Originally Posted by ^Ice_Bat^
Strong Christian... You'd support a party which suppots the removal of the 10 commandments from our government buildings? You'd support the removal of "under God" from our pledge of allegance? You'd support a party which is for these things, yet thinks it's perfectly ok for a city in Michigan to hold a Muslim rally which boasts anti-American ideas? Christianity is a basis for much of our laws that govern our country, as well as the values which we hold dear. It is what our nation was founded on and that is a historical fact. You'd support a party that wants to get rid of history... strong Christian.
None of those things you mention prevent me from worshiping God nor anyone else. The bible does not tell us to force religion upon others. It tells us to inform them and then they can make a choice. Being forced into worshiping means nothing. God gave us free will so we could CHOOSE to love him. People have to make that choice on their own. If someone doesn't make that choice then it is between them and God and NO ONE else.