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Old 05-24-2006, 12:35 AM   #41 (permalink)
Location: Want to run away? Follow the light
Hmmmm Spaz .......... I'd be a little worried if my mum or dad were into watching me. Ah ..... um ......... kind a lost for words ......... that's def the kinkiest thing I've ever heard, but strangely, I want to know how you even broached that with your girlfriend.

ciao bella!
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Old 05-24-2006, 08:52 AM   #42 (permalink)
Originally Posted by savvypup
Hmmmm Spaz .......... I'd be a little worried if my mum or dad were into watching me. Ah ..... um ......... kind a lost for words ......... that's def the kinkiest thing I've ever heard, but strangely, I want to know how you even broached that with your girlfriend.
My girlfriend was Jewish (No that it means anything). So she was sheltered, my father was gay so that is why she justified it. The first time my dad just had the door cracked, that continued, then he just began hanging out. He did not straight out stare and we would use covers but sometimes I just could not take it and just walk out, and continued when he was gone. She was messed up in the head so she thought it was the coolest thing, also had it been her father I would have been beaten. I guess that was the turn on for her.
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Old 07-15-2006, 11:28 PM   #43 (permalink)
captobvious's Avatar
Location: Somewhere
Originally Posted by Spaz007
My girlfriend was Jewish (No that it means anything). So she was sheltered, my father was gay so that is why she justified it. The first time my dad just had the door cracked, that continued, then he just began hanging out. He did not straight out stare and we would use covers but sometimes I just could not take it and just walk out, and continued when he was gone. She was messed up in the head so she thought it was the coolest thing, also had it been her father I would have been beaten. I guess that was the turn on for her.
Definitely the kinkiest thing I've heard of too...

Mine aren't nearly as exciting ...

- Various cars
- Movie theater
- Elementary school playground
- Various situations with people in nearby rooms
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Old 07-16-2006, 11:10 AM   #44 (permalink)
pornclerk's Avatar
Location: Ontario, Canada
The kinkiest places I have done it are:
- several parking lots in my mother's car
- on a balcony
- on a couch with my drunk friend passed out on the floor right beside us
- in the bath tub
- on a dresser

The places I would like to try it and plan to try it are:
- the beach
- a public bathroom
- an elevator
- in a room with someone watching
Who wants a twig when you can have the whole tree?
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Old 07-16-2006, 11:23 AM   #45 (permalink)
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
Originally Posted by pornclerk
- the beach:
Make sure you have a blanket- sand is VERY VERY abrasive...
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
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Old 07-16-2006, 07:04 PM   #46 (permalink)
james t kirk's Avatar
Location: Toronto
I had a GF in university who was 6' tall. We could do it standing up and often did so.....

1. At the side of a train track (When a GO Train went by). (A GO Train being a commuter train.)

2. McMaster University - Mills Library stacks

3. McMaster University - Mills Library Basement washroom

4. McMaster University - Senior Science basement washroom and Burke Science Washroom - main floor.

5. McMaster University - JH Engineering Bldg. Washrooms - 1'st floor.

6. McMaster University - Too many classrooms to remember

7. The basement of her parent's barn.

8. My parent's laundry room while there were 10 people having dinner upstairs.

9. The shed at my parent's house.

10. On a hiking trail at Spencer's falls in broad daylight.

11. In the dunes at Nickle beach in Port Colborne in broad daylight.

12. Gage Park in Hamilton (caught by the police that time - in the act. Cop was an asshole too.)

13. In a tent. Big deal? There were other people asleep in the tent.

14. Upper Paradise Parking lot at the mountain brow. She wanted anal, so I thought that that was kind of kinkie having anal for the first time in my life in a parking lot.

With other Gf's

- Tim Horton's Parking lot in broad daylight.
- Behind Southmount HS in Hamilton.
- Her brother's bed and leaving a wet spot for him to find- she was repaying him for doing the same thing to her.
- On a beach (in a deck chair) in Dominican Repubic 3 nights in a row while some guy watched from the bushes (on one occasion).
- In a porno theatre booth.
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Old 08-09-2006, 05:55 AM   #47 (permalink)
Soylent Green is people.
longbough's Avatar
Location: Northern California
We were at the San Francisco marina in the day. My petite gf was on my lap bundled up in my arms covered by long coat in public. Under the coat I was fondling her and playing with her clit ... as tourists and other folks walked around us watching the water, walking their dogs and having idle conversation. I suppose if someone took a good look at my gf's face they could tell what we were doing ... but I never had a problem with anyone noticing ... it's nothing to be ashamed of...

... this might not count, but once, in a motel room, a housekeeping staffmember walked in on us both naked on the bed in a missionary .... It happened because we got the room as soon as it became available and asked not to bother with the cleanup .... unfortunately someone forgot to tell housekeeping. They rushed out closing the door ... Funny, it didn't break the mood.

I have a couple more but I have to go to work now ... dang! I'm getting all hot just thinking about it ...
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Old 08-09-2006, 12:16 PM   #48 (permalink)
Location: Under the Radar
Only 2 stick out:

1. On top of some mountain in Acadia National Park by a beautiful lake (no tent, broad daylight).

2. HJ on a ride at EPCOT center, the ride inside the big sphere.

My wife used to close up the local YMCA at night, and we planned a bunch of sex (in the pool, in the fitness room, etc.) that never happened.
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Old 08-16-2006, 07:06 AM   #49 (permalink)
Deltona Couple's Avatar
Location: Spring, Texas
Ok, I KNOW I am going to go to hell for this, and prolly be ridiculed by everyone here...but me and a gf on our first date were in the mall durring Christmas. We snuck into the back of the Santa house, while he was outside hearing about what everyone wanted for X-mas. and proceeded to do it right there on the floor. It was exciting and scarry at the same time, affraid a little Elf might walk in at any moment. But we enjoyed it!
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Old 08-28-2006, 09:59 PM   #50 (permalink)
In a bathroom at my college.

In my colleges library.

A closed movie editing booth.

I would like to do the library one again, the bathroom one i could live without. It was an experiance though. THe movie editing station was the best, because privacy was practically ensured. That removed a little bit of the stress of it though.
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Old 08-29-2006, 01:02 AM   #51 (permalink)
magictoy's Avatar
I used to think I was adventurous until I read this thread.

The grand ballroom of an Atlanta Marriott. On the floor.

The chlorine tank room of the country club pool where I was a lifeguard. (Probably lucky to still be alive--the room was about 4' by 3'.)

Six Flags, after hours, near the Logjam ride, which we had just bodysurfed.
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Old 08-30-2006, 01:06 PM   #52 (permalink)
Location: California's Central Coast
So many places, so little time...

On the hood of a car, parked on a residential street in a Chicago suburb, completely unclothed, in the warm summer rain.

Slowly, on the beach next to the Santa Cruz Municipal Wharf, in the middle of a nice summer day. Her sundress covered anything too incriminating.

In a shallow streetside vestibule outside the Ritz-Carlton in San Francisco at 4am.

While (kind of) watching War of the Worlds in a movie theater; there was only one other patron, and he never turned around.

Down on the asphalt in a parking lot just off of Highway 101.

In a small San Francisco park behind a police substation, her bent over the park bench.

In a field adjacent to I-80 (and a hotel) in Salt Lake City.

On the fire stairs of a downtown San Jose building; we'd just finished when some locals arrived to do a crack sale, but they didn't bother us and we didn't bother them.

On a parked Honda scooter in a subdivision.

In the bed of a pickup truck that was parked in a Park and Ride in Palo Alto. We were basking in the afterglow, gazing up at the stars when the local shift ended and the lot flooded with workers.

Same truck, parked in a parking garage in Santa Cruz, middle of a summer day.

Down on the snow in a Chicage forest preserve.

At various workplaces before or after closing, on desks, counters, floors, tables...

And in far too many parked vehicles to remember.

We like it any time, anywhere...

Matt and Khym
"The only real blasphemy is the refusal of joy."

Last edited by agoodbadhabit; 08-30-2006 at 01:08 PM..
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Old 08-30-2006, 06:43 PM   #53 (permalink)
Location: Home sweet home is Decatur GA, but currently schooling in Rochester NY
*copies and pastes this entire thread into Word for safekeeping*

Still a big V for virgin here, so nothing to add, but thanks to you all I now have lots of plans....thanks!
You are the most important person in your world
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Old 09-01-2006, 08:13 AM   #54 (permalink)
change is hard.
thespian86's Avatar
Location: the green room.
Had my first public sexual experience ever last night!!!!!!!!!!

Had sex in the back of my antique car last night while it was parked on my street. It was amazing.
EX: Whats new?
ME: I officially love coffee more then you now.
EX: uh...
ME: So, not much.
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Old 09-11-2006, 02:30 PM   #55 (permalink)
Here are some of the places my gf and I have done it.

- In an empty office at work
- In the bathroom of an airplane (mile high club)
- In the back of a limo
- In my girlfriend's parents' bed.
- In a park
- In the backseat of my car in the parking lot of a restaurant
- And I snuck under the desk of my girlfriend at her work and ate her
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Old 09-12-2006, 05:23 AM   #56 (permalink)
Location: England
At the back of my Parish Church in the graveyard. Not that we were into death or the devil or anything like that, but it was the most convenient place after coming out of the pub and before going to a party at my parents house. Also, it was the Saturday night inbetween Xmas and New Year
Every man gets his share
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Old 09-14-2006, 10:16 AM   #57 (permalink)
Backstage at band concert in High School. My GF had did a solo, she was in a skirt and no one was around, so I yanked it up pull her panties off and started to bone her doggie style. Then she got called out for an ovation. She simply stuck her head through the curtain and I kept on banging. Quickest and most dangerous fuck of my life
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Old 09-14-2006, 11:29 AM   #58 (permalink)
Alien Anthropologist
hunnychile's Avatar
Location: Between Boredom and Nirvana
A few spots I enjoyed were:

Late afternoon in Mill Creek Park at 1 of our favorite lookout spots & also in a sleeping bag near one of the picnic spots! Huge Fun except for the mosquitos that ate him up! Poor baby!

The 9th Hole (soft & pretty) after a dance at a very swank private golf club in New York.

After dinner in the guys bathroom shower in McReady Hall at MUC, college.

In a field of wheat at noon one summer, beside a very well travelled road.

In the window of an apartment located right beside well used train tracks every Friday night at 7:00pm sharp for the engineer and conductor to enjoy while they cruised through town. After 6 weeks we decided there were other better audiances elsewhere.......those train guys always were appreciative. They started adding more workers on this route & using their "whistle" a lot!! Good times!

More later....yeah, I was a real nympho and I love public sex!
"I need compassion, understanding and chocolate." - NJB
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Old 10-16-2006, 05:13 AM   #59 (permalink)
Location: USA
I think the best place I ever had sex was in my girlfriend's (now wife) parents house while everyone else was home. It was great to sneak upstairs and fuck like rabbits just hoping that nobody would bust in on us.
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Old 10-29-2006, 08:42 PM   #60 (permalink)
Cautiously soaring
ruggerp11's Avatar
Location: exploring my new home in SF

Right there on the way up to the cabin. I hadn't seen her in a while so in the 2.5 hour drive to the lake stopping was necessary.
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--Mark Twain
Do What makes you happy
"Happiness is the absence of the striving for happiness" - Chuang-Tzu
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Old 11-02-2006, 12:09 AM   #61 (permalink)
Originally Posted by savvypup
Wow, I'm really surprised at the number of people that have chosen around churches ........ interesting that's all.
I remember a time when the churches were never locked up at night, that might explain that one.
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Old 11-03-2006, 05:45 AM   #62 (permalink)
Location: Florida
hmmm...lets see.
1.Ocean at South Beach in Miami
2.Woods on my old Military base.
3.got a bj on 95.
"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody. "
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Old 07-06-2007, 04:34 PM   #63 (permalink)
haha...these are all great places
i have done it in the dressing room at walmart, the mall restroom, in a chair at spencers...she was wearing a skirt and i was wearing short....thats all ive got...but we have only been dating like a month
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Old 07-06-2007, 04:56 PM   #64 (permalink)
I'll ask when I'm ready....
Push-Pull's Avatar
Location: Firmly in the middle....
Great thread to dig up!


Old '64 Chevy truck with camper shell and carpet in the bed (the Sin Bin)....

On top of South Mountain (2 different girls)
In my high school parking lot
In a church parking lot
In an empty under-construction subdivision
Out in the middle of the desert about 20 miles outside of town
Various park parking lots (at least 5 different girls?)
BJ while actually driving.

Non vehicular....

Against a building on my high school campus after a dance
Movie theater (hands only)
On top of pool table on our back porch
In the woods in Northern Arizona
In the desert (well, kinda vehicular, she just leaned over the tailgate)
My then GF's best friends bed. (Laid a towel down to collect the wet spot)
In my own bed in my parents house while my mother called out for me to help bring groceries in.

I'm sure I'm missing a couple, but day-um, I've done a lot!
"No laws, no matter how rigidly enforced, can protect a person from their own stupidity." -Me-

"Some people are like Slinkies..... They are not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs." -Unknown-

DAMMIT! -Jack Bauer-
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Old 07-06-2007, 05:07 PM   #65 (permalink)
ngdawg's Avatar
Location: on the back, bitch
edited thanks to Google
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.

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Old 07-06-2007, 08:34 PM   #66 (permalink)
my bf and i hiked up a mountain and proceeded to do the dirty on a huge, public cliff in broad daylight. our first public experience. not the greatest, but by far the most fun. he was sitting on a tree and i had my pants around my ankles.

highschool parking lot
bathroom at college
parents bed
the shower
my bed with my mom right next door (awake)
his bed with his parents right next door
the obvious - a car on a random street
movie theater
picnic table on the lake with his dad only like 50 feet away (night time)

thats all i can think of now... but i can't believe the responses of some people. i dont know if im that brave!!
*You never know where life might take you, so live strong and always follow your dreams*
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Old 07-06-2007, 10:28 PM   #67 (permalink)
I Confess a Shiver
Plan9's Avatar
Whatever you can carry.

"You should not drink... and bake."

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Old 07-07-2007, 12:20 PM   #68 (permalink)
I've had sex many-a-times in a Car. One of my favorite times was at the river, we were actually outside the car but it started raining so we moved inside. A cop showed up and put an end to that one.

In a random horse barn
On a picnic table at a park
On a park bench
On someones front door step
On someones lawn
I love it in the shower
Someone elses living room while they were sleeping
Camping in a tent at Moses Lake (Not too daring but still not the normal at home in a bed)

Places I'd like to try:
On a boat in choppy water
In the hotsprings
In my parents bed while they're on vacation
On a roof top
On a tractor
In a semi-
Jezzabelle is offline  
Old 07-07-2007, 03:39 PM   #69 (permalink)
My gf (now wife) once blew me and swallowed in the Carlton Gardens in Melbourne, while they were setting up for the International Flower Show. She's pregnant now and we laugh at our kid/s one day realising why we giggle like kids every time we drive past there!
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Old 07-07-2007, 07:40 PM   #70 (permalink)
monkey baby's Avatar
Well, just the typical in the car, on the car, in the movies....blah, blah, blah.
The beach as the waves came in on us was AMAZING!!

I do really want to try having sex on a horse while in a nice smooth trot, the movement of the horse gets you moving right. I think it might be fun, heh .

I am moving out to horse country....so here's hoping.
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Old 07-10-2007, 07:59 AM   #71 (permalink)
anywhere is good

Well ive done it in a few places, have to say that some ppl really have done some i would like to try, but this is where ive been

* backseat of a minivan with ppl in the front seats (blowjob and hands)
* on the couch in my basement with the parents upstairs and on the carpet
* stairs in the building i worked in, with a window above, and construction outside
* back room at a pub (hands only)
* cousin's bedroom, on an air mattress while everyone was having breakfast downstairs as well as at the pond they have at the back of their house
* my backyard on a july afternoon on the hammack, with a blanket (i have no fence, and neighbours all around)
* bathroom stall at the beach, and in the water, under a tree with ppl (including kids playing) all around us.
* and last ones I can think of, sauna (at the gym) hot tub (damn this is awesome especially with the bubbles) and the shower at my place (damn this feels nice with the water running on your back)
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Old 07-16-2007, 02:32 PM   #72 (permalink)
Location: northern california
Just got back from vacation in Aruba; in the ocean right in broad daylight out in front of the resort beach. No one seemed to notice/care. Was wonderful!!!
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Old 07-19-2007, 01:11 AM   #73 (permalink)
This happens to be one of my favorite pasttimes:
My most memorable was on the queen mary in Long Beach. One of the decks at the front of the ship is a sitting area where you can have lunch and the like. As you move along the rail towards the back of the ship there is a flight of stairs. You can slip between the stairs and the rail and have semi privacy. My gf and I took care of business there once. It was really cool, and when ever I see a post card of the Queen mary you can see the stairs I am talking about...

as for other places:
Devils post pile national monument
Produce dept of grocery store (oral only and very quick)
On the hood of a car that paralled a freeway (only about 300 feet from freeway)
apartment complex pool / spa (many times)
parking complex stairway
balcony of hotel room (many times)
while hiking
front lawn (evening)
Car when young (too many times to count)
Park / baseball field
Golf course

sure there are a few more...
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Old 07-19-2007, 11:42 AM   #74 (permalink)
tinydancer's Avatar
Location: Ohio
Originally Posted by pegalicious
Well ive done it in a few places, have to say that some ppl really have done some i would like to try, but this is where ive been

* backseat of a minivan with ppl in the front seats (blowjob and hands)
* on the couch in my basement with the parents upstairs and on the carpet
* stairs in the building i worked in, with a window above, and construction outside
* back room at a pub (hands only)
* cousin's bedroom, on an air mattress while everyone was having breakfast downstairs as well as at the pond they have at the back of their house
* my backyard on a july afternoon on the hammack, with a blanket (i have no fence, and neighbours all around)
* bathroom stall at the beach, and in the water, under a tree with ppl (including kids playing) all around us.
* and last ones I can think of, sauna (at the gym) hot tub (damn this is awesome especially with the bubbles) and the shower at my place (damn this feels nice with the water running on your back)

I had always heard it was dangerous to have sex in water... for women... with all the thrusting, the water - be it chlorinated from a pool or sauna... or just the shower at home - i've heard the water getting up into a woman's vagina is not such a great thing... that it can cause some serious problems. Eh..maybe just a myth... anyone else heard of things like this??
My life has no purpose, no direction, no aim, no meaning, and yet I'm happy. I can't figure it out. What am i doing right?
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Old 07-19-2007, 02:43 PM   #75 (permalink)
tenchi069's Avatar
Location: One step closer to the padded cell...
Originally Posted by tinydancer
I had always heard it was dangerous to have sex in water... for women... with all the thrusting, the water - be it chlorinated from a pool or sauna... or just the shower at home - i've heard the water getting up into a woman's vagina is not such a great thing... that it can cause some serious problems. Eh..maybe just a myth... anyone else heard of things like this??
Having sex IN the water is dangerous as it pumps water into the woman and like hydraulics builds up pressure that can tear or separate the lining of the uterus which can then become infected and painful if not fatal if not treated. Other than that, having sex in the shower or in the rain where you do not have an airtight/watertight seal will just result in a little water making its way in.
Problem Lies Between Seat and Keyboard.
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Old 07-20-2007, 10:53 AM   #76 (permalink)
tinydancer's Avatar
Location: Ohio
Good to know! haha.. thanks tenchi
My life has no purpose, no direction, no aim, no meaning, and yet I'm happy. I can't figure it out. What am i doing right?
-Charles M. Schulz
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Old 07-21-2007, 09:06 PM   #77 (permalink)
Location: Washington
Originally Posted by savvypup
So here I was yesterday driving into the city and I drove past this street I once visited. A smirk came across my face and my mind went blank as I travelled back to that 'visit'. In my younger, more spontaneous days my boyfriend and I did the wild thing right in the middle of the road late at night. It was a mere quicky (it's not the quietest of roads) but I always reminisce whenever I drive past. Forever after, it became 'our road'.

Another wild night my boyfriend and I went to a look out where I was then tied to the bonnet of his car whilst he did .... well most things I can think of. It was absolutely awesome! Every other time thereafter, whenever we were there, the police would do a driveby as it would be quite a popular parking place. How lucky were we that night that they didn't come patrolling as it took him a while to untie me.

It's nice to have those little memories of racey encounters don't you think? So come on, cough up the dingy little places you've marked your territory on.
Ah just one, a hotel. I'm not sure what it would be like to revisit that very room later on.
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Old 07-23-2007, 02:33 PM   #78 (permalink)
The hotel lounge, on a family trip

The lounge was locked and only those w/ a room could get in... It was like 3am and we were pretty horny...
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Old 07-24-2007, 08:14 AM   #79 (permalink)
Cautiously soaring
ruggerp11's Avatar
Location: exploring my new home in SF
Dressing room at a local dept store (Herbergers) heh. I was getting new black pants and the store was all but empty. Good times, very exciting!

The grass quad at the University of Minnesota.

On my parents boat.

Open to more
Patriotism means being loyal to your country all the time and to its government when it deserves it.
--Mark Twain
Do What makes you happy
"Happiness is the absence of the striving for happiness" - Chuang-Tzu
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Old 08-13-2007, 12:45 PM   #80 (permalink)
Location: Boca Raton, FL
Pool table in my fraternity house.

Stayed with an ex's parents in a hotel room...two queen beds...we spooned and did it in the bed right next to them.

College gf's pool patio, doggy style standing in broad daylight.

Few cars and lots of high school sex with the parents in the house.
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kinky, places, sex

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