Originally Posted by thefictionweliv
I woud be pretty postal, I'm going to be in the military for the next 6 years and I do not want them to be under Kerry.
Bush has already demonstrated that he will order U.S. troops into harms way
when it is not absolutely necessary, and at least 1122 of our brave and dedicated soldiers have been killed as a result, including at least eight fine
young U.S. Marines over this weekend. Just what is it that you believe Kerry
might do as commander in chief that could be a greater betrayal of the trust,
respect, and allegiance of the members of our military than that? Why would you
be happier to serve under a commander who deliberately avoided combat service
when he was your age, than a commander who volunteered to not only serve
in combat, but to serve in a unit with an immediately past history of repeatedly
engaging the enemy while suffering a high casualty rate to its own personnel?
thefictionweliv, at your young age, are you certain that your assessment is
superior to the opinion of these 36 editorial boards? You, more than most
Americans, have a great deal at stake as far as the outcome of this election.
Thank you for your service and may God bless you and protect you.
<a href="http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=36+Papers+Abandon+Bush+for+Kerry+%28washingtonpost.com%29&btnG=Search">36 Papers Abandon Bush for Kerry</a>
By Howard Kurtz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, October 27, 2004; Page A13
The Orlando Sentinel has backed every Republican seeking the White House since Richard M. Nixon in 1968. Not this time.
"This president has utterly failed to fulfill our expectations," the Florida paper said in supporting John F. Kerry, prompting some angry calls and a few dozen cancellations.
"A lot of people thought they could trust that the Sentinel would always go Republican, and when that didn't happen, they felt betrayed," said Jane Healy, the paper's editorial page editor.
The Sentinel is among 36 newspapers that endorsed President Bush four years ago and have flip-flopped, to coin a phrase, into Kerry's corner. These include the Chicago Sun-Times, the Los Angeles Daily News and the Memphis Commercial Appeal, according to industry magazine Editor & Publisher. Bush has won over only six papers that backed Al Gore, including the Denver Post, which received 700 letters -- all of them protesting the move. ......
.....Nolan Finley, who runs the Detroit News editorial page, disagrees: "I've heard people speculate they don't mean as much anymore, but I think they're influential still, particularly in close races. Voters are looking for answers in an election like this one." The decision not to endorse was "an agonizing process," he said, noting that the News has backed every Republican seeking the White House since Ulysses S. Grant.
All told, Kerry leads Bush 142 to 123 in endorsements, and when measured by circulation, 17.5 million to 11.5 million, Editor & Publisher says. The Massachusetts senator has won the backing of the New York Times, The Washington Post, the Boston Globe, the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Detroit Free Press, the Miami Herald, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the Des Moines Register and both Seattle newspapers. The president has the support of the Chicago Tribune, the New York Post, the Arizona Republic, the San Diego Union-Tribune, the Columbus Dispatch, the Dallas Morning News, the Las Vegas Review-Journal, the Washington Times and both Cincinnati newspapers.
Others that switched from Bush in 2000 to Kerry in 2004 include the Morning Call of Allentown, Pa.; the Idaho Statesman in Boise; and the Bangor Daily News in Maine.
Kerry won over some editorial boards through personal campaigning. Earlier in the year, said the Sentinel's Healy, she believed that "Kerry was too liberal for us as a senator from Massachusetts." But through an hour-long interview with the board and the presidential debates, "we became convinced he would be moderate as president, and more moderate than President Bush in terms of fiscal responsibility and the war, in terms of bringing in international cooperation."
Kerry also spoke by phone with the Plain Dealer's Larkin and Machaskee.
In its no-one-to-endorse editorial, the Tampa Tribune put it this way: "We cannot support Bush because of his mishandling of the war in Iraq, record deficits pending, assault on open government and failed promise to be a 'uniter not a divider,' but what Kerry stands for is unclear."