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View Poll Results: How will you feel if KERRY is elected?
Ecstatic 37 20.11%
Happy 27 14.67%
Satisfied 51 27.72%
Nothing 11 5.98%
Disappointed 34 18.48%
Angry 12 6.52%
Postal 12 6.52%
Voters: 184. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 10-31-2004, 03:01 PM   #1 (permalink)
powerclown's Avatar
Location: Detroit, MI
How will you feel if Kerry is elected?

Which of the following will describe your feelings if John F. Kerry is elected 44th President of the United States this Tuesday?
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Old 10-31-2004, 03:15 PM   #2 (permalink)
TheKak's Avatar
Location: Virginia
Where is the option "Happy because it isn't Bush, sad because it is Kerry"?
Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm a schizophrenic and so am I.
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Old 10-31-2004, 03:16 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Old 10-31-2004, 03:28 PM   #4 (permalink)
Location: Auburn, AL
Sad b/c I'll have to find a new country to live in, and Europe and Canada won't work either. Maybe Australia--I could get used to saying "mate" all the time.
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Old 10-31-2004, 03:30 PM   #5 (permalink)
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ShaniFaye's Avatar
Location: Lilburn, Ga
where is the sick to my stomach option?
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!
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Old 10-31-2004, 03:33 PM   #6 (permalink)
Leave me alone!
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Location: Alaska, USA

I don't believe that Kerry is the answer to our problems. I just hope that if he is elected he will focus on the war and get us out of there ASAP (which is what I would want if GB is reelected), not tax us to death, and won't disgrace the office.
Back button again, I must be getting old.
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Old 10-31-2004, 03:43 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Location: Detroit, MI
...... . . . . ... ...

Last edited by powerclown; 10-31-2004 at 04:20 PM.. Reason: partiality
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Old 10-31-2004, 03:45 PM   #8 (permalink)
Location: Oregon
Originally Posted by TheKak
Where is the option "Happy because it isn't Bush, sad because it is Kerry"?
I'll second that
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Old 10-31-2004, 04:19 PM   #9 (permalink)
it's jam
splck's Avatar
Location: Lowerainland BC
I'll feel this way because it will reinforce to me the fact that most of the people of the states are wise, have common sense, and see that the way the GOP is taking you will bite you in the ass one day.
nice line eh?
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Old 10-31-2004, 04:32 PM   #10 (permalink)
the real question for me is "how would you feel if bush were re-'relected'?" i think my answer would be "severely dissapointed in the fact that american's do not care about how the nation began and what re-"electing" george bush (was he ever elected in the first place? i would argue not) would represent to the rest of the world. -my 2 cents.
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Old 10-31-2004, 05:19 PM   #11 (permalink)
Location: venice beach, ca
that episode of southpark summed it up... it's a choice between a giant douche and a turd sandwich.
-my phobia drowned while i was gettin down.
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Old 10-31-2004, 05:41 PM   #12 (permalink)
nofnway's Avatar
Location: under the freeway bridge
How anyone could vote that man to be president of a free democratic country mystifies me. Regardless of the alternative....I would never vote for that man
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Old 10-31-2004, 05:47 PM   #13 (permalink)
I woud be pretty postal, I'm going to be in the military for the next 6 years and I do not want them to be under Kerry.
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Old 10-31-2004, 05:56 PM   #14 (permalink)
Location: California
I'll be satisfied. He's better than Bush (at least in my opinion) but isn't all that great. I think his domestic health care plan is gonna drive the deficit up even more.
It's not getting what you want, it's wanting what you've got.
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Old 10-31-2004, 05:58 PM   #15 (permalink)
I sure as hell hope it's Kerry, if the people endorse Bush's wars God knows where the next one might be!
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Old 10-31-2004, 06:10 PM   #16 (permalink)
Location: Swooping down on you from above....
Relieved that Bush will join the ranks of millions that he put out of work with his bullshit tax cuts.

And I never saw a dime of it by the way.

Last edited by Flyguy; 10-31-2004 at 07:46 PM..
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Old 10-31-2004, 06:14 PM   #17 (permalink)
Pissing in the cornflakes
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Originally Posted by thefictionweliv
I woud be pretty postal, I'm going to be in the military for the next 6 years and I do not want them to be under Kerry.
I'd feel sorry for you, Clinton kept me out of it when I was of military age.

Me personally I'd be disapointed, I know people are short sighted as a whole, but I hate having it demonstrated.
Agents of the enemies who hold office in our own government, who attempt to eliminate our "freedoms" and our "right to know" are posting among us, I fear.....on this very forum. - host

Obama - Know a Man by the friends he keeps.

Last edited by Ustwo; 10-31-2004 at 06:22 PM..
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Old 10-31-2004, 06:16 PM   #18 (permalink)
Definitely happy. I'm not so much pro-Kerry as very, very anti-Dubya. I've had enough of Ashcroft et al.
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Old 10-31-2004, 06:52 PM   #19 (permalink)
Banned from being Banned
Location: Donkey
Happy and relieved that this country will finally get back to being decent instead of the closed-minded future that Bush has us heading into.
I love lamp.
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Old 10-31-2004, 07:08 PM   #20 (permalink)
djtestudo's Avatar
Location: Beeeeeautiful Bel Air, MD
I will be very disappointed. Not "moving to Canada" disappointed, but more like "tempted to run for office myself so that something like this never ever happens again" disappointed.
"Final thought: I just rented Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine. Frankly, it was the worst sports movie I've ever seen."
--Peter Schmuck, The (Baltimore) Sun
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Old 10-31-2004, 07:10 PM   #21 (permalink)
Pissing in the cornflakes
Ustwo's Avatar
Originally Posted by djtestudo
I will be very disappointed. Not "moving to Canada" disappointed, but more like "tempted to run for office myself so that something like this never ever happens again" disappointed.
Thats how I was when I saw Gore trying to ignore all the election laws of Florida and the fact that Judges had more power than the people in 2000. I still might after this.
Agents of the enemies who hold office in our own government, who attempt to eliminate our "freedoms" and our "right to know" are posting among us, I fear.....on this very forum. - host

Obama - Know a Man by the friends he keeps.
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Old 10-31-2004, 07:12 PM   #22 (permalink)
Paq's Avatar
Location: South Carolina
i will be fucking ecstatic, to put it mildly

bush out of office, ashcroft and cheney joining him...and replaced with a man with a brain...

you'll see me dancing naked in the parking lot when that happens....

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Old 10-31-2004, 07:19 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Location: College
I'll be relieved, which doesn't happen to be a choice.
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Old 10-31-2004, 08:14 PM   #24 (permalink)
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Ecstatic. Not really for the fact that Kerry will be in office, but for the fact that Curious George will be gone. It will be a fine day indeed.
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Old 10-31-2004, 08:32 PM   #25 (permalink)
Mantus's Avatar
Satisfied would be the closest description of my response. The current administration and the Republican Party have to pay for the shit-storm they put this country though over the past four years. Many of the mistakes and blunders are absolutely inexcusable. I don't know enough about Kerry, but Democrats have a tendency to take the gentler slope if they head into the bad so we can survive four years of Kerry (assuming he end up incompetent) easier then four more years of Bush.
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Old 10-31-2004, 08:34 PM   #26 (permalink)
Minion of the scaléd ones
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Location: Northeast Jesusland
Originally Posted by hammer4all
Now that should have been in the poll. As it was, I had to pick ecstatic, but mostly because Kerry isn't Bush.
Light a man a fire, and he will be warm while it burns.
Set a man on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life.
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Old 10-31-2004, 09:11 PM   #27 (permalink)
Kiss of Death
Location: Perpetual wind and sorrow
I'll be upset that a coniving turn coat liberal is in the office. I fear for my country.
To win a war you must serve no master but your ambition.
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Old 10-31-2004, 09:15 PM   #28 (permalink)
jonjon42's Avatar
Location: inside my own mind
Satisfied....Bush is out of office, good enough for me. (although I do wish the Green Party or the Socialist party became major parties..)
A damn dirty hippie without the dirty part....
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Old 10-31-2004, 09:56 PM   #29 (permalink)
Originally Posted by thefictionweliv
I woud be pretty postal, I'm going to be in the military for the next 6 years and I do not want them to be under Kerry.
Bush has already demonstrated that he will order U.S. troops into harms way
when it is not absolutely necessary, and at least 1122 of our brave and dedicated soldiers have been killed as a result, including at least eight fine
young U.S. Marines over this weekend. Just what is it that you believe Kerry
might do as commander in chief that could be a greater betrayal of the trust,
respect, and allegiance of the members of our military than that? Why would you
be happier to serve under a commander who deliberately avoided combat service
when he was your age, than a commander who volunteered to not only serve
in combat, but to serve in a unit with an immediately past history of repeatedly
engaging the enemy while suffering a high casualty rate to its own personnel?

thefictionweliv, at your young age, are you certain that your assessment is
superior to the opinion of these 36 editorial boards? You, more than most
Americans, have a great deal at stake as far as the outcome of this election.
Thank you for your service and may God bless you and protect you.
<a href="http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=36+Papers+Abandon+Bush+for+Kerry+%28washingtonpost.com%29&btnG=Search">36 Papers Abandon Bush for Kerry</a>

By Howard Kurtz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, October 27, 2004; Page A13

The Orlando Sentinel has backed every Republican seeking the White House since Richard M. Nixon in 1968. Not this time.

"This president has utterly failed to fulfill our expectations," the Florida paper said in supporting John F. Kerry, prompting some angry calls and a few dozen cancellations.

"A lot of people thought they could trust that the Sentinel would always go Republican, and when that didn't happen, they felt betrayed," said Jane Healy, the paper's editorial page editor.

The Sentinel is among 36 newspapers that endorsed President Bush four years ago and have flip-flopped, to coin a phrase, into Kerry's corner. These include the Chicago Sun-Times, the Los Angeles Daily News and the Memphis Commercial Appeal, according to industry magazine Editor & Publisher. Bush has won over only six papers that backed Al Gore, including the Denver Post, which received 700 letters -- all of them protesting the move. ......

.....Nolan Finley, who runs the Detroit News editorial page, disagrees: "I've heard people speculate they don't mean as much anymore, but I think they're influential still, particularly in close races. Voters are looking for answers in an election like this one." The decision not to endorse was "an agonizing process," he said, noting that the News has backed every Republican seeking the White House since Ulysses S. Grant.

All told, Kerry leads Bush 142 to 123 in endorsements, and when measured by circulation, 17.5 million to 11.5 million, Editor & Publisher says. The Massachusetts senator has won the backing of the New York Times, The Washington Post, the Boston Globe, the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Detroit Free Press, the Miami Herald, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the Des Moines Register and both Seattle newspapers. The president has the support of the Chicago Tribune, the New York Post, the Arizona Republic, the San Diego Union-Tribune, the Columbus Dispatch, the Dallas Morning News, the Las Vegas Review-Journal, the Washington Times and both Cincinnati newspapers.

Others that switched from Bush in 2000 to Kerry in 2004 include the Morning Call of Allentown, Pa.; the Idaho Statesman in Boise; and the Bangor Daily News in Maine.

Kerry won over some editorial boards through personal campaigning. Earlier in the year, said the Sentinel's Healy, she believed that "Kerry was too liberal for us as a senator from Massachusetts." But through an hour-long interview with the board and the presidential debates, "we became convinced he would be moderate as president, and more moderate than President Bush in terms of fiscal responsibility and the war, in terms of bringing in international cooperation."

Kerry also spoke by phone with the Plain Dealer's Larkin and Machaskee.

In its no-one-to-endorse editorial, the Tampa Tribune put it this way: "We cannot support Bush because of his mishandling of the war in Iraq, record deficits pending, assault on open government and failed promise to be a 'uniter not a divider,' but what Kerry stands for is unclear."

Last edited by host; 10-31-2004 at 10:04 PM..
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Old 11-01-2004, 12:20 AM   #30 (permalink)
connyosis's Avatar
Location: Sweden - Land of the sodomite damned
I would be happy. I do truly believe that Kerry can bring back the respect and trust for the US here in Europe that Bush has lost.
If atheism is a religion, then not collecting stamps is a hobby.
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Old 11-01-2004, 12:39 AM   #31 (permalink)
Leave me alone!
Boo's Avatar
Location: Alaska, USA
Originally Posted by host
Bush has already demonstrated that he will order U.S. troops into harms way
when it is not absolutely necessary, and at least 1122 of our brave and dedicated soldiers have been killed as a result, including at least eight fine
young U.S. Marines over this weekend. Just what is it that you believe Kerry
might do as commander in chief that could be a greater betrayal of the trust,
respect, and allegiance of the members of our military than that? Why would you
be happier to serve under a commander who deliberately avoided combat service
when he was your age, than a commander who volunteered to not only serve
in combat, but to serve in a unit with an immediately past history of repeatedly
engaging the enemy while suffering a high casualty rate to its own personnel?

thefictionweliv, at your young age, are you certain that your assessment is
superior to the opinion of these 36 editorial boards? You, more than most
Americans, have a great deal at stake as far as the outcome of this election.
Thank you for your service and may God bless you and protect you.
Last I heard 70% of the military is voting for Bush.... go figure. I wonder what we will get for numbers after the election.

I have been to the VA a lot lately and all the old retirees that I talk to put Kerry in the same group as Jane Fonda.
Back button again, I must be getting old.
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Old 11-01-2004, 01:08 AM   #32 (permalink)
Like John Goodman, but not.
Journeyman's Avatar
Location: SFBA, California
I put down ecstatic for lack of the "Spooging in my pants" option.
I've been leaning more towards Libertarian, lately, but I still choose Kerry over Bush. I also like Kerry a lot, and tend to read the "Oh god, NOT HIM! FUCK THAT" comments as having as much weight to their reasoning as the same comments directed at Hillary Clinton; I just don't see what your problem is.
In terms of military, I'd be much, much more likely to sign up under Kerry than under Bush, and I think that some day historians will mark down Bush as having jumped the gun for dubious reasons. As a note: For a guy that uses "September the 11th, 2001" a whole lot on his campaign trail, he sure FUCKED UP BRINGING JUSTICE TO THE TABLE.
I also have a memory of the 2000 election, in that it got jacked for a Bush, by a Bush.
And finally, the only Irish-Catholic ever to hold the top job of the nation was shot down in his first term. His brother, running for that office afterwards, was shot before his day on the ballot. The other brother... no dice. Long story short, I feel cheated.

If, on Nov 2nd, Kerry wins out... no, I will not be ecstatic. I will be spooging in my pants-calm me down before my heart blows up-looking very forward to the next four years-blissed out.
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Old 11-01-2004, 09:36 AM   #33 (permalink)
Location: Missouri
Troubled. I know it shouldn't matter, but I just don't like how rich and fancy that guy is. Maybe it's the New England important voice or maybe the biking shorts or that he lives off of the rest of us or that he likes to raise taxes and doesn't seem to pay much himself. I just think that guy will really like the state dinners, helicopters, and Air Force One. I'm sure there are bigger issues out there, but I don't want that guy to have the country's best toys.
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Old 11-01-2004, 09:40 AM   #34 (permalink)
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Location: Lilburn, Ga
What I'd really like someone to explain to me is....what makes a kerry supporter think (and yes I've seen/heard this OVER AND OVER again) that our country is going to be safe from terror attacks just because he is president?
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!
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Old 11-01-2004, 10:01 AM   #35 (permalink)
connyosis's Avatar
Location: Sweden - Land of the sodomite damned
What makes Bush supporters think it will be if Bush gets reelected?
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Old 11-01-2004, 10:04 AM   #36 (permalink)
connyosis's Avatar
Location: Sweden - Land of the sodomite damned
Originally Posted by aliali
Troubled. I know it shouldn't matter, but I just don't like how rich and fancy that guy is. Maybe it's the New England important voice or maybe the biking shorts or that he lives off of the rest of us or that he likes to raise taxes and doesn't seem to pay much himself. I just think that guy will really like the state dinners, helicopters, and Air Force One. I'm sure there are bigger issues out there, but I don't want that guy to have the country's best toys.
And Bush is a poor working class guy? I think both candidates are pretty wealthy, so if thats you big concern neither is a good choice. Also didn't Bush approve a tax cut for some of the wealthiest people in the US? Seems like he doesn't want to pay much in taxes either
If atheism is a religion, then not collecting stamps is a hobby.
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Old 11-01-2004, 10:21 AM   #37 (permalink)
as a brit, i would welcome jk having a go. my perception of Bush is "what an idiot" and therfore who is pulling the strings ??? and why ??
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Old 11-01-2004, 10:52 AM   #38 (permalink)
Submit to me, you know you want to
ShaniFaye's Avatar
Location: Lilburn, Ga
Originally Posted by connyosis
What makes Bush supporters think it will be if Bush gets reelected?
well Im a Bush supporter and I dont....my point was I have talked to many Kerry supporters who think that OBL is just gonna disappear and not bother us anymore if he's the one in office....I havent talked to one Bush supporter that thinks that
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!

Last edited by ShaniFaye; 11-01-2004 at 11:12 AM.. Reason: cause I cant type contractions today
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Old 11-01-2004, 11:00 AM   #39 (permalink)
Angry and Scared knowing that another terrorist attack is coming and 1) Kerry would have cut the defense budget to next to nothing and 2) Wondering if France and Germany will give the go-ahead for America to defend itself.
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Old 11-01-2004, 11:21 AM   #40 (permalink)
connyosis's Avatar
Location: Sweden - Land of the sodomite damned
Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
well Im a Bush supporter and I dont....my point was I have talked to many Kerry supporters who think that OBL is just gonna disappear and not bother us anymore if he's the one in office....I havent talked to one Bush supporter that thinks that
Ok, well IMHO any Kerry (Or Bush) supporter who thinks the country is going to be safe if respective candidate gets elected are just stupid. Of course terror isn't just going to go away because someone becomes or not become the president. The real question is which candidate can do a better job securing the country.
If atheism is a religion, then not collecting stamps is a hobby.
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elected, feel, kerry

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