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Kpax 04-13-2008 09:18 AM

Graphic question about definition of "all the way."
I've hooked up with this girl twice in the last two months. Both times I thought she would have condoms, but she didn't.

Anyway, I put only the tip in, until climax, since she said she wasn't on the pill and didn't want to get pregnant (with me).

Does this count as sex, or just foolin' around?

I'm asking because I'm one who keeps count. I take it very seriously, rare as it is.

allaboutmusic 04-13-2008 09:25 AM

Dude. That is not safe sex. If you don't have condoms, don't put any part of your penis in, including the tip.

mixedmedia 04-13-2008 09:30 AM

Not only does it count as sex, it counts as intercourse and she could get pregnant just as easily either way.

Martian 04-13-2008 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by allaboutmusic
Dude. That is not safe sex. If you don't have condoms, don't put any part of your penis in, including the tip.

Seconded. Also, I'm confused. Were you under the impression that there's a form of vaginal penetration that isn't sex? That's pretty much the definition.

Willravel 04-13-2008 09:38 AM

Pulling out is to contraceptives as waving your arms really fast is to parachutes.

catback 04-13-2008 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by willravel
Pulling out is to contraceptives as waving your arms really fast is to parachutes.

Second that, if you think flapping your arms really fast will make you fly then by all means keep on with what your doing. Also not sure what world your in but it's entirely possible for a guy to bring the condoms especially if he wants to get some. But then again maybe you do think flapping ones arms is a cheaper alternative to a parachute for skydiving.

snowy 04-13-2008 10:00 AM

Not to mention the STDs you could contract by having bare contact with vaginal secretions.

The_Jazz 04-13-2008 10:22 AM

Daniel_ 04-13-2008 12:12 PM

I'd wonder why after the first time she didn't have condoms, you didn't make sure you took some the second time...

Cynthetiq 04-13-2008 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by Kpax
I've hooked up with this girl twice in the last two months. Both times I thought she would have condoms, but she didn't.

Anyway, I put only the tip in, until climax, since she said she wasn't on the pill and didn't want to get pregnant (with me).

Does this count as sex, or just foolin' around?

I'm asking because I'm one who keeps count. I take it very seriously, rare as it is.

if you took it as seriously as you state, then YOU would carry condoms around.

If you thought it was hard to get rid of the leech of a girl that had your phone and car... wait until you have no choice but to pay child support.

snowy 04-13-2008 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by Daniel_
I'd wonder why after the first time she didn't have condoms, you didn't make sure you took some the second time...

Seriously! Since when is it the girl's job to make sure YOU'RE protected?

telekinetic 04-13-2008 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Kpax

Yes, this counts.

Here's a handy reference picture, with the vertical line being an invisible plane accross the vaginal entrance:

Not Sex:
8===D  |

Not Sex:
  8===D |


Good Sex:


Willravel 04-13-2008 02:29 PM


abaya 04-13-2008 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
Seriously! Since when is it the girl's job to make sure YOU'RE protected?

QFT. There's a lot more I could say here, but I'm restraining myself.

Willravel 04-13-2008 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by abaya
QFT. There's a lot more I could say here, but I'm restraining myself.

Please do. Seriously, he needs to read it.

Ustwo 04-13-2008 02:59 PM


ShaniFaye 04-13-2008 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by willravel
Please do. Seriously, he needs to read it.

But would he pay anymore attention than he did with the whack job he bought a car for?

If you're not married and having sex you need to wear a condom, you should always have one within reach....end of story

james t kirk 04-13-2008 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by ShaniFaye

If you're not married and having sex you need to wear a condom, you should always have one within reach....end of story

I'm not married, and I don't always use condoms.

How politically incorrect of me.

Psycho Dad 04-13-2008 04:05 PM

Well if it was only the very tip of the penis and it wasn't in very far for very long... Then yeah it was sex.

Dude, this goes far beyond what you, my or Bill Clinton's definition of sex is. Be prepared yourself next time or keep it in your pants.

Q: What do you call a guy who uses withdrawal as birth control.

A: Daddy

The_Jazz 04-13-2008 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by james t kirk
I'm not married, and I don't always use condoms.

How politically incorrect of me.

JTK - you're not kpax. 'nough said.

savmesom11 04-13-2008 05:01 PM

Well did she go and douche right away afterwards? Then she can't get pregnant! Or maybe do it in water next time. :rolleyes: Seriously dude come on in today's day of education are you really that blind to reality? Getting her pregnant isn't the worse that could happen, you could catch something that you can't take a pill to get rid of!

You are about to find out the hard way that love hurts and sometimes it ITCHES AND BURNS!!

Be responsible for yourself and your future always carry condoms!

ShaniFaye 04-13-2008 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by james t kirk
I'm not married, and I don't always use condoms.

How politically incorrect of me.

and if you enjoy playing russian roulette that way...more power to you

but those of us that followed Kpax's last g/f experience can only wonder where his brain REALLY is

allaboutmusic 04-13-2008 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
but those of us that followed Kpax's last g/f experience can only wonder where his brain REALLY is

Wrapped in a condom, so nothing gets out... or in.

ratbastid 04-13-2008 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by savmesom11
Seriously dude come on in today's day of education are you really that blind to reality?

Oh, don't kid yourself. Today's "abstinence-only education" has created a generation of kids who fuck like bunnies, wrap it in saran, and douche with coca-cola afterward.

Though I don't think that's Kpax's problem. I think he knows better but has got (shall we say) desperation issues.

savmesom11 04-13-2008 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by ratbastid
Oh, don't kid yourself. Today's "abstinence-only education" has created a generation of kids who fuck like bunnies, wrap it in saran, and douche with coca-cola afterward.

Though I don't think that's Kpax's problem. I think he knows better but has got (shall we say) desperation issues.

I haven't followed him long enough to truly understand but I will say that if he is smart enough to figure out the internet and how to post on a forum he's smart enough to educate himself. And unless he went to private school he received REAL sex-ed.

SecretMethod70 04-13-2008 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by ratbastid
Oh, don't kid yourself. Today's "abstinence-only education" has created a generation of kids who fuck like bunnies, wrap it in saran, and douche with coca-cola afterward.

Though I don't think that's Kpax's problem. I think he knows better but has got (shall we say) desperation issues.

He's got I-post-my-problems-on-the-internet-as-if-I'm-asking-for-advice-but-then-I-completely-ignore-everything-anyone-says-to-me issues.

ShaniFaye 04-13-2008 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by savmesom11
I haven't followed him long enough to truly understand but I will say that if he is smart enough to figure out the internet and how to post on a forum he's smart enough to educate himself. And unless he went to private school he received REAL sex-ed.

do a search.....posts and journals, then you'll understand what the rest of us mean

again Kpax....be an adult, take the responsibility of having a condom and USE it

Cynthetiq 04-13-2008 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
He's got I-post-my-problems-on-the-internet-as-if-I'm-asking-for-advice-but-then-I-completely-ignore-everything-anyone-says-to-me issues.

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! Even though the sound of it is something quite atrosicous! If you say it loud enough, you'll always sound precocious,


oh.. sorry... wrong song.

Ustwo 04-13-2008 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by ratbastid
Oh, don't kid yourself. Today's "abstinence-only education" has created a generation of kids who fuck like bunnies, wrap it in saran, and douche with coca-cola afterward.


Gotta throw in some political snark unbacked up by facts don't ya.

Nicely done :thumbsup:

ratbastid 04-13-2008 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by Ustwo

Gotta throw in some political snark unbacked up by facts don't ya.

Nicely done :thumbsup:

I know you're plenty sex-positive. You think abstinence-only education is a GOOD idea?

Nisses 04-14-2008 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by Kpax
I'm asking because I'm one who keeps count. I take it very seriously, rare as it is.

Somehow I find this a very weird remark.

And if you take it seriously, don't have sex with somebody who you aren't willing to raise a kid with.

And on another note, it should be the responsibility of you BOTH to make sure you're protected.

However, I think I'll try that Coca cola douche next time :orly:

Crack 04-14-2008 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by Nisses

However, I think I'll try that Coca cola douche next time :orly:



Mmmm, chocolate cooze :p

Nisses 04-14-2008 01:41 AM

Is that what they mean when they're putting it in her yoohoo?

Shauk 04-14-2008 01:45 AM

I know i'm not helping to drive the point home (pardon my pun)
but I never had protected sex and none of my exes got pregnant, no STD contraction either... thats an 8 year track record so..

I'm at the point that i'd want to wear one now though, "city" perspectives are a lot different on sex than "small town" perspectives.

it's much more casual in the city environment from what I'm seeing. (not that I"m participating... yet)

it counts as sex kpax.

god, why did we have to call me kpax 2.0? I'm not even.....

tecoyah 04-14-2008 03:00 AM


Originally Posted by Kpax
I've hooked up with this girl twice in the last two months. Both times I thought she would have condoms, but she didn't.

Anyway, I put only the tip in, until climax, since she said she wasn't on the pill and didn't want to get pregnant (with me).

Does this count as sex, or just foolin' around?

I'm asking because I'm one who keeps count. I take it very seriously, rare as it is.

Please...or the benefit of humanity as a species, for the collective I.Q quotient of America, and for the protection of everyone in your Verizon circle.

Wear A condom! Hell, Just put one on and leave it there everyday, Tie it off with thread at the base if you need to.

Better yet...Get Sterlized.

jewels 04-14-2008 03:26 AM


Originally Posted by tecoyah
Better yet...Get Sterlized.

Good to see you back around here :D

Psycho Dad 04-14-2008 04:35 AM


Originally Posted by ratbastid
I know you're plenty sex-positive. You think abstinence-only education is a GOOD idea?

I don't know that abstinence-only is an accurate way to describe it. One of our son's teachers (sex ed is covered in physical education here) called his abstinence-based. There was discussion of contraceptives, STDs and such, but he also instructed that the only sure way to avoid pregnancy and STDs was abstinence. Talking with him at parent teacher conferences I didn't come away with the feeling that he was teaching that sex makes baby Jesus cry. Of course I don't think he was teaching anything "sex positive".

Anything most people on this forum consider to be sex positive being discussed in sex ed would likely lead to angry parents showing up at school board meetings. A curriculum that discusses homosexuality, multiple partners, premarital sex, fetishes or anything beyond sex for a lawfully wedded man and woman can't happen easily in our society until college it seems. Of course this does no good for the freshman and sophomore high school students (or younger) who are sexually active.

The_Jazz 04-14-2008 04:38 AM


Originally Posted by Shauk
god, why did we have to call me kpax 2.0? I'm not even.....

In the words of Donald "Duck" Dunn, "if the shit fits, wear it."

Think of yourself as a kpax that does actually listen 1% of the time if that makes you feel better.

abaya 04-14-2008 04:42 AM

Dude, to give you some perspective of what I consider to be responsible intercourse (anything involving the penis and vagina, regardless of the "tip" or the whole deal), we used condoms AND birth control for the first 3.5 years of our exclusive relationship, including a year of marriage. This was not due to fear of disease (we have always been monogamous/tested), but simply because we did not want to get pregnant, not even accidentally. And that was in a MARRIED, monogamous relationship! Granted, we're slightly more paranoid/cautious than the average couple, but the payoff was 100% peace of mind, all the time... nothing can replace that, not even the best orgasm.

For chrissakes', man... not that anything we say here is going to get into your skull, as usual, but PROTECT YOURSELF AND YOUR OWN HEALTH AND WELFARE!

allaboutmusic 04-14-2008 04:52 AM


Originally Posted by Shauk
I know i'm not helping to drive the point home (pardon my pun)
but I never had protected sex and none of my exes got pregnant, no STD contraction either... thats an 8 year track record so..

I'd have to say you were very lucky. Not a recommended way to not get pregnant. :)

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