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#41 (permalink) | |
http://www.electoral-vote.com/ This is a very complete electoral vote prediction sight that takes info from all legit polling companies |
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#42 (permalink) | |
Location: Right here
I'm not interested in arguing over this. You didn't seem to be very knowledgable on the bill's details, and your comments looked like you were repeating things you've heard rather than you have actually read the bill itself. Your comments (and your most recent comments seem to support this) about Senator Kerry made me think that you hadn't watched him debate, and if you had, that you weren't interested in understanding what he had to say. If you have read the bill and you have watched the debates, I apologize for my assumptions to the contrary. But I'm still not interested in arguing with you over it. And even if I were, are you interesting in learning why someone might be opposed to partial birth abortions yet not choose to implement what, in their professional opinion, was bad implemententation of a law to ban the practice? I don't pick that up from your statements. I don't make any assumptions about your intelligence other than I question whether you are deliberately ignoring nuance or are not able to conceptualize shades of gray.
"The theory of a free press is that truth will emerge from free discussion, not that it will be presented perfectly and instantly in any one account." -- Walter Lippmann "You measure democracy by the freedom it gives its dissidents, not the freedom it gives its assimilated conformists." -- Abbie Hoffman |
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#43 (permalink) | |
Location: atlanta, ga
CNN has the electoral college at 301 Bush to 237 Kerry. So...whatever. It will be a fun few weeks. |
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#45 (permalink) | |
Location: Right here
none taken; here's another site with polling data to peruse: http://www.pollingreport.com/ that's what the LA Times uses. They have Bush about 10 EC votes ahead of Kerry.
"The theory of a free press is that truth will emerge from free discussion, not that it will be presented perfectly and instantly in any one account." -- Walter Lippmann "You measure democracy by the freedom it gives its dissidents, not the freedom it gives its assimilated conformists." -- Abbie Hoffman |
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#46 (permalink) |
Location: Auburn, AL
The guy who runs electoral-vote.com is a proclaimed Kerry-backer, so the stats he uses will be pro-Kerry when possible. www.realclearpolitics.com is on Bush's side, if you want to see a pro-Bush electoral count. I don't really trust what CNN is doing: they're interviewing pundits and campaign managers in swing states...why can't they just use their own polls?
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#47 (permalink) |
http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2004/spe...lls/index.html says Kerry is in the lead in popular votes and you can see he has the momentum.
In addition the cnn polls are using gallup which has been over sampling republicans. As for electoral-vote.com he is a proclaimed kerry backer he lets that bias out right away. But he doesn't pick and choose data. The most recent poll is always used and he only denies poll places that are having problems (push polling, ect) |
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#51 (permalink) | |
Location: New England
Back to the original topic, I dont care if Kerry would seem week as a choice for president, anyone is better than Bush. All you have to do is look at how divided our country is to see how bad of a president he is. We have had bad presidents before but never has the country been so devided. |
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#52 (permalink) | ||||
be influenced in the slightest by your twisted, early 70's, unsubstantiated (as in; where are your links to authoritative sources?) warhawk propaganda. Quote:
not ending that war by mid 1971 would result in the avoidable deaths of 5000 more U.S. troops by the time the U.S. inevitably pulled out in Jan., 1973 you would probably respond by posting that Kerry's 1971 anti war efforts were a major influence in compromising the potential forU.S.victory in Viet Nam. History, however, indicates that Kerry was right about Nixon's flawed Viet Nam policies, Reagan was wrong in the Iran-Contra activities. and soon...that Bushco was wrong in turning the war on terror into the tragic and deliberately misleading war in Iraq. 10 congressman signed the "Dear Commandante" letters; Kerry was not a congressman: Quote:
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#53 (permalink) | |
Location: Southpark, Colorado
![]() I also love how with such hatred toward Americans that thrive in countries like Iraq (which existed BEFORE this war even started), we want to pull out of the country. With each behedding, some people blame Bush, blame America, or blame our troops in combat. One look at the Berg behedding, or any other behedding can tell you why we need to take a stand and stop cowaring in the face of this scum of the earth. Oh... and need I mention God is used to justify these beheddings when obviously it's something that's immoral? On second thought... maybe we do need a "kinder, gentler war on terror". ![]()
If you ever catch on fire, try to avoid looking in a mirror, because I bet that will really throw you into a panic. - Jack Handy Last edited by ^Ice_Bat^; 10-12-2004 at 10:45 PM.. |
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#54 (permalink) |
I'd rather have a pacifist than a war monger. It is quite simple. I'm a strong christain and I cannot justify the intentional killing of thousands of innocencents.
As for Kerry not having a clue you are truely wrong there. I agree Bush can make decisions in the time of crisis unfortunatly they are typically wrong. But it's ok right? As long as bush keeps bribing people to vote for him by cutting taxes and then increasing spending and giving no-bid contracts to his friends he will stay in power right? I don't want a currupt leader, which is what Bush is. |
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#55 (permalink) | |
Location: Southpark, Colorado
If you ever catch on fire, try to avoid looking in a mirror, because I bet that will really throw you into a panic. - Jack Handy |
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#56 (permalink) | |||
^Ice_Bat^, who would you utilize, if you hoped to sucessfully counter Rove, if you ruled out the team of political strategists who have a recent resume of achieving results in a presidential race against an incumbent Republican president? I would criticize Kerry if he didn't enlist Carville et al in his fight against Bush! A sign that you are a victim of Rovian strategy is that you apparently believe that Bush, (the guy who demonstrated by his performances in the 2004 debates #1 and #2 that he is clearly not only unqualified and inadequate, intellectually and emotionally to be president of the U.S., let alone have a "plan" that he, and not Rove, conceptualized, crafted, and conveyed to the American people, who can not even pass himself off as a mature, 58 year old adult American male,) is capable of being the leader of the free world with a better plan than Kerry's for our future? Are you serious? Quote:
destroying all systems that maintained order and internal security in the process of invading, and then did nothing while looting and lawlessness then filled the gap created in the invasion, what would your reaction be? Beheading is a gruesome tactic. Have you also considered the devastating effects of U.S firepower that inadvertently kills and maims noncombatant Iraqis? Can you justify as necessary and moral, an elective war with all new reasons for it's instigation and continuing prosecution, now that Bush and Cheney's original and urgent reasons have been exposed as empty, misleading, and contrived rhetoric. Could you ever contemplate that "your president" is a war crminal who launched a pre-emptive war without justifiable provocation? This is a reasonable and growing argument, whether you have it in you to consider it, or not. Bush, himself declared that he would not want to live in a country that was under occupation. You are incapable of looking at what happened in Iraq from any other perspective than that of an unquestioning, partisan supporter of Bush and his puppetmaster, Karl Rove. Viceroy Paul Bremer revealed last week that allowing looting and lawlessness in Iraq immediately after the invasion is a root cause of the current violence there. Do you believe that the enemy kiling our troops and civilian contractors in Iraq now, are foreign fighters, streaming across vast, impossible to guard borders? Our military commanders counter this notion. Bush's failed and misleading "war on terror" are the catalyst for the beheadings that pique your myopic outrage, and the creation of a hostile, Iraqi insurgency: Quote:
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#57 (permalink) | ||
and the majority of Christian fundamentalists to unquestioningly support a man who mouths the "Christian Ethic", but is not a member of a Christian congregation, or attend worship services at a church. Rove instructed Bush four years ago to declare that Jesus was his favorite philosopher, and that he was a "saved" Christian and you "bought it". Please explain why Bush, who agrees with you that "abortion is murder", a president whose party controls both houses of congress, has not even introduced a legislative bill designed to ban abortion? He paid lip service to your beliefs by signing a bill so flawed legally as to insure it's intended demise, that only limits third trimester abortion. Bush only has to "talk your talk" by mouthing whatever Karl Rove conceives that will harvest your political support and you will overlook all of Bush's manipulative religious hypocricy and unChristian international agenda. Your Christian President and his Christian party crafted a conservative Christian platform at the NYC convention last month , and then never mentioned it during prime time. They paid lip service to your conservative Christian agenda, and then trotted out prime time speakers like pro choice advocates Giuliani and Shwarznegger. While you are distracted by non-issues such as the public display of the ten commandments, Rove is free to cultivate moderate non-Christian and non-religious voters by offering them a knowing wink that assures them that he is only patronizing the Christian fundamentalist platform to stregthen Bush's base. Rove enjoys the fact that you are so easy to keep under control, under the "big tent". Kerry and his party won't pay lip service to your homophobia and your goal of "Christianizing" this country. Bush and Rove fool you into believing that they are sincerely attempting to accomplish your goals, but they will never give you more than the minimum, because giving you more would lessen their political power. Do you see any display of the text of the Republican party platform in the main stream press? Rove knows that your platform items will not attract swing voters, or even a majority of registered Republicans. Quote:
murder", and that you have to be patient until he gets re-selected, and then he'll stop at nothing to achieve a federal ban on all abortions, but first, they have to lure some pro-choice Republicans into their "big tent" by deceiving them into thinking that Bush is not serious about implementimg your platform items. I like Kerry's honest answer, that he doesn't believe in making laws that interfere with a woman's right to choose. Seems fairer to women who can't afford to confidentially fly to another jurisdiction where abortion is legally available, if your agenda should ever actually become law in the U.S. I guess you will declare victory if you can use the law to compell full term pregnancies for women who aren't wealthy. I've always wondered how you would deal with knowing that the uterus of a wealthy woman is beyond your control. I guess you would find solace in legislating compulsive pregnancies only for the women on the lower rungs of the economic ladder. |
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#59 (permalink) | |
Leave me alone!
Location: Alaska, USA
Back button again, I must be getting old. |
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#60 (permalink) | |
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#61 (permalink) |
Location: Southpark, Colorado
The intent is to display the MORALITY of this country. Not to impose religion. Christian ideas teach moral value which everyone should strive to maintain. The commandments are displayed as a reminder of one of the first forms of written law which laws subsequently have been based on.
If you ever catch on fire, try to avoid looking in a mirror, because I bet that will really throw you into a panic. - Jack Handy |
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#63 (permalink) |
If your faith is so small that you need to see religious icons everywhere you look to reinsure you that you are correct I suggest you do some more soul searching. If everyone else on the planet didn't believe i'd still believe. It's called faith.
I'd rather not have 10 commandments displayed outside and have let needless deaths then have more needless deaths and have 10 commandments displayed. |
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#64 (permalink) | |
Location: BFE
Rekna, appeasement has never worked. Kerry makes Chamberlaine look like a piker at the "fine art" of appeasement.
Host: There was more than just the one "Dear Commandante" letter you quoted. Quote:
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#65 (permalink) | |
Location: In the land of ice and snow.
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#66 (permalink) |
Location: Wandering in the Desert of Life
As someone who has supported Senator Kerry from the day he announced, I will respectfully disagree with those who think he is a poor candidate. It is notoriously difficult to defeat an incumbent president, particularly while in the midst of a war. The Senator is statistically tied with the President and seems to have the momentum. Is John Kerry the IDEAL candidate - no, he is not. But he is certainly qualified and capable and if elected, will surprise many of you with his skill, leadership and political acumen. I spent yesterday(the day of the final debate) working for the Senator's campaign in Arizona and attending the rally after the debate. I was surrounded by excited, devoted and commited Kerry supporters. Certainly some were ABBers, but the vast majority were excited and passionate about their candidate. Never underestimate Kerry, others have and have usually regretted it.
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so." -Douglas Adams |
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#67 (permalink) | ||||
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#69 (permalink) |
All this negative comparison to Clinto?
I am beginning to think not only is Kerry more honest than Clinton but also more intelligent. The Viet Nam speaches he made, which conservatives quote out of context as much as they can, are a triumphant achievement for a kid in his early twenties. This man should be compared to JFK not Clinton... At least JFK had better taste in women to have affairs with... Kerry on the other hand seems to have a nice looking rich woman of high intelligence and integrity crazy about him. |
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#70 (permalink) | |
Location: atlanta, ga
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#71 (permalink) | |
Location: atlanta, ga
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#72 (permalink) | |
Location: atlanta, ga
Shows Bush up now. But polls are polls. I don't trust them much. Too irregular. |
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bad, candidate, kerry |