unlike Bono, I believe I have found what I am looking for." This did not work, but I do give it points anyway. 4. Outside a graduate seminar in philosophy: "You appear to me to be the summum bonum." Might have worked. The girl didn't tell him to get lost, but she didn't throw herself at him, either. 5. At a blues club: "Girl, you gotta be a miracle, 'cause your face sure come from Jesus, but your body sure tempting as Hell." Maybe this line only works if you're black, shaven-headed, 6"4, and muscled like an Ashanti warrior. 6. At a party, a girl to a guy: "You seem nice, and I'm kind of horny, and I was hoping you'd want to help me out with that." Worked, of course. 7. At a party: "My name's Eric. That's so you'll know what to scream." Didn't work, but he got a laugh. 8. At a party in college, one girl to another: "You know that story women tell about 'that one time in college' with another girl? I think you should tell that story about me." Worked. And was incredibly hot. 9. Another college party, girl to a guy: "Nice jeans. Can I test the zipper?" Worked, of course. 10. At a movie screening in Hollywood: "You make me feel like my agent when he signs a contract." ("How so?") "I'm seeing stars and I have a hard-on." Epic fail. |
I've never been one for pickup lines, when ever I try I just sound like somebody telling a bad joke and failing miserably. Instead I just opt for anything that might be an ice breaker and go from there works MUCH MUCH better.
Never the less.. ...I've caught a few girls off guard with "nice shoes wanna fuck?". Doesn't work very often but sometimes you catch somebody so off guard they feel compelled to find out more about you. I've heard this one sooo many times in bars around here (usually from tourists) that its actually become painful. "Are you from Tennessee because you're the only Ten I see"...yeah. Its right up there with "whats your sign" but living smack dab in the middle of Tennessee I hear it a lot more then any person ever should. I mean why would anybody even try that one? |
I had a friend at university who carried out a cost/benefit analysis, and worked out that fast and moderately effective was more reliable than slow and very effective.
He just went up to any likely looking women and said "Hi, my name is, XXXX, you're lovely, want to come home with me?". The tactic had the advantage that he could cover the room very quickly. I never saw him go home alone. |
"Shall we step outside for a moment? I would hate to tell our children I met their mother in a bar......."
Cheesy? yea. But he ended up getting married to her. Divorced two years later ( no kids ) go figure |
I was sitting outside with a friend one day watching the beautiful babies pass by, and we were making dumb comments to each girl. It was usually a quick "what's up" or "how's it going" without a reply back and they always walked faster after going by us.
So I said "hey baby" to a stunner, and she walked over to the table I was at and started talking with me and my bud. Got a two year girlfriend out of the deal, just by saing "hey baby". |
The line that works for me: "I have a gun"
" I seemed to have dropped my soap in this prison shower............" :paranoid: |
Try this one out:
The male blood fluke can spend its entire life in a constant state of coitus, firmly lodged in a groove along the front of the canoe-shaped female. I am not using it anymore. |
Does this smell like chloroform to you?
"tickle your ass with a feather?"
"EXUSE ME!!!!" *hand cocks back for a slap* "I said particularly nice weather." :) Hey you'll know right up front what your dealing with. |
"I think I'm in love with your phone" worked fantastically for me, but may not be approprite for all situations :D
ZombieSquirrel and I used to have a list that was pages long, filled with bad pick up lines. We never used any of them seriously, but they were still fun. "Nice shoes, wanna fuck?" is still my favorite...quick & to the point, and you get a compliment in there as well :) |
I've never used a pick up line. I'm much more direct and go straight up to the person.
I think I would love to try some of those out just to see what kind of reaction I get. |
Honestly, even thinking of a something to say to start a conversation
with a woman I'm attracted to, and calling it a pickup line, bugs me. Now I'll go grumble in a corner.... |
I had an old college acquaintance who, during parties' "bump and grind" sessions would often get lucky with "It'd be a shame to waste a perfectly good boner"
At college I had had stunningly good luck with 'Can I see your tits?'. Really. I know. I can't believe it either. |
Man, I didn't know it was this easy to get laid. I always used to focus on being respectful and funny, asking them questions about themselves.
Little did I know that I should have been like, "Your crotch, my mouth. My crotch, your mouth. Let's do this thing." Oh, all the sex I've missed. ... Okay, I'm kidding. Get a few beers in me and I'll be pulling on some girl's navel ring going, "You're a cute doll. Aren't you supposed to say five different phrases?" |
I came up with what friends unanimously voted the worst pickup line in recorded history. Feel free to try it out, I will not be doing so.
"Do you work for NASA? Because I'd love to tell you about my proposal for a manned mission to Uranus." Normally I just walk in with a camera and they walk up to me. |
"Hi I'm xxxx, nice to meet you" followed by further conversation always worked pretty well for me. I had an acquaintance in college that would print out and memorize pages upon pages of pickup lines. Never got a second glance. Maybe it has something to with a little bit of confidence and not throwing out a "ooh creepy!" vibe.
Me: "could you hold your sweater back abit?" Girl: "Why?" but does it anyway. Me: "I'm trying to gauge what bra size you are." Took to me to third base, at least. |
As a female, I've been on the receiving end of some truly dreadfully inept, stupid, and usually drunken pickup lines. So I'll just mention a few that were at least verging on successful. For a pick up line to work with me, you have to at least seem to be interesting. Good looking doesn't help. Good looking guys are three for a quarter. One of the best lines was (believe it or not)
"Hi, I was thinking that I ought to know you from somewhere." Later he admitted that he knew he didn't know me --but thought he ought to.:rolleyes: That one worked like a charm! Another was "Since we're both here, we must have some areas of commonality." That guy hit a home run at the Negro League Baseball Museum in Kansas City.:thumbsup: At one party a man that I'd met earlier sat down at our table but didn't sazy anything. So I said "Penny for your thoughts." and pushed a penny across the table. He came back with "Well, since you asked, I was just wondering what it would feel like to slide my cock between your tits." If he hadn't been quite so sloppy drunk, he might have found out. We've since become close enough casual friends that it's become a sort of "inside joke" between us. We'll cross paths at some function, and he'll say "Still wondering..." and I'll reply with something like "Sometimes life is just full of mysteries." But he is a funny and interesting guy. His mysteries would have been solved by now if I didn't have a serious boyfriend. Lindy |
Can't say I could ever pull off a pick-up line and most men cannot either lol. But, if a girl is really into a guy he could use the corniest line or pick-up and it would work like a charm.
when scouting women, I would walk up to a woman I was interested in and point to my friend I'd arrived with and say..."see that woman over there?" and she would nod and I would continue and say " she asked me if I thought you were a lesbian" I would look at her with a look on my face of somewhat suprise and then say with a compassionate plea after they would say " well what did you say?" " I said,' god I hope so'"
worked many a time... |
My friend lost his virginity with this line:
Him: Wanna get a pizza and fuck? Her: Ew NO! Him: You don't like pizza??? I've never had the guts to try it. |
drawing up close to CD and placing my cheek oh so close to his....
and it worked now didnt it.... Quote:
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