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borf 07-06-2003 09:33 PM

A Question About Circle Jerks
Okay, so, I'm a married man, age 30. Once upon a time in my early 20's a buddy and I both jacked off to the same porn at the same time. It was a lot of fun. We did it a few times. There was never anything "gay" going on aside from the fact that two naked guys were sitting on opposite ends of the couch beating their meat to a video of a couple girls who were teaching a man the meaning of the word "love."

It's been almost 10 years since then. I've long since lost contact with this old friend of mine. I'm happily married and have no interest in gay sex, or any sex at all outside of my marriage.

I would, however, enjoy getting together with another guy (or guys) and wanking as a group. It was fun before. I enjoyed it. And I'd like to do it again.

So far, about the closest thing I can come up with the Tilted Forum's own Titty Boards where someone must be beating it every hour of every day and a nearby peepshow where I know that all the other guys in the booths around me are jacking off to the same stripper I am -- but, as you can imagine, the thrill is nowhere near the same as looking over and seeing somebody pounding their cock and blowing their load.

My question then is who here has ever organized or been invited to a circle jerk? If you organized it, how did you go about it? If you were invited, how did it come about?

platypus 07-07-2003 05:31 AM

One of my favorite band names.

What? Not a thread about the band? Oh. I see.

Hmmm.....Uhhhh... <b>Ewww!!!!</b>

Sorry. Involuntary reaction.

I always heard of this as a hazing ritual for college freshman but never as a planned, "Hey, Bob, wanna come over for a beer and a wank", type of thing.

I know there are groups here in NY that get together for such activities, but I think they are more gay oriented. Don't ask me how I know - wrong turn from Fark. Not really my bag, but to each his own.

Shokan 07-07-2003 06:24 AM

are you sure you aren't gay?

eribrav 07-07-2003 07:17 AM

unnecessary rudeness removed.

Holo 07-07-2003 07:38 AM

I'm for easing some of the barriers between men but I would be uncomfortable in that situation. Only person that gets to see me beat the bishop is my gf, and that isn't often if you know what I mean ;)

WispOfDespair 07-07-2003 07:53 AM

There's definitely some issues here.

SiN 07-07-2003 07:53 AM


Originally posted by eribrav
[insert rude comment cheers removed here]
erg...that was unnecessary.

it takes a bit of courage to post such a question, i'd imagine..

and childish responses ...are just...


(ps) @ borf - sorry i can't help you, i'm female and have no clue.

but i think it's cool that you're comfortable enough to want to do it, and that you seem to realise that sexuality is all just shades of grey, no real black & white.

good luck ;)

Sleepyjack 07-07-2003 08:33 AM

i've heard of it happening before between heterosexual males. However, other than your friends, i don't imagine people promote these kind of "get-togethers" as a club (like a chess club) or anything. Although i am curious to wether you actually like watching a guy "pounding" he cock or if its just the aftermath. I've only heard of occurances where they don't look at each other until afterwards, tho i am noit to familar with this whatsoever. I think i'd only be involved, if there where other females involved, and thats not just on the tv screen. Although, there are other sessions known as "bukkake", i think, which means splash or something in japanese or one of the asian languages (sorry). Anyways, guys take turns to wank and ejactulate onto a girls face, such that in the end she looks like a melted wedding cake ;)
It'd be interesting to be involved in this, however i would think it'd be quite degrading to the girl involved....

Maybe you could try putting up some flyers around town, although i don't know how well that'd go down, lol
This is probably a little rarer between hetero males, so you may find it hard to find other willing participants.

Ganguro 07-07-2003 09:58 AM

Borf, ignore the immature knee jerk reactions some of our "less enlightened" members have stated. There are groups for that sort of thing. Would you be interested in couples actions, or just guys?
Gay guys ok?, or just straight guys?
Do you think you could be comfortable doing this with strangers? It's is a rather intimate experience.. Perhaps start off slow by going to peepshows, or maybe using a webcam and ifriends and then work your way up to organized events. Also keep in mind that since you are married and all you HAVE to tell your wife about these desires. She might have some serious moral issues with you masterbating with other men, and it could get very messy if you kept this from her. If you do deceide to go ahead with it I wish you the best of luck. Be Safe and Play it smart!

This link might help you out:

Good luck! :)

isandro 07-07-2003 11:18 AM

Yo Borf,

I'm curious, you did say there was nothing 'gay' about, but does this mean that it doesn't add to your excitement at all, is it purely a social thing?
Personally, I'm not interested in joining in, but I am very curious about all aspects of sexuality and this is a bit new to me - please do tell more :)
Does it change of jerking off? Is there a form of guilt involved?
Did the original event provide some level of intimacy that you were otherwise lacking?


there's that darn rude comment again.
Guess we can't all stand on the same rung of the evolutionary ladder...

World's King 07-07-2003 11:26 AM

Whatever gets your sexual juices flowin'

I hope you find what your looking for.

imaferretmaster 07-07-2003 11:30 AM

its not like wrong or anything, but it does seem like you have a homosexual orientation, because you enjoy masturbating with another guy more than when you masturbate alone. i mean go for the gold, but if i ever did that, it would feel like i was cheating on my gf.

petergriffin24 07-07-2003 11:33 AM

thanks but no thanks

Hydralisk 07-07-2003 12:22 PM

although I havn't tried this, my friends and I watch porn together sometimes. We tell each other how we get hardons watching, but we never did the jerk thing. I think it's mainly from the fear of being thought of as gay.

NetterButter 07-08-2003 09:30 AM

um, this is turning me on for some reason...:)

Spinach_Indeed 07-08-2003 12:39 PM

If you're genuinly doing it as just something to do together, and the act it self doesn't turn you on, then you're still pure-blood heterosexual. I don't think being turned on by jacking off with a friend neccesary turn you gay either. I believe Everyone has, at least deep down, bisexual tendencies whether they act on them or not. If you have no desire to have a sexual relationship with a man, I don't believe you're gay.

You could always try finding someone through the lovely internet. There's plenty of clubs and websites for Heterosexual men jacking off together. Although, with that method, you never know who's going to show up at your door.. -_-

Schwan 07-08-2003 12:48 PM

I did this when I was younger. Again, it wasn't planned, it's just that when you watch pr0n with other guys and you're all young and horny and you know each other, you don't give a damn and jerk off. Still, it only happened once or twice and I never thought about planning such a thing.

To all the people that suggest that this has something to do with homosexuality: well, it doesn't. Some people are more prone to getting excited about various erotic situations. It doesn't matter who's involved, it's just that the whole thing has something to do with sex and intimacy and it gets you horny. Again, not all people, but some have this.

lumpenprole 07-08-2003 12:57 PM

Heh, going to see the band next Wed

One time I was in a car with some pals getting high and we had a contest to see who could finish first. Closest I ever...
well you know.

platypus 07-08-2003 02:04 PM

Could this be the site of the first <b>circle jerk</b>?


<b>Stonehenge Depicts Female Genitalia, Researchers Say</b>

By Amran Abocar

TORONTO (Reuters) - Stonehenge is a massive fertility symbol, according to Canadian researchers who believe they have finally cracked the mystery of the ancient monument in southern England.

In the arrangement of the stones, the researchers say they have spotted the original design: female genitalia.
. . .
Viewed from above, Perks suggests Stonehenge's inner bluestone circle represents the labia minora and the giant outer sarsen stone circle is the labia majora. The altar stone is the clitoris and the open center is the birth canal.

"Could the outer avenue of Stonehenge...represent the way by which new life entered?" the article wondered, adding that when comparing "the layout of the henge with the anatomy of the human vulva. There is a distinct similarity."
. . .


isandro 07-08-2003 02:22 PM

hrrmmmm, seems a bit farfetched to me-- I'm pretty much convinced that it's only an astrological tool

crow_daw 07-08-2003 02:40 PM

Yeah, I can relate to Schwan. Me and my friends would always watch porn when we were like 12, lol, and we just couldn't help ourselves. But we never did it because we were doing it together. We never cared if anyone else did it, but of course, with a room full of prepubescent boys, we all ended up doing it. But we always had blankets and stuff. And I have no interest in doing this now. But I can KINDA relate I guess. But with us, it was just a hormonal thing, and we would always forget that other people were even in the room.

n1ck31 07-08-2003 07:33 PM

yeah some of my brother's friends did that... with kids that age, it happens a lot i think

GoldenOuroboros 07-08-2003 08:14 PM

An ad in the paper I guess

Hrothgar 08-03-2003 12:19 AM

A lot of posters have written about doing this as teens or prepubescents. At the age of 30 getting a thrill "looking over and seeing somebody pounding their cock and blowing their load" does sound slightly homosexual, slightly deviant. Not saying it in a bad way just making an observation. But if you must watch a dude whack off set up a webcam or something and go to town that way I guess.

striderkevin 08-03-2003 12:40 AM

Hey dude, do whatever you want. Just don't do it around me.

Halx 08-03-2003 01:07 PM

i'd like to add that being gay or straight is about SEXUAL *PREFERENCE* and not about the instance that any one activity turns you on. Ya dig? You're not gay if you prefer women, but sex with men is still in your repetoire. I fucking hate all these immature, uneducated schmucks warning you that you may be gay if you do _________ whatever. YOU decide if you're gay.

borf, you've decided that you're not gay. Now can we step past this, everybody?

The circle jerk thing sounds pretty arrousing to me, and I've done something of the sort in the past. Right now, it's not on my list of things to do, though. I guess you just gotta get a few friends who are sexually open and suggest it to them..

deadbabiesrhot 08-03-2003 07:52 PM


Originally posted by borf
So far, about the closest thing I can come up with the Tilted Forum's own Titty Boards where someone must be beating it every hour of every day and a nearby peepshow where I know that all the other guys in the booths around me are jacking off to the same stripper I am -- but, as you can imagine, the thrill is nowhere near the same as looking over and seeing somebody pounding their cock and blowing their load.

titty board? what titty board?

mingusfingers 08-03-2003 09:17 PM

Stonehenge Depicts Female Genitalia, Researchers Say

By Amran Abocar

TORONTO (Reuters) - Stonehenge is a massive fertility symbol, according to Canadian researchers who believe they have finally cracked the mystery of the ancient monument in southern England.

In the arrangement of the stones, the researchers say they have spotted the original design: female genitalia.
. . .
Viewed from above, Perks suggests Stonehenge's inner bluestone circle represents the labia minora and the giant outer sarsen stone circle is the labia majora. The altar stone is the clitoris and the open center is the birth canal.

"Could the outer avenue of Stonehenge...represent the way by which new life entered?" the article wondered, adding that when comparing "the layout of the henge with the anatomy of the human vulva. There is a distinct similarity."

Bleh, crazy Canadians :)

Phlaz 08-04-2003 04:14 AM

last I heard the root of being gay was an emotional thing, not necessarily a sexual thing.

nulltype 08-04-2003 10:11 AM


Originally posted by eribrav
unnecessary rudeness removed.
Please, cheerios, something more creative? :P

iceman2032 08-04-2003 10:47 AM

Umm that just sound way to gay for me. But if that's something you're into then go for it.

baaa 08-04-2003 12:31 PM

i like looking at big dicks, yet i don't want to do anything with them

Brdd99boy 08-05-2003 08:56 AM

something me and four of my buddies have said we want to do is
have our girl friends watch us do a circle jerk
I hope we can do it. One of my buddies has this girl friend that I would really like to jerk off in front of
we all hang around together and I think it would really be a great way to bond

Enigma 08-11-2003 10:24 PM

I have actually done this before. A few years ago, when I was in my mid-20's, I attended a party at a friend's house. After a few hours of playing poker and drinking heavily, we went into the living room at started watching porn. I don't know how it started, but two of my friends started jerking off. My best friend and I were reluctant to join in, but after a little coaxing we both unzipped and started in. It was the most amazing load I have ever shot by jerking myself off. Once everyone had finished (and cleaned up) everything went back to normal.

I don't really know what made it so good. I think it may have simply been showing off in front of each other. Who knows? I never plan on actually throwing a party with the idea of this happening, but if I'm at a party and it happens again I will join in.

Jonsgirl 08-12-2003 02:03 AM

I think it'd be sexy, but then, I'm a freaky girl like that.

Tickford 08-12-2003 02:14 AM

We had a guy from the aussie big brother talking about this. He was telling the about him and some of his mate would belt off to a movie and there was no contact with each other. It was kinda sad, cause he was telling the other guys about this, and they were just taking the piss out of him. I guess that makes saying somethings hard, the fact someone might think that you are strange and start hassling you. borf I think that its great that you can be that open about what you have done, and stand up and ask if anyone else has done it. I dont really think that is my thing, belt off is personal time for me. And I like it alone. But hey what ever turns you crank. Do whats best for you.....

Buzz 08-12-2003 08:16 AM

Sorry I've done a lot of things.... But to sit around and jerking off with some Buds just not going to happen. But best of luck to you. To each his own.

druptight 08-13-2003 12:18 PM


Originally posted by striderkevin
Hey dude, do whatever you want. Just don't do it around me.
One of the more unnecessary comments on this thread.

Done this sort of thing only with a friend and i each in separate sleeping bags when i was younger. He had the porn and brought it over, and we went to town individually. At that age, i think part of it was comparing size too. anyways, i'd definitely run this by the wife like someone above suggested, if she found out you were doing this and keeping it to yourself, that probably wouldn't go over so well. Otherwise hope you find someone to enjoy this experience with!!!!!!

motdakasha 08-13-2003 01:15 PM

Besides http://www.adultfriendfinder.com there is also http://www.alt.com (related site). I just did a search for Men seeking a Group for Watching only, to do or try Masturbation in my zip code and came up with several results. Also, if you go to http://groups.yahoo.com there are a few groups on there, too. I do know that it's not difficult to find a circle in NY, but it is not uncommon for the groups to be elitist or mostly gay. Not that that matters since interaction between men as far as I've gathered is pretty uncommon during circle jerks. Anyways, a few internet searches or asking some friends you're comfortable with and you'll probably find or create a group in no time.

And circle jerks don't make you gay!!

P.S. I know for a fact that some circle jerks allow women to join, too. Not that common, though.


The post immediately below strikes me as hot for some reason.

amge 08-13-2003 02:19 PM

I remember when I was little (12 or so) a friend and I did this. As usual we found the his parent's porn. We were watching the video, and could not help it.

The fun part for me was that during the search for porn, I stubbled upon his mothers lingerie collection. His mom was hot and I did have a school boy crush on her. Anyway I was using his mothers lingerie in during the jack session. Now I don't know if his mother found out, but soon after words, his mother was more friendlier to me. Giving me hugs, and pad on my butt when we were leaving the kitchen or the living room.

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